The inaugural meeting of the first digital

The inaugural meeting of the first digital "three products" innovation and development competition was officially held

On October 18th, the opening meeting of the 2023 "Three Products" National Tour (Hebei Station) and the first digital "Three Products" innovation and development competition, jointly organized by the China Institute of Electronic Information Industry Development and the Hebei Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, was officially held.According to the competition organizing committee;, The theme of this competition is "Digital Intelligence Empowering Consumption Upgrade", aiming to implement the requirements of the "Digital Assistance to the" Three Products "Action Plan for the Consumer Goods Industry (2022-2025)", strengthen the supply of digital solutions for the consumer goods industry, and comprehensively support technological innovation, product innovation, and application innovation in the consumer goods industry...

Wenxin large models 4.0 was officially released, Robin Lee: the comprehensive level is no inferior to GPT-4

Wenxin large models 4.0 was officially released, Robin Lee: the comprehensive level is no inferior to GPT-4

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On the morning of October 17, at the 2023 Baidu World Conference, Robin Lee, the founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, announced the official release of Wenxin large models 4.0, opening the invitation test...

Refusing to use the Hongmeng system, Xiaomi officially announced that it will

Refusing to use the Hongmeng system, Xiaomi officially announced that it will "compete comprehensively" with Huawei!

Text/Small White DotEdit/Little White DotIn recent years, due to changes in the external environment, Chinese technology giant Huawei has faced unprecedented challenges. The sudden cut off of supply to Huawei by the United States undoubtedly brought tremendous pressure to Huawei...

Focus on the international biomedicine frontier race track: the type 2 diabetes living biological drug pipeline was officially launched in Zhangjiang Pharmaceutical Valley

Focus on the international biomedicine frontier race track: the type 2 diabetes living biological drug pipeline was officially launched in Zhangjiang Pharmaceutical Valley

On October 8, under the witness of the General Health Professional Committee of Shanghai Modern Service Industry Federation, Zhangjiang Living diabetes II (T2D) Living Biological Drug (LBP) pipeline of Zhangjiang Living Biological Drug Research and Development Center was officially launched. Jian Danian, Vice President of Shanghai Modern Service Industry Federation, stated that the federation will continue to closely adhere to Shanghai's modern industrial system and introduce more high-level technology enterprises to Pudong and Zhangjiang...

Is Huawei's mobile phone rejecting Foxconn's OEM request? The official has already responded

Is Huawei's mobile phone rejecting Foxconn's OEM request? The official has already responded

Recently, Mobile China noticed that there were reports on the internet that Huawei has issued a statement rejecting Foxconn's request for OEM, which has attracted the attention of many netizens. However, this news is not true...


2023 "Science is also an idol" short video solicitation activity officially launched online voting

2023 "Science is also an Idol" Short Video Solicitation ActivityReceived over 2200 submissions in totalPreliminary evaluation669 works have been shortlisted for online votingFrom today to October 16thSocial public can click2023 "Science is also an Idol" Theme Work Online VotingEnter the voting pageVote for your favorite workVoting periodUsers can cast 10 votes per dayCan vote continuously on the same workYou can also vote separately for different works in different groupsMake science "trendy" and create new idols of the timesWhat are you waiting for? Hurry up and participate in the votingLet's take a video and see how trendy science isListen to what scientists sayAnd vote for the work that most touches youIt is strictly prohibited to swipe tickets in any way during this voting activityOnce verifiedThe organizer will clear invalid votesAnd reserve the right to cancel the selected works as appropriate*The organizer will not demand voting support or advertising under any pretext. Please do not trust text messages or phone calls from unknown channels to avoid fraud...

Apple iOS17 officially released: CarPlay adds 5 new features, including co playback sharing, dark mode, and more

Apple iOS17 officially released: CarPlay adds 5 new features, including co playback sharing, dark mode, and more

Recently,IOS17 has been officially released, and many friends may have already updated it. Among them, Carplay has also added 5 new features such as co playback sharing, dark mode, and wallpaper...

Just now, Apple released the official version update for iOS 17.0.3

Just now, Apple released the official version update for iOS 17.0.3

Just now, Apple has released the official version update of iOS 17.0...

On the evening of the 19th, can't you carry it anymore? The United States has officially announced a ban on lithography machines, while the Netherlands has sold me

On the evening of the 19th, can't you carry it anymore? The United States has officially announced a ban on lithography machines, while the Netherlands has sold me

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on 'Follow', which not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...


Apple's "Braid" customer service has caused controversy, and the image is still on the official website

Apple company is in trouble!Recently, on the Apple Watch page on the official website, a Specialist expert online helped you select customer service image images one-on-one, which caused dissatisfaction among many netizens. Especially, the character image in the image had a "braid", and many netizens said, "This braid really makes me feel full of maliceImage of Apple's "Braid" customer service...

Officially entering the toothpaste race! Guangyao Baiyun Toothpaste officially released, endorsed by the Olympic champion

Officially entering the toothpaste race! Guangyao Baiyun Toothpaste officially released, endorsed by the Olympic champion

In less than two months, Baiyun Toothpaste of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group was officially launched.Recently, the three major series of new products of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Baiyun Toothpaste were officially released...

The beauty

The beauty "Song Thigh" officially announces joining the Ideal Car! Next step: Ideal phone?

The ideal car officially joined by the beauty "Song Thigh". And recently, there was an official promotion, affectionately referred to by netizens as "Song Thigh", which is actually called Song Ziwei, a very poetic and picturesque name...