The largest reservoir in Asia has been built between the two deserts, and now the blue waves are rippling and a hundred birds are singing together

The largest reservoir in Asia has been built between the two deserts, and now the blue waves are rippling and a hundred birds are singing together

Tengger Desert is one of the four deserts in China. The Great Wall of South Vietnam stretches to Helan Mountain in the east and Yabulai Mountain in the west, covering an area of about 30000 square kilometers...

Have worries come true now? 30 years ago, 9 experts refused to sign the Three Gorges consent form

Have worries come true now? 30 years ago, 9 experts refused to sign the Three Gorges consent form

Looking back 30 years ago, in order to build the Three Gorges Project, nine experts insisted on not signing the consent form regarding the impact and consequences of the project. Now, we cannot help but ask, have the concerns of those experts who refused to sign been fulfilled? In this article, we will explore the various impacts brought about by the construction of the Three Gorges Project and analyze whether these impacts are in line with the concerns of experts at the time...

You break the chip, I break the steel! China breaks the Western monopoly for 30 years, and now it's Europe and America's turn to get stuck

You break the chip, I break the steel! China breaks the Western monopoly for 30 years, and now it's Europe and America's turn to get stuck

Shen Yan CaseThe article was originally created and published by the headline of the Shen Yan case. Please do not plagiarize or reprint itThe 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games has come to an end, and the new technologies exhibited by China at this Asian Games have also left foreign friends stunned...

Is the Luozhan Railway a rusty railway that pulls air? Only those who have sat before know

Is the Luozhan Railway a rusty railway that pulls air? Only those who have sat before know

Ladies and gentlemen, click on 'Follow' in the upper right corner, which not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!Luozhan Railway: Rusty Railway or Air Pulling Railway? The Luozhan Railway is jokingly referred to by many as a rusty railway, and some netizens even refer to it as a railway that pulls air...

High end Instrument and Meter Innovation and Development Forum Held in Beijing, Jointly Exploring New Industrial Paths

High end Instrument and Meter Innovation and Development Forum Held in Beijing, Jointly Exploring New Industrial Paths

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Sun JieAccelerate the construction of a manufacturing powerhouse, what are high-end equipment enterprises for? On October 13th, the 2023 High end Instrument and Meter Innovation and Development Forum was held in Beijing. More than 270 academicians, industry experts, and business representatives focused on the opportunities and challenges faced by Chinese enterprises, conducting in-depth exchanges on topics such as the development of high-end instrument technology and high-quality manufacturing industry, and jointly exploring new paths for the integrated development of high-end, green, and intelligent industries...

Qualcomm announces 2.5% layoffs in California, USA: involving over 1200 people

Qualcomm announces 2.5% layoffs in California, USA: involving over 1200 people

Qualcomm plans to start a new round of layoffs.On October 13th, American chip giant Qualcomm announced in a document submitted to the California Department of Employment and Development that it will lay off 2...

Refusing to use the Hongmeng system, Xiaomi officially announced that it will

Refusing to use the Hongmeng system, Xiaomi officially announced that it will "compete comprehensively" with Huawei!

Text/Small White DotEdit/Little White DotIn recent years, due to changes in the external environment, Chinese technology giant Huawei has faced unprecedented challenges. The sudden cut off of supply to Huawei by the United States undoubtedly brought tremendous pressure to Huawei...

Accumulated shipment of 1 million pieces! Domestic AI chips have reached new heights, and China's technological rise is unstoppable!

Accumulated shipment of 1 million pieces! Domestic AI chips have reached new heights, and China's technological rise is unstoppable!

Recently, there is a big news that the domestic AI chip industry is finally about to rise! There is no other reason, just from a single data point can be seen - from the first half of 2022 to 2023, the shipment volume of AI chips in China directly reached 500000 pieces! This does not include the self consumption of complete machine manufacturers like Huawei. If that part is truly included, it is estimated to directly exceed 1 million...

No matter which city you are in, you don't need to install broadband. ZTE U50Pro can help you achieve

No matter which city you are in, you don't need to install broadband. ZTE U50Pro can help you achieve

Many friends may have heard about ZTE U50Pro, a mobile portable WiFi, but due to its high price, many may be struggling to determine whether it is worth buying.The current bare metal price of ZTE U50Pro is 1649, and its configuration uses Qualcomm's X62 chip, which is a 4nm 5G baseband chip...

Generate 10000 character novels with one click! Chinese online publishing of big models: not a complete transfer of creative rights

Generate 10000 character novels with one click! Chinese online publishing of big models: not a complete transfer of creative rights

As long as you have creative ideas, 'Xiaoyao Big Model' can help you write novels of ten thousand words, giving more ordinary people the opportunity to be seen in their livesOn October 13th, Tong Zhilei, Chairman of China Online Group Co., Ltd...

Taiwanese media: Not only is there a shortage of people, but American experts analyze multiple reasons for TSMC's delayed factory construction in the United States

Taiwanese media: Not only is there a shortage of people, but American experts analyze multiple reasons for TSMC's delayed factory construction in the United States

Source: Global NetworkTSMC's Arizona plant in the United States recently announced that the production time for the 4-nanometer process will be postponed from the end of 2024 to 2025. According to a report by Taiwan's China Times News Network on the 13th, citing the website of the US financial magazine Barron Weekly, JPMorgan Chase's research director in the Asia Pacific technology field, Harry Haran, analyzed that the delay in the construction of TSMC's US factory is not only due to personnel shortages, but also due to difficulties in machine installation, difficulty in finding skilled labor, uncertainty or risk of delay in funding for the "Chip Act", as well as weak overall demand for cutting-edge processes...

Now it's

Now it's "earned" again! A "Giant Treasure" Discovered in Sichuan, Foreign Media: What Does China Need

Discovery of Giant Treasures in Sichuan: Rhenium Mining has attracted global attention. China has achieved tremendous development in the past 70 years, with an economic growth rate of over 10% for 40 consecutive years, becoming an unprecedented and unprecedented dark horse...