Huawei announced that it will no longer sell Huawei Mate60Pro phones overseas, sparking speculation among domestic netizens

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The material of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it.


Recently, there has been one good news after another in the scientific community of our country. China's international status is also constantly improving. Didn't the United States block and punish our Huawei phones before? Now our Huawei new model Mate60Pro has been developed and announced that it will not be sold abroad, only domestically.

When I saw this news, I thought Huawei would give up on overseas markets. However, when I delved deeper, I found that Huawei did not give up on the foreign market, but rather was suppressed by foreign countries. However, during the anti Huawei foreign technology lockdown period, Huawei relied on its own research and development to develop this new product. The 5G chip it carries is also independently developed and domestically produced in China.


I would like to briefly introduce this Huawei phone. The recognition of this phone is still very high, and the new phone has further improved in photography, and the color scheme of the appearance is also very beautiful. Foreign netizens are unlikely to have good luck this time. Enjoy it~

The 5G chip carried this time has been confirmed by the boss as CN! Made in China! It is not a so-called TSMC product, it is a real domestic 5G chip! After a series of expert disassembly and evaluation, the internal structure of Huawei's new mobile phone is also presented to us. The highlight lies in the exterior design of the phone. The overall appearance is very beautiful, adopting a multifunctional surround design. Corner, making the phone look great.

After internal disassembly, it was found that his camera was further upgraded. There seems to be an open space. This may be where the camera checks for light. As the disassembly progresses step by step, more and more components are exposed. This time there is an additional radiator inside. The heat sink is located below the screen. This is the first time I have seen such a cooling method. I just don't know how to dissipate heat. After further disassembly, I finally saw the performance of this phone. Chip.

The above logo indicates that this chip was produced in the 35th week of 2020, and it says not TW, but CN! This means that the chip is made in China. It has been almost four years since Kirin last developed the chip, and the chip we saw this time was developed twenty years ago. This is simply unimaginable. Many bloggers have also tested this phone and chip online., The final confirmation is that the chip is a self-developed and designed 5G chip.

Whether it's chips or other structures, the design of this phone is very compact. In addition to hardware, the built-in software configuration is also very powerful. The phone also has satellite call function. Standard phones are rarely equipped with this calling function, only dedicated phones are equipped with it. The built-in Hongmeng system is also a customized mobile operating system for our Chinese people.

If you say no, why not sell it abroad?

It is also possible that the Hongmeng system server is located in China and is inconvenient to use abroad. The supply of this chip also seems relatively low. How can we export if the domestic market is not enough to sell? What about marketing?

In addition, the satellite call function requires the assistance and confidentiality of our Beidou satellite, so this phone cannot be sold abroad.

For over three years, Huawei smartphones have been subjected to technological repression and embargoes from Western countries led by the United States.

Since the lockdown, Huawei has freed itself from constraints through its own efforts, undoubtedly thwarting the US plan once again. Moreover, thanks to the satellite call function of our phone, you can still make calls even if the phone has no signal. Due to the strong satellite signal, unlike ordinary communication satellites, our Beidou satellite positioning is very accurate and has a wide signal coverage.

The outer frame of the phone adopts a basalt border. This border can effectively prevent damage to the phone screen when the phone falls from a height. It can best protect the phone in a bare metal state and prevent the screen from cracking when it falls from the hand. Cracks and other issues. Some other models and brands of mobile phones will shatter when lightly dropped, and some may even directly damage the internal screen.

Speaking of display screens, our phones use Kunlun glass. The high temperature resistance of Kunlun glass reaches an astonishing 1600 degrees. No wonder the heat dissipation component of this phone is not in the center frame, but below the screen. It turned out to be Kunlun glaze. Glass has strong high-temperature resistance.

Even when the phone is turned on, the maximum core temperature is only around 100 degrees Celsius, and the maximum screen temperature is only around 30 degrees Celsius. But how can this phone work at full capacity under normal circumstances?

In addition, Kunlun Glass is also equipped with our Xuanwu frame, which enhances the anti drop performance of the phone to an astonishing level.

Huawei's Mount Taishan architecture is also very strong. It is independently developed by Huawei. The servers provided by this framework are fully self-developed and designed by Huawei. The main frequency reaches 2.6; The bandwidth has also reached 640. Moreover, our Mount Taishan server has also been included in the bidding list of the Ministry.

All of this indicates that the US technology embargo on Huawei has become an empty slogan. After over a thousand days of unremitting efforts and huge financial investment, Huawei has finally completed the research and development of its own chips, breaking the US embargo. In addition, the system we are using is Hongmeng 4, which supports the latest artificial intelligence air-to-air and black technology to prevent screen shutdown, and is equipped with Pangu artificial intelligence.

Pangu artificial intelligence also has various simulation and prediction functions, and the CV model is built using unique technology based on massive network data. It can meet the visual and auditory needs of a large number of users. The model can adapt to user preferences in different industries and use cases.

Among them, the NLP model is the first model in the field trained with hundreds of billions of parameters. It uses model data of this size for training. By combining different knowledge, continuously learning, improving, and completing one's own model, ultimately providing people with more perfect results.

At the same time, our Pangu AI also possesses learning abilities in multiple disciplines such as meteorology, medicine, and mechanics. It uses neural network encoding to organize and extract conventional data from massive amounts of data around the world. This encoding method has also penetrated into all aspects of Pangu AI. It is more personified and the way information is processed is becoming faster and faster.

China's chip industry has developed to the current stage. Huawei itself has also encountered many difficulties. Their research team spent many sleepless nights in places we didn't know, and ultimately developed this chip. Put it on your phone.


Since the beginning of the US technology embargo, our chip technology has increased from ten nanometers to nine nanometers, and now it has also increased to seven nanometers. We believe that in the near future, our chip technology will reach 5 nanometers and become more efficient. Realized through three nanometer technology. These breakthroughs in chip technology have demonstrated the spirit of Chinese researchers. Even in the face of foreign blockades, we still have the ability to break this blockade, achieve independent research and development, and independently produce high-performance and efficient chips.


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