Restarting the US Lunar Landing Program: Revealing the Deep Causes of Space Competition

Restarting the US Lunar Landing Program: Revealing the Deep Causes of Space Competition

Landing on the moon has always been the ultimate goal in the field of space exploration, and space agencies from various countries are competing to launch lunar exploration plans. However, the recent announcement by the United States to restart its lunar landing program has sparked widespread speculation about the motives behind it...

New industrialization and

New industrialization and "number" running! Guiyang Gui'an focuses on building a "strong provincial capital" power engine

Data empowers "intelligent manufacturing" and leads the future of the industry.As the "vanguard" of high-quality economic and social development in the province, Guiyang has always adhered to taking high-quality development as the overall direction, fully promoting the "Strong Provincial Capital" action, and making new industrialization the first project to vigorously promote industrial strength in the city...

Wanxing Technology focuses on AI vertical applications and accelerates the creation of Changsha's creative technology

Wanxing Technology focuses on AI vertical applications and accelerates the creation of Changsha's creative technology "R&D highland"

At the opening ceremony of the 2023 Changsha China 1024 Programmer Festival held on October 23, Yuelu Dialogue made a significant debut. At the round table forum with the theme of "Global R&D Center Leaders Talking about the Future of R&D", Zhu Wei, Vice President of Wanxing Technology, revealed that as a representative enterprise in the electronic information field of Hunan, Wanxing Technology will continue to deeply cultivate Hunan, accelerate the creation of a creative technology "R&D highland" in Changsha, and increase efforts to promote the application of AI in vertical fields...

Japan High tech Expo focuses on digital rural cities

Japan High tech Expo focuses on digital rural cities

This is an exhibit from Mitsubishi Corporation captured on the Media Guide Day of the High tech Expo held in Chiba, Japan on October 16th. The 2023 Japan High tech Expo opened on the 17th at the Muzhang International Convention and Exhibition Center in Chiba Prefecture...

Renting Bridesmaids

Renting Bridesmaids "Causes Controversy: Don't Look at New Careers with Old Eyes

Zhang Shuyu (Jinggangshan University)According to Southern Metropolis Daily, post-90s Shenzhen cross-border e-commerce worker Xiao Liu indirectly received two orders for "bridesmaids for rent" during the National Day holiday, one from Guangzhou and the other from Meizhou. Renting bridesmaids "is a new buzzword, with festive National Day and long holidays, making it an excellent date for many newlyweds to get married...

Simplify to complexity, 30 'geniuses' appear, making people feel a bit overwhelmed

Simplify to complexity, 30 'geniuses' appear, making people feel a bit overwhelmed

Six people can have their own locks, and each person can open the door!Who left this in my car in the parking lot? I just want to have a good conversation with himThis is the best way he can think of drawing a giraffe!Leave this to the next tenant, he will definitely go crazy when he discovers it.My five year old niece asked me: How long does a newborn need to charge before they can go home?Me: This is a heart rate monitor...

Topic V: A 19-year-old girl wearing headphones to sleep causes ear bleeding. How long do you usually wear headphones?

Topic V: A 19-year-old girl wearing headphones to sleep causes ear bleeding. How long do you usually wear headphones?

For many people, using headphones has become a part of life. When walking, cycling, taking public transportation, or leisure entertainment, they will wear headphones to listen to music, make phone calls, and follow dramas...

Hunan focuses on building a national advanced green computing hub

Hunan focuses on building a national advanced green computing hub

Science and Technology Daily News (Reporter Yu Huiyou, Correspondent Julie Xiahu) On September 15th, the 2023 World Computing Conference opened in Changsha, Hunan. On the same day, the reporter learned from the industry docking session with the theme of "supporting and building highlands together with computing power" that Hunan plans to take the "Intelligent Empowerment of Ten Thousand Enterprises" action as the overall focus, focus on building a national advanced green computing power hub and an internationally leading algorithm innovation center, and accelerate the construction of a national digital economic innovation leading zone, industrial agglomeration zone, and application leading zone, serving to build an important national advanced manufacturing highland, Assist Hunan in fully realizing the beautiful blueprint of "three high and four new"...


The "courtyard" keeps Chinese houses cool (overseas voice)

The courtyard is a typical architectural feature of traditional residential buildings in southern China. Unlike courtyards in northern China, patios are generally smaller and less exposed to outdoor environments...

Asp.NetCoreAutofac framework uses actual combat, Dependency injection

Asp.NetCoreAutofac framework uses actual combat, Dependency injection

Autofac DI .NET Autofac Autofac Autofac DLL Autofac XML Autofac Autofac DI Autofac TransientScopedSingletonAOP Autofac AOP Castle DynamicProxy Autofac DI Autofac ContainerBuilderIContainer { // ContainerBuilder builder = new ContainerBuilder(); builder...

The railway overlord in the United States uses Internal combustion locomotive, but China's high-speed railway uses electricity. How is the difference?

The railway overlord in the United States uses Internal combustion locomotive, but China's high-speed railway uses electricity. How is the difference?

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate discussion and sharing with you, and also to watch the next exciting article in a timely manner. Thank you very much for your attentionElectric powered trains in China,Especially the amazing high-speed railway, known as one of China's "Four new inventions", tells the story of China's speed every time a train leaves the platform...

Up to 4.5 yuan per hour? Some cities have shared bicycles that are more expensive than buses and subways

Up to 4.5 yuan per hour? Some cities have shared bicycles that are more expensive than buses and subways

Shared bicycles are becoming increasingly expensive! In some cities, the price has risen to 4.5 yuan per hour, which has already exceeded the cost of buses and subwaysphenomenonSince last year, the prices of Meituan bicycles, Haruo bicycles, and Didi Qingju have gradually increased...