Launching 32 satellites in 6 years, digging canals for 330 billion yuan? Defrauded the country of 28 billion yuan and has now lost contact

Launching 32 satellites in 6 years, digging canals for 330 billion yuan? Defrauded the country of 28 billion yuan and has now lost contact

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Business Aesthetics Collision! The Honor Watch 4Pro makes a stunning debut, making you fall in love at a glance!

Business Aesthetics Collision! The Honor Watch 4Pro makes a stunning debut, making you fall in love at a glance!

The Honor Watch 4Pro, a smart wearable new product with a strong business aesthetic design, has recently attracted widespread attention. In the diversified development of the intelligent wearable market, the Honor Watch 4Pro showcases extraordinary charm with its unique design style and powerful functions...

What kind of technology is needed to offset the death penalty after submission?

What kind of technology is needed to offset the death penalty after submission?

@Magic Conch: If I create controllable nuclear fusion, can I marry Hong Zhenying as my wife@PW: Quantum communication, curvature engine, controllable nuclear fusion, these three pieces come together. If you want to be the head of the Earth, you can do it...

The inaugural meeting of the first digital

The inaugural meeting of the first digital "three products" innovation and development competition was officially held

On October 18th, the opening meeting of the 2023 "Three Products" National Tour (Hebei Station) and the first digital "Three Products" innovation and development competition, jointly organized by the China Institute of Electronic Information Industry Development and the Hebei Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, was officially held.According to the competition organizing committee;, The theme of this competition is "Digital Intelligence Empowering Consumption Upgrade", aiming to implement the requirements of the "Digital Assistance to the" Three Products "Action Plan for the Consumer Goods Industry (2022-2025)", strengthen the supply of digital solutions for the consumer goods industry, and comprehensively support technological innovation, product innovation, and application innovation in the consumer goods industry...

Microsoft Announces Accessibility Update for Xbox and PC Players

Microsoft Announces Accessibility Update for Xbox and PC Players

On October 18th, Microsoft announced that it will provide players on Xbox consoles and Windows PCs with a series of auxiliary feature updates, including using controllers to remap keyboard keys, more accessible auxiliary shortcuts, and updates in the Microsoft Store.Players can now place their console in pairing mode using Xbox media remote control, digital assistant voice commands, or previously paired controllers in comfortable places such as sofas, wheelchairs, and hospital beds to connect the new controller to their console, "Microsoft explained...

Baichuan Intelligent Announces $300 million in A1 Round Financing

Baichuan Intelligent Announces $300 million in A1 Round Financing

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On October 17th, Baichuan Intelligent announced that it has completed the A1 round of strategic financing, with a financing amount of 300 million US dollars. Technology giants such as Alibaba, Tencent, Xiaomi, and multiple top investment institutions have all participated in this round of financing...

Wenxin large models 4.0 was officially released, Robin Lee: the comprehensive level is no inferior to GPT-4

Wenxin large models 4.0 was officially released, Robin Lee: the comprehensive level is no inferior to GPT-4

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On the morning of October 17, at the 2023 Baidu World Conference, Robin Lee, the founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, announced the official release of Wenxin large models 4.0, opening the invitation test...

China's manned space industry is making significant progress as the space station enters a new stage of normalized operation

China's manned space industry is making significant progress as the space station enters a new stage of normalized operation

CCTV News:From welcoming the first Chinese visitor in the vast space to today, in 20 years, China's manned space program has gone from the end of the "first step" to the comprehensive completion of the "three step" strategy, and the space station has also entered a new stage of normalized operation.At 5:20 am on October 15, 2003, the launch ceremony of the Shenzhou-5 astronaut was held at the Wentian Pavilion of the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center...

Why has the Chengdu Lanzhou Railway been under construction for more than ten years and not yet opened to traffic? There are four main reasons behind it

Why has the Chengdu Lanzhou Railway been under construction for more than ten years and not yet opened to traffic? There are four main reasons behind it

Traveling through the vast land of China, the railway is like a vibrant dragon, connecting the north and south of the Yangtze River. In the southwest of our country, a brand new "Heavenly Road" is being gradually drawn, which is the Chengdu Lanzhou Railway connecting Sichuan and Gansu...

The real version is so rich! Karamay Black Oil Mountain, Xinjiang, does not need to exploit the oil to take it out

The real version is so rich! Karamay Black Oil Mountain, Xinjiang, does not need to exploit the oil to take it out

You may have heard of the oil country in the Middle East, which is rich in oil resources and has low extraction costs, making it the world's largest oil export region. But you know what?In Xinjiang, our motherland, there is also a place where oil does not need to be extracted and can be poured out on its own!This place is the Heiyou Mountain in the northeast of Karamay City...

First issue! TOP 30! The achievements of Peking University of Science and Technology have been selected for the CCUS billion yuan level funding program!

First issue! TOP 30! The achievements of Peking University of Science and Technology have been selected for the CCUS billion yuan level funding program!

Recently, Tencent's "Carbon Search Plan"The first round of award ceremony was held in ShenzhenHosted by Beijing University of Science and TechnologyAchievements supported by Hegang Group and Jinyu GroupSelective Control of Carbon2Rock Steel Slag CarbonizationAnd resource integration technology "Stand out from over 300 declared projectsSelected as one of Tencent's top 30 projects in the first phase of the "Carbon Search Plan"The project was jointly applied for by Professor Su Wei from the School of Energy and Environmental Engineering and Associate Professor Li Jiajie from the School of Civil and Resource Engineering, and completed under the guidance of Professor Xing Yi and Professor Ni Wen. This is a high-quality innovative achievement achieved by our school in fully promoting organized scientific research, advocating interdisciplinary research among young teachers, and promoting deep integration of industry, academia, and research...

Shocked! Is Huawei Mate60Pro Satellite Call Real? Revealing the Black Technology of Satellite Communication

Shocked! Is Huawei Mate60Pro Satellite Call Real? Revealing the Black Technology of Satellite Communication

Recently, Huawei's latest Mate60Pro phone was revealed to have satellite call functionality, and as a result, American media immediately questioned whether it was fake.However, according to the official statements of Huawei and China Satcom, the satellite call function of Mate60Pro is real and available, and questioning is purely a misunderstanding of the technical principles...