The flight was delayed for 6 hours, and the staff found a subsidy. Passenger: The anger instantly dissipated!

The flight was delayed for 6 hours, and the staff found a subsidy. Passenger: The anger instantly dissipated!

Source: Benliu NewsWe apologize to inform you thatDue to weather conditionsYour flight has been delayedFrequent flyersDo you feel helpless about the above broadcasts?On July 21st,#Subsidy for staff discovery of 6-hour flight delay#The topic surged into hot search. The video shows that on July 19th, in Nanjing, Jiangsu,The first flight was delayed for 6 and a half hours due to weather conditions...

Four Big data from the engineering staff! Mastering data to become an industry powerhouse!

Four Big data from the engineering staff! Mastering data to become an industry powerhouse!

There is a lot of empirical data in engineering, and a lot of data needs to be readily available. Mastering this data can make you a top player in your industry...

The number of delivery staff has skyrocketed to about 10 million, and the number of industry service personnel will exceed 100 million. What has happened?

The number of delivery staff has skyrocketed to about 10 million, and the number of industry service personnel will exceed 100 million. What has happened?

There are approximately 10 million takeout personnel in China, including 70000 master's students and 210000 undergraduate students, which means that nearly 300000 top students are receiving takeout salaries. What exactly happened?According to data released by Meituan Takeout in the past two years, the number of Meituan riders in 2021 was 5...