The first development well of China's first deepwater high-pressure project "Deepwater No.1" Phase II project has been completed

Today (October 16th), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced that the first development well operation of China's first deepwater high-pressure project, "Deepwater No.1" Phase II, has been successfully completed

Today (October 16th), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced that the first development well operation of China's first deepwater high-pressure project, "Deepwater No.1" Phase II, has been successfully completed. The daily production of natural gas exceeded 1 million cubic meters and condensate oil exceeded 230 cubic meters, far exceeding design expectations. This effectively confirms the effectiveness and reliability of China's independently established deepwater oil and gas exploration and development technology in practical application, It has important demonstration significance for promoting efficient exploration and development of complex deep water oil and gas resources in China.

The second phase of the "Deep Sea No.1" project gas field is located in the southern sea area of Hainan Island. It is constructed using the "underwater production system+shallow water jacket processing platform+deep water semi submersible platform remote control system" model, with 12 underwater gas wells deployed in three well zones: south, north, and east. The Lingshui 25-1 deep water block, located approximately 70 kilometers away from the "Deep Sea No.1" energy station, is developed, with a maximum formation pressure of 69 megapascals. The first development well completed this time has a water depth of nearly one kilometer, with a completed drilling depth of over 5000 meters. The horizontal distance between the end of the wellbore structure and the wellhead exceeds 2000 meters, and the maximum inclination angle of the well reaches 91 degrees. It is a highly difficult to implement deep water large displacement horizontal well.

Ensuring that deep water high-pressure wells are drilled well and quickly is an important technical goal for the second phase of the drilling and completion operation of 'Deepsea No.1'. Liu Shujie, Chief Engineer (Drilling and Completion) of China National Offshore Oil Corporation Hainan Branch, introduced that the total drilling footage of the second phase of the 'Deepsea No.1' project has reached 2.2 times that of the first phase. Thanks to the full application of the concept of batch well construction, the total drilling progress of the project has reached 80% by the time the first well is completed, Significant progress has been made in accelerating homework.

The reporter learned that after the completion of the second phase of the "Deep Sea No.1" project, the overall peak annual production of the "Deep Sea No.1" ultra deep water atmospheric field will increase from 3 billion cubic meters to 4.5 billion cubic meters, equivalent to 90% of the natural gas consumption of Hainan Island in 2021, providing sufficient clean energy guarantee for the economic construction of southern China.

(CCTV reporter Zhang Wei and Chen Long from the headquarters)

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