Liu Qiangdong, One Son, One Daughter Recent Situation: Daughter Becomes a Princess by Petting, but Son Becomes an Eternal Pain

Liu Qiangdong, One Son, One Daughter Recent Situation: Daughter Becomes a Princess by Petting, but Son Becomes an Eternal Pain

A Brief Introduction to Wen/JingEditor/Jing Shallow TalkprefaceAs the founder of, Liu Qiangdong is a palace level figure on par with Ma Yunping in terms of domestic e-commerce status...

Serious shortage! Merchants rely on

Serious shortage! Merchants rely on "hands on speed" to purchase goods! Recently, it has been too popular

The laptop market has ushered in a traditional peak season during the opening season. What is the sales situation this year?The reporter saw at the Huaqiang North Electronics Mall in Shenzhen that consumers were standing around the laptop booth to make purchases...

Two recent incidents of aircraft deviating from the runway in East China: Civil Aviation East China Bureau Inspects Jinan Airport

Two recent incidents of aircraft deviating from the runway in East China: Civil Aviation East China Bureau Inspects Jinan Airport

The author recently learned that a joint inspection team consisting of the East China Civil Aviation Bureau, Shandong Civil Aviation Supervision Bureau, Shanghai Civil Aviation Supervision Bureau, Zhejiang Civil Aviation Supervision Bureau, Pudong Airport, and Nanjing Airport conducted a joint inspection of Jinan Airport from August 8 to August 11, 2023.(Picture of the bird drive track set up within the flat range of the runway landing strip at Jinan Airport)The joint inspection team has put forward suggestions regarding the situation where the bird drive track of Jinan Airport is located within the flat range of the lifting strip...

Decomposing the recently popular

Decomposing the recently popular "Zen Language" Little Monk Video - Revealing the Secret of Production Methods

Recently, a popular short video method on short video platforms has been "Little Monk" speaking Zen, and this little monk is generated by AI, and most of the short video work is also generated by AI.Many people are quickly gaining followers in this way...

China Telecom's Newly Appointed Vice President Luan Xiaowei: Recent Secrets Revealed: Publicly Appearing but Few People Discovered

China Telecom's Newly Appointed Vice President Luan Xiaowei: Recent Secrets Revealed: Publicly Appearing but Few People Discovered

Operator Finance Wu Bihui/WenIt has been several months since Luan Xiaowei was promoted to the position of Deputy General Manager of China Telecom Group, and he has only recently made a comprehensive appearance. What has he done recently? Next, the operator Caijing Network will also attempt to provide an introduction...

Tesla's rating has been heavily downgraded by major Wall Street banks, and its stock price has plummeted recently

Tesla's rating has been heavily downgraded by major Wall Street banks, and its stock price has plummeted recently

On Monday, June 27th, local time, Tesla closed 6.06% lower at $241...

A recent photo of 51-year-old Ma Huateng was exposed, his body was extremely thin, his lips were white, and his eyes were lifeless like AI

A recent photo of 51-year-old Ma Huateng was exposed, his body was extremely thin, his lips were white, and his eyes were lifeless like AI

The meaning of writing cannot be traced back to historyEditor | Unscrutableprefaceas forMa Huateng's name is well-known to everyone. He is a famous entrepreneur in China and also the founder of Tencent,He is naturally highly regarded in our daily lives, but he has always been relatively low-key, and naturally his photos are rarely circulated on the internet...

The heavy rain in recent days has given us a new understanding of new energy vehicles!

The heavy rain in recent days has given us a new understanding of new energy vehicles!

Due to the continuous increase in the number of cars, which has had a certain impact on air quality, relevant departments have taken a series of measures to alleviate this situation, such as supporting the implementation of the "National VI Standards" and the development of new energy. Currently, the domestic automobile market is considering the transformation of new energy vehicles, as oil resources are non renewable resources, and various regions are looking for ways to drive environmental protection and renewable resources...