The construction of Dongting Laboratory, a provincial key laboratory, in Yueyang will focus on food resource protection and processing utilization, basic theory and cutting-edge technology research, and key core technology research

The construction of Dongting Laboratory, a provincial key laboratory, in Yueyang will focus on food resource protection and processing utilization, basic theory and cutting-edge technology research, and key core technology research

Hunan Daily, October 15th (Reporter Yan Shidun, Correspondent Shen Si) Today, as an important component of the Yuelushan Industrial Innovation Center, the opening ceremony of the Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory Dongting Laboratory was held at Yueyang University. It is currently the only laboratory jointly built by a province or city and settled in a city or state...


COVID-19 "laboratory leakage theory" This bowl of cold rice is rotten

The "laboratory leakage theory" of COVID-19, which some people in the United States and the West have repeatedly speculated about, is a cold rice. According to the report of NBC and other US media on June 24, the US intelligence agencies had to admit in a report declassified last Friday that they had not found Direct evidence to show that COVID-19 originated from Wuhan Virus Research Institute...

New progress in antiferromagnetic spin transport theory

New progress in antiferromagnetic spin transport theory

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Wu Changfeng) On June 12, the reporter learned from the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that Shao Dingfu, a researcher and collaborator of the Institute of Solid State of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, predicted that the spin neutral current in the antiferromagnetic material would carry a special "Nair spin current", and based on this effect, a theoretical scheme of high-performance fully electrically controlled antiferromagnetic tunnel junction was proposed. The relevant research results were recently published in the Physical Review Letters...