Serious brain drain? Thirty thousand scientists immigrating? Can't China really retain talent?

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In recent years, the frequent emergence of a type of news has attracted high attention from Chinese people, which is that Chinese researchers choose to immigrate overseas. These people include experts in various fields who have achieved success, as well as many highly educated talents who have just graduated. Their choice of location is also the same, which is the world's strongest comprehensive strength country - the United States

According to incomplete statistics, as of now, more than 32000 Chinese researchers have immigrated to the United States. Upon hearing this news, opinions from all walks of life in China are divergent. Some people curse and forget their ancestors, calling these people traitors and traitors, while others understand that people tend to move higher and water flows lower. Since they have talent, they naturally want to develop in better places.

So what's going on here? Why is there a significant loss of talent in our country, and what are the root causes? Will this situation have an impact on China's future development?

A necessary path

Of course, this matter is a long story. If we want to clarify the crux of it, we still need to start from the source of talent loss.

When it comes to the brain drain in our country, it often leads to heated discussions, believing that this phenomenon is abnormal and caused by China's own reasons. However, in the eyes of bloggers, this is a perfectly normal thing, and the reason is easy, that is, the gap between the Western world and China, or in other words, the East over the past century.

When did the West surpass the East? It should be roughly in the mid to late Ming Dynasty. During this period, European countries led by the Netherlands, Spain, and Britain began ocean trade one after another, establishing overseas colonies in South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and other regions, and accumulating a large amount of wealth through this.

The primitive accumulation of this kind of capital is rapid and exponentially multiple. The more money one earns, the more it can stimulate the people's enthusiasm for exploration. The more people explore, the more colonies they discover and occupy. The more colonies they occupy, the more wealth they gain. In contrast, during the same period in China, during the mid to late Ming Dynasty, there were continuous party struggles, corrupt officials, rampant foreign enemies, and the influence of the Little Ice Age, As well as the deep-rooted decline of the small-scale peasant economy, both sides have thus widened the gap.

However, the development of the situation here is not irreversible, after all, the West only has wealth, while the East still has the capital to fight against Japan after thousands of years of accumulation. Unfortunately, the following events cannot be compensated for by relying on old capital.

Firstly, the development of the North American continent, followed by the rise of the Industrial Revolution, and finally, the launch of a global colonial war. With these three moves, the Western national system has undergone qualitative changes. For example, in the 18th century, compared to the East, Western countries were like an adult fighting a three year old child, and both sides were no longer equal in magnitude. How could the East remain undefeated in a war?

The fact is that since the Opium War, China has never won several battles with the West, and each time they have lost in an extremely humiliating way, losing billions of silver taels and cutting millions of square kilometers of land. With these, the West has once again widened the gap with the East.

Later, World War I and World War II broke out one after another. This period was an excellent opportunity for Chinese Century's rise. Unfortunately, we failed to seize the opportunity when the Chinese earth warlords fought in World War I. In World War II, Japan launched an aggressive war against China. It was too late for us to resist aggression. How can we have the energy to develop ourselves?

Later, after the end of World War II, the world finally regained peace, and all countries were striving to regain their vitality. However, at the same time, China erupted into a civil war, and the Chiang Kai shek clique launched a blatant attack on our party and army. In addition, the subsequent Korean War wasted another six or seven years.

Of course, it doesn't mean that these wars have been fought pointlessly, with just one punch to avoid a hundred punches. Without these two wars, New China cannot stand firm, can it? However, falling behind is also true, and we can only keep up with it.

However, at this time, a series of changes happened again. In the late 1950s, Sino-Soviet relations broke down, and Big Brother withdrew all assistance. In the mid-1960s, the turmoil began to erode the efforts of Chinese people for many years. Or until the late 1970s, the situation was finally stable. That is to say, the time when China really started to exert its power was less than half a century away from today, while what about the West? But it has developed for two to three hundred years!

Under such a huge gap, talent loss can be understood, and this is also a necessary stage for developing countries.

Practical reasons

3.2Practical reasons

For example, Chinese researchers are like the audience in front of the screen, giving you a Multiple choice. When facing employment, answer A is a small enterprise in a third tier city, with a monthly salary of 5000 yuan and no welfare benefits. answer B is a listed company in Beijing, with a monthly salary of 50000 yuan, but also can solve housing, household registration, education, medical and other problems. The work content is very different. What choice do you make?

I believe that a normal person would choose the latter, and this is one of the difficulties currently facing China. Based on the economic foundation, apart from top talents, domestic enterprises and units must offer lower conditions than foreign ones, roughly equivalent to the gap between 100000 RMB and 100000 US dollars.

There is so much difference. If wealthy families are okay, they may only look at their emotions and dreams, and would rather make less money than serve their country. But what should ordinary children do? Patriotism cannot be a meal, can it? Making more money abroad can solve many of their difficulties, not to mention that they only work abroad and not become traitors or traitors, so they naturally have no psychological burden.

Taking another real example, according to recruitment announcements on foreign websites, countries like the UK and the United States, regardless of nationality, will receive mandatory subsidies for high-level talents who have worked and studied locally for a certain period of time. Starting from over 20000 pounds in the UK, the minimum in the United States can reach 50000 dollars. In addition, they can obtain a green card and enjoy all the benefits and benefits of their citizens, How can this not make people moved?

On the contrary, it is much worse in China. Although China's subsidies for top talents are also large, if there were not such top researchers, their treatment would be vastly different from that of countries such as the United States and the United States, with an average salary of only over 10000 and a median of only over 9000. They also have to eat and support their families. In comparison, choosing to go abroad is understandable.

Under the influence of the economic foundation, there is a large wage gap, which is one of the reasons, and the other is related to the ideas of contemporary young people.

What is the meaning of this statement? Let's put it this way, the three perspectives between the older generation and young people in China are completely different. In the eyes of the 70s and 60s, China's development speed has already been very fast. When they were young, they couldn't eat enough, let alone meat, and even rice was a luxury. As for others, it goes without saying that at that time, China's economy was backward, and its GDP was only the seventh largest in the world with the world's largest population; Military backwardness, one without aircraft carriers and two without advanced fighter jets, all but infantry are left behind by Western powers.

Technology is backward. When people are playing with the internet, computers, and chips, we don't even have a popular BB machine. When people are interested in color TV, we ordinary people even hope to have a black and white TV.

And now? Everything is different. Thanks to the efforts of martyrs such as Yuan Longping, China has long been able to afford food and meat, surpassing Japan economically and ranking second in the world; In military terms, three aircraft carriers were launched together, and the J-20 technology surpassed that of Britain and America; In terms of technology, there have been many breakthroughs and innovations that are not inferior to those in the United States, such as mobile payments, 5G base stations, high-voltage power, and so on.

It can be said that in the eyes of the older generation, China's progress is visible to the naked eye. With progress, there is hope, and with hope, there is a sense of pride. They are naturally willing to stay in China and contribute to their motherland. They would rather earn less money than work hard for their younger generation, striving to show them the day when China surpasses the United States.

However, contemporary young people are different. They grew up in a fast-paced society and learned about the colorful external world through the Internet. With different understandings, their horizons naturally differ. They do not compare the current China with the past, but instead compare China with various Western countries and raise various issues related to China.

Indeed, these issues are objective, but they clearly overlook two things. Firstly, how long has China only developed? Under the relentless pursuit, it is already very good to achieve the current level. Secondly, how did the West's prosperity come about? Isn't it through plunder, through aggression that we got it?

One is to strive for progress through one's own efforts, and the other is to exploit and plunder, with clear advantages and disadvantages. However, this cannot be entirely attributed to these young people, as their experience is not enough and their cognition is also one-sided, which is why they say the words "money is more important than the country".

And when it comes to this, a question has also surfaced, which is that over time, more and more researchers are choosing to immigrate. How can the country develop? Aren't we forever unable to surpass the West?

Patriots occupy the majority

32000 researchers immigrate overseas, depending on their wealth or beliefs. Where should China go in the future?

Obviously, this concern is unnecessary, and the reason is simple enough. Firstly, the country is making adjustments and gradually increasing subsidies for middle level researchers. Secondly, most of these migrant researchers are not top notch, and although they are not optional, their impact on the overall situation is not significant. Thirdly, compared to these profit oriented individuals, patriots still make up the majority, There are many people who have not been captured by the sugar coated shells of the Western world, but have returned home without hesitation, such as these two people below.

The first one is Du Lingjie, the famous physicist after Post-80s.

In 1986, Du Lingjie was born into a family of senior intellectuals in Jiangsu Province. His parents had received higher education. The two elders who knew that knowledge could change their fate naturally took great care of their son's education. He did not live up to this expectation. Since he went to school, his achievements were outstanding. After graduating from junior high school, he was even escorted all the way to the famous American school Rice University to study abroad.

In the United States, Du Lingjie's talent was fully demonstrated, and he quickly gained unanimous recognition from schools and school enterprises, especially Intel. He was even more cautious and invited with a salary far exceeding that of his peers.

Du Lingjie chose to agree to this, but he did not do it for money, but for the noble ideal in his heart, which is to achieve success in learning and serve the motherland!

This was also the trip. After nine years of working at Intel, Du Lingjie refused to stay and gave up the opportunity to become a senior manager of the company. He resolutely flew back to China to work at Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation. He had intended to help the chip industry of the motherland to a higher level, but it was regrettable that the famous minister had not encountered a good opportunity and had just started his research. A western restriction broke his dream!

Helplessly, Du Lingjie had to return to the United States first, or until the storm over this matter passed. It was only in 2019 that he returned home again and made remarkable contributions, helping the country develop our own chip!

The story and contributions of Du Lingjie are convincing, and the next one is a heavyweight, who is the authoritative expert in semiconductor industry - Lin Yuan

As a girl born in the remote rural areas of Guilin, Guangxi, it was not easy for Lin Yuan to go to school. But what is more admirable is that she did not listen to her family's voice and chose a liberal arts subject for better employment. Instead, as a people's teacher in the future, she resolutely applied for science in order to build the weakness of the motherland and entered the China University of Technology with her own efforts.

For ordinary people, such a prestigious university is already considered the end point, but for Lin Yuan, it is just the starting point. Over the years, she completed her master's and doctoral degrees one after another, and after graduation, she entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences to work as a glorious researcher. This does not count. During her work, she found that her knowledge and abilities were insufficient, and she disregarded the obstacles of her family and went to the University of Houston in the United States to further her studies.

Being alone in a foreign land, Lin Yuan's loneliness and helplessness can be imagined. She had thought of giving up countless times, but a belief made her persevere: to study hard and return home with advanced scientific research achievements.

Hard work pays off for those who care. Finally, after four years of hard work, Lin Yuan made a key breakthrough in the field of electronic technology and successfully graduated. Soon after, she gained the favor of well-known research centers in the United States and participated in many high-precision research projects. Over the years since then, she has not only published more than thirty papers, but also obtained patents for fifteen projects.

Who doesn't love such a talented woman? So without a word, several large technology companies immediately launched a frenzy against Lin Yuan, offering both high officials and generous salaries, as well as promising to share equity, almost giving her the position of company boss.

Such preferential treatment is believed to be rare among those who can refuse it, but what they never expected was that Lin Yuan was really a special case. Faced with the readily available wealth, she resolutely refused. Faced with the glory of her life, she did not feel moved, but returned to her ancestral country without hesitation.

At that time, Lin Yuan's return to China was truly a world sensation. Of course, she finally realized her dream. Relying on patented technology, she helped China break through the blockade of the West. Relying on scientific research experience, she joined the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China of Sichuan and brought out a number of doctoral teams. It can be said that without her, China would have to struggle for at least ten years in relevant fields to catch up with the current level and make such contributions, It's not an exaggeration to call her Mr. Lin. Of course, it's precisely with patriotic figures like Lin Yuan and Du Lingjie that the blogger dares to say that:

China's future does not lack talent

Do you think the blogger is right? Welcome to discuss in the comments section.

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