What is the energy level of 850 "super power banks" that have been put into operation for new energy storage projects in China in the first half of the year?

With the popularization of renewable energy and the continuous expansion of power systems, energy storage technology is gradually becoming a hot topic worldwide. As a technology that can store and release energy, it can store electrical energy during low electricity consumption periods and release it when needed

With the popularization of renewable energy and the continuous expansion of power systems, energy storage technology is gradually becoming a hot topic worldwide. As a technology that can store and release energy, it can store electrical energy during low electricity consumption periods and release it when needed. Just like a huge power bank, it has enormous potential in solving the contradiction between power supply and demand, improving energy utilization efficiency, and reducing environmental pollution.

China Accelerates the Development of New Energy Storage Technologies

Since the beginning of this year, various regions in China have accelerated the implementation of energy storage projects, diversified the development of energy storage technologies, and new technologies are constantly emerging.

In the past two days, in Zhongning County, Ningxia, the construction of the first 100 megawatt level artificial underground compressed air energy storage project in China has been fully launched. The project excavated a circular gas storage tank at a depth of 150 meters underground, using surplus electrical energy to drive the compressor, compressing the air to a high-pressure state and storing it in the gas storage system. The total designed gas storage capacity of the project is 100000 cubic meters, which is equivalent to 40 standard swimming pools.

Xue Jianhua, Commander in Chief of Datang Zhongning Compressed Air Energy Storage Project:The project has overcome a series of technical difficulties and formed a complete set of compressed air energy storage artificial underground gas storage technology system suitable for most geological conditions in China. It has overcome problems such as limited site selection, high cost, and low efficiency. After the project is completed, the annual power generation can reach 118.8 million kilowatt hours, which can meet the annual electricity consumption of nearly 100000 ordinary households.

In Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia, the second and third phases of the new generation grid friendly green power station demonstration project are being accelerated. The project includes 1.7 million kilowatts of wind power, 300000 kilowatts of photovoltaic power, and four 220 kV energy storage booster stations for energy storage.

With the vigorous development of the new energy storage industry, various regions have increased their layout. Guangdong has recently established a dedicated team to promote the high-quality development of the new energy storage industry, promoting the rapid production and production of ongoing projects. Shandong will add 12 new energy storage projects this year to further promote the development of the energy storage field; Jiangsu plans to achieve a scale of 5 million kilowatts of new energy storage projects by 2027.

In the first half of this year, the scale of new energy storage installations in China continued to grow rapidly, with a total of 850 projects already in operation, more than twice the amount of the same period last year; The cumulative installed capacity of the new energy storage system has reached 20 gigawatts (note: 1 gigawatt=1 billion watts), of which 13.1 gigawatts were installed in 2022 and 6.9 gigawatts were installed in the first half of this year.

Yang Xudong, Deputy Director of the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology:Next, we will promote the development and application of new energy storage products and technological innovation, and promote the high-quality development of new battery industries such as lithium batteries, sodium ion batteries, hydrogen fuel cells, liquid flow batteries, and supercapacitors.

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What is a new energy storage technology?

Compared with traditional fossil fuels, the unstable and intermittent power generation problems in the wind and photovoltaic industries require the peak shaving and frequency modulation capabilities of energy storage equipment to solve. So, what is a new type of energy storage?

Energy storage refers to the process of converting electrical energy into other forms of energy through physical or chemical means for storage, and releasing it when needed, similar to a large "power bank".

Currently, energy storage methods are mainly divided into two categories: physical energy storage and chemical energy storage. Physical energy storage mainly includes pumped storage, compressed air storage, cold and heat storage, and flywheel energy storage; Chemical energy storage mainly includes lithium batteries, lead-acid batteries, flow batteries, sodium ion batteries, and supercapacitors. New energy storage projects are energy storage projects other than pumped storage.

The energy storage system is equivalent to a "reservoir", which can not only solve the instability problem of the power system caused by new energy generation, but also effectively improve the energy utilization and supply and demand balance of new energy generation.

According to data previously released by the National Energy Administration, as of the end of 2022, among the new energy storage installations in China, lithium-ion batteries accounted for 94.5% of energy storage, compressed air storage 2.0%, liquid flow battery storage 1.6%, lead-acid (carbon) battery storage 1.7%, and other technology routes 0.2%. Various energy storage technologies such as flywheel, gravity, and sodium ions have also entered the engineering demonstration stage.

New energy storage related standards

The market environment needs to be improved

Industry insiders have stated that as an emerging thing, new energy storage projects have been explored in terms of policy mechanisms, but they face problems such as incomplete electricity pricing policies, uneven product quality, high charging and discharging costs of built energy storage facilities, and low utilization efficiency.

Chen Haisheng, Director of the Energy Storage Committee of the China Energy Research Association:The energy storage technology itself still needs further development, mainly by expanding the scale system, further increasing its lifespan, and reducing costs. Forming a stable price mechanism that reflects the value of energy storage is conducive to the healthy and stable sustainable development of energy storage.

Experts say that there are currently many energy storage routes and wide application scenarios, and some new energy storage projects have problems that need to be addressed during their implementation and use, such as low technological maturity, high system and operational costs, and low market participation.

Chen Haisheng, Director of the Energy Storage Committee of the China Energy Research Association:Regarding the standards and norms for energy storage, we still need the joint efforts of the market, enterprises, and research institutions to jointly promote standardization work.

The National Energy Administration and relevant departments have currently issued documents such as the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage". In February of this year, the National Energy Administration issued the first national level planning technical document to guide the configuration and storage scale of new energy bases, the "Technical Guidelines for New Energy Storage Planning for Cross provincial and Regional Power Transmission Configuration of New Energy Bases", accelerating the construction of energy storage related standard systems. The Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage, issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, propose that by 2025, the transformation of new energy storage from initial commercialization to large-scale development will be achieved, with an installed capacity of over 30 million kilowatts. By 2030, the full market development of new energy storage will be achieved.

Source: CCTV News Client

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