JD Supply Chain Financial Technology Releases

JD Supply Chain Financial Technology Releases "Four Integrations" Strategic Direction

On October 25th, the 2023 JD Supply Chain Financial Technology Conference was held in Beijing. At the meeting, JD Technology released the strategic direction of "four integrations" of supply chain finance technology, namely "infield+outfield", "technology+finance", "upstream+downstream", and "B-end+C-end" integration...

The iQOO12 series of mobile phones are officially announced to be equipped with Snapdragon 8Gen3, and the first batch of models are about to be released

The iQOO12 series of mobile phones are officially announced to be equipped with Snapdragon 8Gen3, and the first batch of models are about to be released

On October 26th, iQOO officially announced that the iQOO12 series of phones will be the first to be equipped with the third-generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform (Snapdragon 8Gen3), which will be released in Guangzhou at 19:00 on November 7th. It stated that "strong teams are stronger than strong teams"...

The admission standards for cultural and gaming categories released on video accounts are temporarily not open to influencers

The admission standards for cultural and gaming categories released on video accounts are temporarily not open to influencers

On October 21st, Tencent released targeted admission and clearance standards for the video account showcase and entertainment category. At present, this standard is only applicable to video account display merchants under the second level category "Calligraphy/Painting"...

The first research result of Musk xAI is released! Founder member Yang Ge& Jointly created by alumni from Yaoban

The first research result of Musk xAI is released! Founder member Yang Ge& Jointly created by alumni from Yaoban

Xifeng Fish and Sheep Originating from Aofei TempleQuantum bit | official account QbitAIMusk's xAI, the first publicly available research result has arrived!One of the common works is a founding member of xAI and a disciple of Qiu Chengtongyoung (GregYang).young xAIMath for AIAI for Math...

The 2023CCF China Open Source Conference opens in Changsha, marking the official release of XPlaza, the first open source platform in China based on the Quanxinchuang platform

The 2023CCF China Open Source Conference opens in Changsha, marking the official release of XPlaza, the first open source platform in China based on the Quanxinchuang platform

Wang Huaimin (middle), an academician of the CAS Member and director of the CCF Open Source Development Committee, and others attended the sub forum.The theme of this sub forum is "Independent Innovation Supports Global R&D Centers, Open Source Ecology Helps Advanced Computing Development"...

Focus on Urban Biodiversity Conservation 2023 Audi China Natural City Action Results Release

Focus on Urban Biodiversity Conservation 2023 Audi China Natural City Action Results Release

Beijing Daily ClientOn October 20th, Audi China held a ceremony in Beijing to release the results of the 2023 Audi China Natural City Action. Adhering to the corporate social responsibility vision of "Audi and a Better Life in China", Audi China has officially released the phased innovation result of the "Audi China Natural City Action" project in May - the "Beijing Natural City Bird Watching Guide", advocating that urban residents pay attention to and love nature, participate in urban biodiversity conservation with a green lifestyle, and make positive contributions to the sustainable development process of China and even the world...

The image has collapsed, it will be difficult to recover. With the release of Hongmeng 4.0, does Xiaomi still need to surge?

The image has collapsed, it will be difficult to recover. With the release of Hongmeng 4.0, does Xiaomi still need to surge?

Wen/QingxueEditor/Qing XueWith Huawei's release of the Hongmeng 4.0 operating system, the Chinese technology industry has once again sparked a new wave...

Mark Goodman: The new MacBook and iPad will not be released this month

Mark Goodman: The new MacBook and iPad will not be released this month

Bloomberg Technology reporter Mark Gurman stated in a PowerOn communication on October 15th that Apple typically releases new laptops and iPads in October, one month after the latest iPhones and watches are released, but the latest signs indicate that they will not be released this month. Gulman said that new entry-level iPads, iPadAir, and iPadmini are all under development, equipped with faster chips, but he believes that "no major updates will come soon", and the new iPadPro will not be available until next year...

Huawei never expected that the release of Mate60 would make things so strange

Huawei never expected that the release of Mate60 would make things so strange

How much do you know about the information behind the Mate60, Huawei's technology that shakes the military forefront?A traditional military enthusiast who sees the release of Huawei Mate60 may ask without hesitation: What is the relationship between this and military? However, when you realize that modern warfare is no longer limited to guns and tanks, but involves information technology, chips, and operating systems, you will find that the technology hidden behind Huawei Mate60 is the key to modern military.Returning to the recently released Mate60 by Huawei, the Hongmeng OS on this phone once again shook the technology industry...

Shanghai releases three major action plans in the field of biopharmaceuticals, with nearly 5 million square meters of factory buildings to be built

Shanghai releases three major action plans in the field of biopharmaceuticals, with nearly 5 million square meters of factory buildings to be built

Shanghai, which has listed biopharmaceuticals as one of the three leading industries, has also released new industrial policies.At the opening ceremony of the 2023 Shanghai International Biomedical Industry Week held on the afternoon of the 16th, Shanghai released three major action plans for the three cutting-edge tracks of synthetic biology, gene therapy, and medical robotics...

67 rescued rare wild animals are released to nature in Linlv Mountain, Hongqi Canal, Anyang

67 rescued rare wild animals are released to nature in Linlv Mountain, Hongqi Canal, Anyang

Source: CCTV News ClientOn October 17th, the forestry department of Henan Province released 67 wild animals that had been rescued and recovered to nature at the Hongqiqu Linlushan National Geopark in Anyang.It is understood that the release of wild animals is one of the 29th "Wildlife Protection Promotion Month" series activities in Henan Province...

The release of the

The release of the "Wentian I" class brain computer has achieved a scale of over 500 million neurons and 250 billion synaptic intelligence

On October 17th, the largest brain computer in China, the "Wentian I" class brain computer, was released in Nanjing. It has achieved a scale of over 500 million neurons and 250 billion synaptic intelligence, ranking first in China and at the same level internationally...