Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology

Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology

Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology Summer brings high temperatures and humidity, posing various challenges for users in South China. From stuffy and hot indoor environments to clammy clothes and easily perishable food, finding ways to stay comfortable during the summer months has become a significant concern for many...

  Alibaba.com: AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs

Alibaba.com: AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs

Alibaba.com: AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs The digital wave of global trade is sweeping the world, and B2B foreign trade, as a vital part of global trade, is entering a crucial period of digital transformation...

 A Comprehensive Analysis of Huagong Technology: A Leader in Laser Welding for AskM9 and Beyond

A Comprehensive Analysis of Huagong Technology: A Leader in Laser Welding for AskM9 and Beyond

AskM9, a model from the Seres brand, boasts a range of advanced features, including the Huawei Intelligent Cockpit and Intelligent Driving system. However, one of its most impressive aspects is its use of laser welding technology provided by Huagong Technology...

Baidu's Wenxin Yanyi Launches Custom Voice Feature, Empowering Users with Personalized Interactions

Baidu's Wenxin Yanyi Launches Custom Voice Feature, Empowering Users with Personalized Interactions

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) technology has berkembang pesat; as a leading AI platform, Baidu's Wenxin Yanyi is dedicated to providing users with innovative and personalized experiences. Recently, Wenxin Yanyi has launched an exciting new feature that allows users to customize their own voice in seconds...

The Metamorphosis of Huawei's Board of Directors: An Eight-Year Journey

The Metamorphosis of Huawei's Board of Directors: An Eight-Year Journey

In the group photo, Ren Zhengfei appeared relaxed, while Yu Chengdong looked a bit "green." These faces bore witness to Huawei's rapid growth and development...

 Ensuring a Safe and Smooth Tomb-Sweeping Holiday Travel

Ensuring a Safe and Smooth Tomb-Sweeping Holiday Travel

As the Tomb-Sweeping Day holiday approaches, DiDi, under the guidance of relevant authorities, has launched a series of safety measures to guarantee the safety of travelers during the holiday period. These measures include preemptive risk assessments, emergency response drills, enhanced safety features tailored to the unique characteristics of holiday travel, optimized service experiences in key scenarios, and robust safeguards for the safety and rights of both passengers and drivers...

DingTalk AI Assistant Upgrade: Multi-Modality, Long Text, and RPA Empowering Work and Productivity

DingTalk AI Assistant Upgrade: Multi-Modality, Long Text, and RPA Empowering Work and Productivity

On March 28, DingTalk AI Assistant announced a series of significant upgrades, including product capabilities such as image comprehension, document speed reading, and workflow, marking a major breakthrough in the integration of multi-modal, long text, and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technologies into AI applications. Enhanced Visual Reasoning and Long Text Reading Capabilities Powered by Alibaba's Tongyi Thousand Questions Large Model Based on the Tongyi Thousand Questions large model developed by Alibaba, the upgraded DingTalk AI Assistant boasts stronger visual reasoning and long text reading capabilities...

 WeChat and Douyin Crack Down on Illegal Plug-ins and AI Virtual Characters to Protect User Security

WeChat and Douyin Crack Down on Illegal Plug-ins and AI Virtual Characters to Protect User Security

WeChat and Douyin Crack Down on Illegal Plug-ins and AI Virtual Characters to Protect User Security On March 26, the WeChat Security Center released a "Notice on Combating the Use of 'Plug-ins' on WeChat", stating that WeChat explicitly prohibits the use of all types of plug-ins. Recently, a number of users have been found to have repeatedly violated the rules by using plug-in software or posting information about the sale of plug-ins on Moments...

Xiaomi's Newest Leaders: Three Key Executives Shaping the Industry

Xiaomi's Newest Leaders: Three Key Executives Shaping the Industry


On the Double 11, the most authentic mobile phone sales came out: Xiaomi soared 43.7%, and Huawei also won win thoroughly!

On the Double 11, the most authentic mobile phone sales came out: Xiaomi soared 43.7%, and Huawei also won win thoroughly!

Which mobile phone brands are selling well this year's Double 11? We have already introduced that the biggest winners should be Xiaomi and Huawei. But some people online also question the fairness of statistics...

Huawei's total debt has exceeded the 700 billion yuan mark, reaching a new historical high!

Huawei's total debt has exceeded the 700 billion yuan mark, reaching a new historical high!

Huawei released its third quarter report at the end of October, and most of us are focused on Huawei's net profit, but have overlooked Huawei's total liabilities.Huawei's revenue in the first three quarters of this year was 456...

American intestines are regretful! Sending 1 gram of lunar rocks has allowed China to develop multiple cutting-edge technologies

American intestines are regretful! Sending 1 gram of lunar rocks has allowed China to develop multiple cutting-edge technologies

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