2023 World Internet Conference | Xinhua III: Innovative Digital Intelligence Embracing the Future of AI

2023 World Internet Conference | Xinhua III: Innovative Digital Intelligence Embracing the Future of AI

Global Network Technology Report&Nbsp;reporter&Nbsp;Lindy118102023&Nbsp;geoponics AIEmpowering a hundred industries2023 is the tenth year of the Wuzhen Summit of the World Internet Conference. This year, the conference focuses on the new digital situation and actively promotes the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace, focusing on popular topics such as global development initiatives, digital green collaborative transformation, artificial intelligence, and computing power networks...

Artificial gasoline technology has been improved, with a cost of less than three yuan per liter! But the result is simply unable to promote?

Artificial gasoline technology has been improved, with a cost of less than three yuan per liter! But the result is simply unable to promote?

With the increasing global attention to environmental protection and energy security, various innovative energy technologies are constantly emerging. In March 2022, the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences publicly announced that they had created "artificial gasoline" by kneading carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas together...

Omron: Innovation should take sustainability as the

Omron: Innovation should take sustainability as the "path" and quality as the "rope"

Global Network Technology Report&Nbsp;reporter&Nbsp;LindyEntering the lobby of Omron (Dalian) factory, a model of a new factory catches your eye. The production building has a total of three floors, covering an area of 23300 square meters...

Apple executives claim to have not passed on environmental costs to consumers

Apple executives claim to have not passed on environmental costs to consumers

On November 9th, according to foreign media, Apple Vice President Lisa Jackson stated that Apple will not charge additional fees for the widely used "environmentally friendly" technology in its consumer products.Jackson stated that Apple's market value is approximately $2...

The 6th China Import Expo: Announcement of Multiple Achievements in the 2023 Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor

The 6th China Import Expo: Announcement of Multiple Achievements in the 2023 Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor

During the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE), the 2023 Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor High Quality Development Elements Matchmaking Conference was officially held. At the meeting, G60 "one corridor and nine cities" went together to the future...

The official has only now come up with a solution to the problem of difficulty and high cost of watching TV for everyone! Is it too late?

The official has only now come up with a solution to the problem of difficulty and high cost of watching TV for everyone! Is it too late?

Television used to be the most loyal companion of the common people at night, and it was also the main source of information and entertainment. However, with the passage of time, television is gradually being replaced by emerging online video platforms...

Do you know the 20 hidden functions of Oppo phones?

Do you know the 20 hidden functions of Oppo phones?


Foxconn Terry Gou counterattacks! What is your intention to announce the cancellation of all overtime after clarifying the rumors?

Foxconn Terry Gou counterattacks! What is your intention to announce the cancellation of all overtime after clarifying the rumors?

Foxconn was previously exposed to investigation by two major departments. Firstly, the tax department conducted tax inspections on its enterprises in Guangdong and Jiangsu; Secondly, the Ministry of Natural Resources conducted on-site investigations on Foxconn's land use in Henan, Hubei, and other areas...

Jack Ma once predicted that the three major cancers will afflict every family in the next decade, has it become a reality now?

Jack Ma once predicted that the three major cancers will afflict every family in the next decade, has it become a reality now?

As is well known, Jack Ma is a highly ambitious and idealistic entrepreneur who has made outstanding contributions to the development of China's technology industry over the years. For example, he once offended banks in order to change China's mobile payment industry, and even had to "wrestle" with giants in monopolistic industries such as China Mobile, telecommunications, and China Unicom...

News broadcast, finally no one is watching, do you know why?

News broadcast, finally no one is watching, do you know why?

That's great. The news broadcast is finally gone...

Is it true that the United States does not recognize Huawei's patents? Is Huawei's 20000 patent still useful?

Is it true that the United States does not recognize Huawei's patents? Is Huawei's 20000 patent still useful?

followfollowExpanding our horizons and understanding the differences between different countries and cultures not only helps to promote respect for cultural diversity, but also brings new opportunities for our personal and professional development.Is it true that the United States does not recognize Huawei's patents? Is Huawei's 20000 patent still useful?followImportant events such as the complete passage of the Countering Chinese Espionage Reporting Act...

The preliminary selection of China's manned lunar rover scheme was announced Inspired by the bronze chariots and horses of the Terra Cotta Warriors

The preliminary selection of China's manned lunar rover scheme was announced Inspired by the bronze chariots and horses of the Terra Cotta Warriors

A few days ago, the China Manned Space Engineering Office released the preliminary selection results for the development plan of manned lunar rovers, and the development plan "Wangshu Chariot" led by Tsinghua University was selected.The Tsinghua University News Network publicly introduced the design concept and released the concept map...