Alibaba Wu Yongming: To be an open technology platform that serves AI innovation in the entire society

Alibaba Wu Yongming: To be an open technology platform that serves AI innovation in the entire society

On the morning of November 8th, the 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit opened in Wuzhen, Tongxiang, Zhejiang. Alibaba Group CEO Wu Yongming spoke on behalf of leading companies at the plenary meeting...

Milan EICMA Release: Ninth Company Segway Launches Innovative Hybrid All Terrain Models, Leading the Adventure Era

Milan EICMA Release: Ninth Company Segway Launches Innovative Hybrid All Terrain Models, Leading the Adventure Era

On November 7, 2023, Milan time, EICMA2023 International Motorcycle, one of the global international motorcycle exhibitions, was held in Milan, Italy. SegwayPowersports, an all terrain vehicle brand under Company 9, launched a new generation of high-end flagship models - the SuperVillainSX20THybrid...

Shenzhen Institute of Computing Technology Releases Original Database YashanDB

Shenzhen Institute of Computing Technology Releases Original Database YashanDB

On November 8th, Shenzhen Institute of Computing Sciences (referred to as "Shenzhen Institute") released its self-designed and developed domestic new database system YashanDB for the year 2023. The Yashan database system shared cluster, spatial database, and real-time data warehouse three new products, as well as five industry-level solutions, were unveiled...

What is special about the Nu River, the only major river in China that has not built a hydropower station? Why not build a huge water flow?

What is special about the Nu River, the only major river in China that has not built a hydropower station? Why not build a huge water flow?

Text: Mr. PenholderEditor: Mr...

The Pornographic Dark Network Behind the Domestic

The Pornographic Dark Network Behind the Domestic "Room N"? Stealth filming? Video packaging and selling?

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Double 11 Flying Pig Launches High end Economy Class Value Added Services

Double 11 Flying Pig Launches High end Economy Class Value Added Services

On November 7th, according to Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report, during the Double Eleven period this year, Feizhu launched a high-end economy class value-added service based on the airline's high-end economy class experience and rights. Starting from November 11th, after consumers book domestic high-end economy class tickets from various airlines on Feizhu, Feizhu will provide them with additional airport fast security benefits, Feizhu mileage, and exclusive customer service services...

At 8 o'clock in the morning, there is new news from the international community! The Chinese space station does not comply with international regulations

At 8 o'clock in the morning, there is new news from the international community! The Chinese space station does not comply with international regulations

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WeWork China declares that it has independently operated and managed, and will not participate in strategic restructuring

WeWork China declares that it has independently operated and managed, and will not participate in strategic restructuring

On November 7th, WeWork China recently released a statement stating that the significant strategic restructuring decision made by WeWork in the United States and Canada is not related to WeWork China.WeWork China emphasizes that it separated from WeWork as early as the end of 2020...

Sudden! Does the Chinese space station not comply with international regulations? Just now, there was new news from the international community

Sudden! Does the Chinese space station not comply with international regulations? Just now, there was new news from the international community

The relationship between the Chinese space station CSS project and international regulations has always been of great concern. This project has a significant impact on international cooperation and future space activities...

Previously eliminated by our country, it is now directly popular in Southeast Asia. Local people: Is it so convenient for China not to use it?

Previously eliminated by our country, it is now directly popular in Southeast Asia. Local people: Is it so convenient for China not to use it?

Ladies and gentlemen, please click in the upper right cornerFollowDon't miss out on exciting content, easy to view at any time.Knowledge of Bread ClipsEditing | Bread Clip KnowledgePrefaceChina's current development can be said to be rapid, and various industries in China are showing a trend of vigorous development...

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's de sinicization has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China is no longer bowing its head!

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's de sinicization has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China is no longer bowing its head!

Challenges and Opportunities: Apple's Exploration and Transformation in the Chinese Market In this increasingly changing world, even technology leaders cannot avoid market challenges. Taking Apple as an example, its recent performance in the Chinese market has become a hot topic...

The 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference was successfully held in Qingyang, Gansu

The 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference was successfully held in Qingyang, Gansu

On November 3rd, the 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference with the theme of "Cloud Gathering Ecology, Digital Projection of the Future" was successfully held in Qingyang City, Gansu Province. As a stop in the Huawei Cloud's "Hundred Cities, Ten Thousand Enterprises Travel to China" special action, this conference revolves around digital transformation, discusses new opportunities for the "East Digital and West Computing" project, and explores innovative paths for the development of Qingyang's digital economy and rendering industry...