Eleven products that sell very well online but are deceptive. How many have you been scammed?

Eleven products that sell very well online but are deceptive. How many have you been scammed?

Before reading this article,followAt the same time, it is convenient for discussion and sharing. Thank you for your support~Article 1: Patient Number Highlighting PackageEditor | Patient ID Highlighting PackageprefaceNowadays, the rapid development of the internet era has brought endless business opportunities to many intelligent people and also brought many conveniences to Chinese consumers...

China enters the NFC payment era: bid farewell to QR codes and welcome new technologies

China enters the NFC payment era: bid farewell to QR codes and welcome new technologies

With the continuous progress of technology and the increasing popularity of mobile payments, China's payment methods are undergoing a revolution. Recently, the People's Bank of China announced that it will promote new payment methods in order to bid farewell to QR codes and welcome the era of NFC payment...

People living alone have a higher risk of cancer, and it is recommended to do these things well

People living alone have a higher risk of cancer, and it is recommended to do these things well

Some people say that living alone is a kind of advanced freedom: you can choose what you like to eat without worrying about others' tastes; When sleeping, change positions without worrying about crowding; You can go out or stay at home as long as you likeIn fact, living alone can also bring some negative effects, in addition to being lonely, it is also not conducive to physical health. Studies have shown that people living alone may have a higher risk of cancer death...

Advice from 95 experts on reducing blood lipids: Eat well

Advice from 95 experts on reducing blood lipids: Eat well

According to the "China Guidelines for Blood Lipid Management (two0twothree)", the overall prevalence of dyslipidemia among adults in China is as high as threefive.six%...

Lettuce, scallions, and cherry tomatoes are growing well. The

Lettuce, scallions, and cherry tomatoes are growing well. The "Space Garden" has been upgraded and can be planted in rotation

CCTV News: As the manned mission of Shenzhou 17 approaches, the crew of Shenzhou 16 astronauts who are holding their positions on the Chinese space station are also about to complete their flight mission. The return is imminent, and the three astronauts continue to complete their tasks with high quality and quantity as planned, and actively engage in physical exercise to prepare for their return to Earth...

The first development well operation of the

The first development well operation of the "Deep Sea No.1" Phase II project has been successfully completed

On October 16th, the reporter learned from CNOOC that the first development well operation of the "Deep Sea No.1" Phase II project was successfully completed, with a daily production of over 1 million cubic meters of natural gas and over 230 cubic meters of condensate tested, far exceeding design expectations...

The first development well of China's first deepwater high-pressure project

The first development well of China's first deepwater high-pressure project "Deepwater No.1" Phase II project has been completed

Today (October 16th), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced that the first development well operation of China's first deepwater high-pressure project, "Deepwater No.1" Phase II, has been successfully completed...

Yahuilong Group: Becoming the most trusted well-known enterprise for in vitro diagnosis

Yahuilong Group: Becoming the most trusted well-known enterprise for in vitro diagnosis

Hunan Daily All Media Reporter He WeiRecently, Nobel laureate in Chemistry Professor Vasher visited Shenzhen Yahuilong Biotechnology Co., Ltd...

Supporting the construction of the country's first

Supporting the construction of the country's first "ten thousand meter deep well" with a load-bearing capacity exceeding the usage requirement by more than 30%, using steel casing

Hunan Daily, October 8th (Reporter Wang Liang, Correspondent Zhou Jinyun) From October 2nd to 5th, Henggang's third-generation special casing was successfully lowered into the first "ten thousand meter deep well" in the country, CNPC Tarim Oilfield's Deep Taco 1 well, setting a record for the deepest casing of the same specification in China.(On site at the well...

Hunan Daily | Henggang Steel Pipe Assists Deep Well Drilling in China's Wanmi Oilfield

Hunan Daily | Henggang Steel Pipe Assists Deep Well Drilling in China's Wanmi Oilfield

Hunan Daily, October 8th (Reporter Xu Derong, Correspondent Zhou Jinyun) Hengyang Hualing Steel Pipe Co., Ltd...

China's second 10000 meter deep well drilled in Sichuan

China's second 10000 meter deep well drilled in Sichuan

Our telegram (reporter Li Kaixuan) recently, the first ten thousand meter deep well in Sichuan Basin, Shendi Chuanke 1 Well, was drilled in Jiange County, Guangyuan City. This is one of the ten thousand meter deep wells with the greatest difficulty in drilling in the world, and also the second ten thousand meter deep well in China after the one in the Tarim Basin...

Shandong farmers hit the name

Shandong farmers hit the name "Alipay" and became popular. They failed to convince Ma Yun of millions of dollars and now live a well-off life

In China, there is an old man named Alipay whose name is the same as that of Alibaba's mobile payment software, which has triggered a series of interesting stories. This gentleman once wanted to claim 1 million yuan from Jack Ma due to dissatisfaction with his name being infringed, but in the end, it was unsuccessful...