A recent photo of 51-year-old Ma Huateng was exposed, his body was extremely thin, his lips were white, and his eyes were lifeless like AI

A recent photo of 51-year-old Ma Huateng was exposed, his body was extremely thin, his lips were white, and his eyes were lifeless like AI

The meaning of writing cannot be traced back to historyEditor | Unscrutableprefaceas forMa Huateng's name is well-known to everyone. He is a famous entrepreneur in China and also the founder of Tencent,He is naturally highly regarded in our daily lives, but he has always been relatively low-key, and naturally his photos are rarely circulated on the internet...

The Wei family's Liangpi cannot afford to withdraw from the Meituan at a high price, and the end of the

The Wei family's Liangpi cannot afford to withdraw from the Meituan at a high price, and the end of the "lone brave" is already doomed

NO.505Author: Jing Tianwei and DiReviewed by: Cheng Cheng/Editor: ZhizhiThe draw is too high, and merchants are no longer playing...

Titanium Media Exclusive | Huawei Version of ChatGPT will be released in early July, titled

Titanium Media Exclusive | Huawei Version of ChatGPT will be released in early July, titled "Pangu Chat"

(Image source: edited and shot by Titanium Media App)On June 3rd, it was reported that the Titanium Media App had recently learned exclusively from within Huawei that Huawei would release a multi-modal, billions level device that directly targets ChatGPTA large model product called "Pangu Chat".It is expected that Huawei Pangu Chat willAt the Huawei Cloud Developer Conference (HDC...

Consumer market continues to recover,

Consumer market continues to recover, "618" shopping festival e-commerce platform welcomes a successful start

Our reporter Cao WeixinThe annual "618" e-commerce shopping festival has arrived. From the first round of battle reports, major e-commerce platforms and brands have achieved impressive results, accelerating the release of consumption potential...

Weiteng Electric: Planned to invest 300 million yuan to build an annual production of 2GWh energy storage integrated manufacturing project

Weiteng Electric: Planned to invest 300 million yuan to build an annual production of 2GWh energy storage integrated manufacturing project

On June 2nd, Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report reported that Weiteng Electric announced that the company plans to sign an investment cooperation agreement with the Industrial and Information Bureau of Jiuquan City. It plans to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary, Gansu Teng Energy Technology Co...

How to close advertisements on WeChat Moments

How to close advertisements on WeChat Moments

People who frequently browse their Moments will find that they sometimes browse advertisements pushed by Tencent's official website. Tencent advertising is an important source of revenue for Tencent, and by charging advertisers, Tencent can provide a large number of free services...

Huawei Releases the Smart and Easy All Optical Connection Strategy, Describing the Development Direction of the Optical Industry with 2+2+X

Huawei Releases the Smart and Easy All Optical Connection Strategy, Describing the Development Direction of the Optical Industry with 2+2+X

On June 1st, Huawei officially released its Smart Jian All Optical Connectivity Strategy and series of new products in Beijing. Facing the evolution of F5...

How should we choose between domestic BI tools, Sailsoft BI and Guanyuan BI? Strike the key point in one article

How should we choose between domestic BI tools, Sailsoft BI and Guanyuan BI? Strike the key point in one article

Many friends have sent me private messages asking me to provide an evaluation of domestic BI tools. Today, we will start the first phase:Sail Soft VS View FarStill put the evaluation elements first:(1) ToolsMost of the objects targeted by BI are still business personnel and professional data analysts, soIs the tool easy to useIs the interactive experience silky and smoothas well asDo you have sufficient learning resourcesLargely determines the useras well as...

Website B released Q1 2023 financial report: net loss of 628 million yuan

Website B released Q1 2023 financial report: net loss of 628 million yuan

On June 2nd, Bilibili (hereinafter referred to as "Bilibili") released its unaudited financial report for the first quarter ended March 31, 2023. The financial report shows that the total revenue of Station B in the first quarter reached 5...

Defeat Huawei and Honor to reach the top spot on the 618 sales chart, resulting in a direct reduction of 1500 yuan across the entire series

Defeat Huawei and Honor to reach the top spot on the 618 sales chart, resulting in a direct reduction of 1500 yuan across the entire series

Huawei and Honor are two strong domestic mobile phone brands, with a market share of over 50% in China. For every two phones sold, one is Huawei, and Honor once defeated Xiaomi in the online market...

40 million units! Sanctions cannot be stopped, Huawei did not disappoint people, and Biden was completely dumbfounded!

40 million units! Sanctions cannot be stopped, Huawei did not disappoint people, and Biden was completely dumbfounded!

In the first quarter of this year, the domestic smartphone market was in a state of sadness, and both retailers and major manufacturers seemed to have a feeling that smartphones could no longer be sold.According to data released by IDC, in the first quarter of 2023, the top five mobile phone manufacturers in China experienced a decline in sales...

The fuel surcharge has been lowered for the third time this year. Which is the most suitable flight for the Dragon Boat Festival

The fuel surcharge has been lowered for the third time this year. Which is the most suitable flight for the Dragon Boat Festival

On May 30th, multiple online travel platforms received a notice from domestic airlines to adjust the fuel surcharge collection standards for passenger transportation on domestic routes starting from June 5, 2023 (based on the ticket issuance date). According to the introduction, the adjusted collection standard is: adult passengers, 20 yuan per passenger for flights below 800 kilometers (including), and 30 yuan per passenger for flights above 800 kilometers...