Game Business Overlay with Intelligent Computing Power Concept: Century Huatong Accelerates into a Growth Channel

Game Business Overlay with Intelligent Computing Power Concept: Century Huatong Accelerates into a Growth Channel

Entering July, the A-share market has ushered in the mid reporting season again, with many companies with increasing performance taking the lead in sending out "good news" to the market. As the leader of the gaming industry, Century Huatong has also released a beautiful semi annual pre increase announcement to the public...

After fixing the computer and bargaining, the angry boss went crazy. After being haggled, he was so angry that he collapsed. The shop owner said, 'Don't use the internet to rape her!'!

After fixing the computer and bargaining, the angry boss went crazy. After being haggled, he was so angry that he collapsed. The shop owner said, 'Don't use the internet to rape her!'!

Repairing Computers, Bargaining Prices, Angry Boss Follow upThe shopkeeper was so angry that he collapsed after being haggled that he said, 'Everyone, don't use internet violence against women!'!In daily life, people often bargain when buying things, such as cutting a small amount when buying groceries or a few dollars when buying clothes and shoes, all of which can be cut off. But if the bargaining goes too far, the boss won't sell either, after all, the boss is not stupid, who would do a loss making business...

In the GPT era, searching for the computing power fulcrum of the iFlytek Spark model

In the GPT era, searching for the computing power fulcrum of the iFlytek Spark model

The emergence of large models is still ongoing.At the Zhongguancun Forum held at the end of May, experts revealed that 79 large-scale models with parameters above 1 billion in China had been released, and another batch of large-scale models were released in bulk at the recently concluded World Artificial Intelligence Conference...

Intel Zhang Yu: edge computing plays an important role in the entire AI ecosystem

Intel Zhang Yu: edge computing plays an important role in the entire AI ecosystem

Global Network Technology Reporter Lin Mengxue: Currently, generative AI and large models are showing a high fever worldwide. During the recently passed 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC 2023), various manufacturers have launched a "hundred model war"...

Hema Shanghai Supply Chain Center is put into operation and can sort over 2.8 million orders per day

Hema Shanghai Supply Chain Center is put into operation and can sort over 2.8 million orders per day

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On July 10th, it was reported that after three years, Hema Shanghai Supply Chain Operations Center was officially put into operation. It is understood that the center is located in Hangtou Town, Pudong...

Antchain FAIR platform launches Trusted Computing architecture based on Zero-knowledge proof

Antchain FAIR platform launches Trusted Computing architecture based on Zero-knowledge proof

[World Wide Web Technology Report] On July 8, at the 2023WAIC Global Blockchain Industry Summit Forum, Antchain announced that AntChainFAIR, a privacy collaboration platform, would upgrade its new architecture, introduce verifiable computing technology with Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) as the core, and expand from trusted data flow to the verifiability of computing process, data attributes, and identity. It is understood that this is an important upgrade to the core architecture of the FAIR platform after improving its large-scale computing capabilities last year, and it is also a continuous breakthrough for Ant Chain in the field of Web3 technology...

Mobile phones cannot be put together with these five things, many people don't understand. After reading them, please tell your family

Mobile phones cannot be put together with these five things, many people don't understand. After reading them, please tell your family

Mobile phones cannot be put together with these five things, many people don't understand. After reading them, please tell your familyMobile phones, this small device, have become an essential part of our lives...

Honor put down the shelf, 4nm flagship core+256GB+4800mAh, and quickly lowered 2100

Honor put down the shelf, 4nm flagship core+256GB+4800mAh, and quickly lowered 2100

When switching phones, most people may have the same concern: "How many years should I buy a flagship phone to last? Or do I switch to a cheap thousand yuan phone every year?" From my personal experience, I don't recommend buying a thousand yuan phone now because the configuration and optimization are not the same level as a flagship phone. More importantly, most flagship phones have lowered their prices and are not much more expensive than thousand yuan phones, Why choose a thousand yuan machine with a poor user experience when you can buy flagship products at a lower price?If you don't know which flagship has a higher cost-effectiveness, then the glory introduced today may satisfy you!This flagship is the high-end model of the Honor brand, but since the Honor Magic5 series has already been launched, the price reduction has been very significant since it became an old model...

Have you ever had the experience of finding

Have you ever had the experience of finding "official" and "authorized" when repairing a computer

Mr. Jin reported that he found a shop to inspect and repair the computer...

The largest cloud based research and intelligent computing platform for Chinese universities has been launched, and the public cloud model has significantly improved the efficiency of computing power utilization

The largest cloud based research and intelligent computing platform for Chinese universities has been launched, and the public cloud model has significantly improved the efficiency of computing power utilization

On June 27th, the largest cloud based research and intelligent computing platform CFFF (Computing for the Future at Fudan) in Chinese universities was officially launched at Fudan University. This scientific research "supercomputer" built to discover and solve complex scientific problems was jointly built by Fudan University and Alibaba Cloud...

The United States is exaggerating. It used to rely on a computer with 4KB of memory to achieve the miracle of landing on the moon

The United States is exaggerating. It used to rely on a computer with 4KB of memory to achieve the miracle of landing on the moon

The United States is too exaggerated. It was a computer with 4KB of memory that achieved the miracle of landing on the moon back then!In July 1969, when Apollo 11 landed on the surface of the moon, the world was shocked...

70000 businesses closed down! Why has the computer city that once swept the country slowly

70000 businesses closed down! Why has the computer city that once swept the country slowly "disappeared"?

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate discussion and sharing with you, and also to watch the next exciting article in a timely manner. Thank you very much for your attentionIn the past few years, China's computer city has been popular throughout the country...