The 2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit was held on October 16th

The 2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit will be held grandly on October 16th. On October 13th, Dezhou City held a press conference, inviting Zhu Kaiguo, Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party of China Dezhou Municipal Committee and Mayor, Chen Xiaoqiang, Deputy Mayor of Dezhou City, Qi Xiaoqing, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Tianqu New Area, Wang Dashan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Tianqu New Area, Yan Zhirui, General Manager of Shandong Youyan Aisi Semiconductor Materials Co

The 2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit will be held grandly on October 16th. On October 13th, Dezhou City held a press conference, inviting Zhu Kaiguo, Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party of China Dezhou Municipal Committee and Mayor, Chen Xiaoqiang, Deputy Mayor of Dezhou City, Qi Xiaoqing, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Tianqu New Area, Wang Dashan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Tianqu New Area, Yan Zhirui, General Manager of Shandong Youyan Aisi Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd., and Hu Xin, General Manager of Shandong Yingwang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. to attend, Introduce the development of the semiconductor industry in Dezhou and the relevant situation of the summit, and answer questions from reporters.

In recent years, Dezhou City has conscientiously implemented the deployment requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, making the new generation of information technology (integrated circuit) industry the "number one industrial chain", with the main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee serving as the "chain leader". The top priority is to coordinate and promote, strengthen factor protection, and the semiconductor industry has blossomed from scratch to multiple points. Now, it has a place in the national map, injecting "core" power into the high-quality development of the city's economy. It mainly presents three characteristics:

01 Building a landmark industry with continuous growth in scale

Based on its advantages in location and resources, Dezhou City has seized the "window" period of semiconductor industry development and successfully competed on the "main track" of the semiconductor industry. There are currently 123 electronic information enterprises on the scale, with a main revenue of nearly 30 billion yuan last year. Among them, 10 semiconductor enterprises on the scale achieved a revenue of 7 billion yuan. In the past five years, the average annual growth rate of the semiconductor industry output has been nearly 20%. We have 3 national specialized, refined, and innovative "little giants" enterprises, 32 provincial-level "specialized, refined, and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprises, and 22 provincial-level small and medium-sized enterprises. Shandong Youyan has been selected as a leading enterprise in the provincial wild goose formation industrial cluster database, and Tianqu New Area Electronic Information (Integrated Circuit) has been selected as a strategic emerging industry cluster and characteristic industry cluster in Shandong Province. It has become an important growth pole for the high-quality development of the semiconductor industry in the province.

02 Anchor the preferred track and continuously improve the chain

Since the introduction of Weixun United Semiconductor Chip Packaging Enterprise in 2013, the semiconductor industry in Texas has gained strong momentum, gradually forming a semiconductor industry chain consisting of monocrystalline silicon materials, chip design, packaging testing, equipment materials, and terminal applications. China Youyan Technology Group has invested nearly 10 billion yuan to construct 7 projects in Dezhou, with 4 projects already put into operation. The construction of the "Dezhou Key Materials Base for Integrated Circuits" is accelerating. Weixun Semiconductor is the second production base built in Asia, with a total investment of 500 million US dollars. It mainly produces radio frequency chips for communication products such as mobile phones, and ranks among the top three globally in the industry. Yingwang Technology is a smartphone manufacturer with an independent brand, with an annual mobile phone production capacity of 12 million units. Driven by the "Head Wild Goose" enterprises, a number of high-end and high-quality projects such as Hengxin Electronics, Huawei Technology, and Beijing Tongyuan Micro have gathered in a "chain" and developed vigorously.

03 Thick planting and growing fertile soil, continuous ecological optimization

We have successively formulated and issued a series of documents, including the "14th Five Year Plan for the Development of the New Generation Information Technology Industry", "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Integrated Circuit Industry", and "Three Year Action Plan for Doubling the Electronic Information Industry", to provide full cycle policy support for industrial development, project construction, and achievement transformation. Relying on Youyan and Weixun, we plan and construct a semiconductor industry park with high standards to achieve land acquisition and construction upon signing a contract, ensuring the rapid implementation and production of projects. Major infrastructure projects such as Tianqu New Area Electronic Information Industry Park, Linyi County "Dong Xin Valley" Semiconductor Industry Park, and Lingcheng District Lubei Big Data Center are accelerating construction, creating a strong engine for the development of the semiconductor industry and digital economy.

01 Overall situation

The theme of this event is "Collaborative Innovation and Development", sponsored by the Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Dezhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Dezhou Municipal People's Government, and the Semiconductor Materials Branch of the China Electronic Materials Industry Association; Dezhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Dezhou Tianqu New Area Party Working Committee and Management Committee, Youyan Semiconductor Silicon Materials Co., Ltd., Shandong Youyan Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd., Shandong Youyan Aisi Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd., and Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silicon Single Crystal Semiconductor Materials and Technology. At that time, domestic academicians and experts in the field of semiconductor materials; Relevant leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Commerce; Relevant leaders of the provincial government, including the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and Provincial Department of Commerce; The main responsible person of key enterprises in the domestic semiconductor industry; The main responsible persons and responsible persons of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, as well as the relevant departments of each county (city, district) government (management committee) and municipal government, and the main responsible persons of key enterprises in our city; More than 500 people including news media reporters participated.

02 Schedule

On October 15th, the conference registered and held a council meeting of the Semiconductor Materials Branch of the China Electronic Materials Industry Association.

On the morning of October 16th at 08:18, a mass production ceremony for the 12 inch integrated circuit large silicon wafer industrialization project was held at Shandong Youyan Aisi Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd.

At 10:00 am, the opening ceremony of the 2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Dezhou) Summit was held in the Party School Report Hall of the Municipal Party Committee. It was presided over by Comrade Zhu Kaiguo, Deputy Secretary of the Dezhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Dezhou. The main contents included speeches from leaders of the provincial government and national ministries, academicians and experts, promotion of the Dezhou semiconductor industry, unveiling of the "Dezhou Key Materials Base for Integrated Circuits" and the Dezhou Semiconductor Industry Association, signing of key investment projects, academicians Experts give special reports.

On October 17th, relevant experts delivered a report and held the closing ceremony of the summit.

On October 18th, guests were organized to visit the exhibition hall of our city's key materials base for integrated circuits and key new generation information technology enterprises.

03 Preparation status

In order to do a good job in this event, our city has established a leadership group for the preparation of the summit, consisting of 11 working groups, including comprehensive coordination, conference and technical support, business invitation, medical support, contract signing, and security and stability maintenance. We have formulated a detailed work plan and clarified the division of responsibilities among relevant departments and units. As of now, preliminary work such as venue design, customer invitation, and conference materials have been completed, and other preparatory work is being carried out in a tense and orderly manner.

Next, according to the work plan, we will focus on completing various tasks such as project signing and on-site visits to ensure the success of this event.

Answer the reporter's question

Shandong Radio and Television Reporter: As the main battlefield for the development of the semiconductor industry in Dezhou City, what measures have been taken and what achievements have been made in project recruitment and industry cultivation in the Tianqu New Area of Dezhou?

Wang Dashan: The Tianqu New Area in Dezhou has closely focused on the deployment requirements of the Dezhou Municipal Party Committee and Government, and listed the new generation information technology (integrated circuit) industry as the "No.1" industry as the main direction of development. In the specific work, we will focus on cultivating Youyan as a key chain owner enterprise, establish a physical operation of the industrial office, establish a project special fund, carefully construct professional parks, and work together to create an important national integrated circuit key material base.

At present, the Tianqu New Area in Dezhou has attracted and cultivated a relatively complete semiconductor industry ecosystem. The semiconductor material industry represented by Shandong Youyan Integrated Circuit 8-inch silicon wafer, Shandong Youyan Aisi 12-inch silicon wafer, and Shandong Youyan Yijin Integrated Circuit high-purity sputtering target project; The integrated circuit packaging and testing industry represented by Weixun United Semiconductor; The integrated circuit design industry represented by the Texas Homogeneous Microelectronics. At the same time, we continue to adhere to the direction of extending and supplementing the supply chain, introducing high-quality projects such as third-generation semiconductor packaging heat dissipation materials and semiconductor packaging testing training bases, and equipping industry funds to participate in investment in integrated circuit industry projects. As of now, there are 35 new generation information technology (integrated circuit) related enterprises in the region, with sales revenue reaching 12 billion yuan in 2022.

Reporter: As a grand event in the domestic semiconductor industry, which leading companies and industry experts have been invited to attend this summit? Please introduce the relevant situation.

Wang Dashan: Two academicians will be invited for this event; 19 experts and professors; 17 industry associations; 72 leading enterprises in the industry, as well as leaders of relevant national ministries and Shandong Province.

Among them, the academicians include Zhu Shining, an academician of the CAS Member and a professor of Nanjing University; Yang Deren, academician of the CAS Member and professor of Zhejiang University.

The expert professors include 19 experts and professors from Shandong University, Tongji University, China University of Mining and Technology, Tianjin University of Technology, Hebei University of Technology, CETC 46 Institute of China Electronics Industry Foundation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics, etc.

Industry associations include 17 industry associations, including the China Electronic Materials Industry Association, the Rare Metal Branch of the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, the Integrated Circuit Branch of the China Semiconductor Industry Association, the Material Technical Committee of the National Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Standardization Committee, the Power Semiconductor Industry Alliance, and the Tianjin Integrated Circuit Industry Association.

Key enterprises in the industry mainly include China Electronics Technology Group, Zhongke Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xinsheng Semiconductor, TCL Zhonghuan New Energy, Guangdong Pioneer Technology Group, SMIC International North Integrated Circuit Technology Innovation Center, Hangzhou Shilan Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Xi'an Yisiwei Material Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xinao Technology Co., Ltd., Changxin Storage Technology Co., Ltd There are 72 leading companies in the semiconductor industry, including Huahong Semiconductor Co., Ltd., China Resources Microelectronics Co., Ltd., BYD (Chengdu), Xinen (Qingdao) Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd., Toshiba (China) Co., Ltd., and North Huachuang Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Reporter from Texas Daily: Apart from top companies, what other participating companies are there? Please introduce the relevant situation.

Wang Dashan: A total of 49 booths have been designed at the event site for enterprises to showcase their progress. There will be 48 semiconductor industry enterprises from the Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Jiangsu Zhejiang Shanghai regions, and Japan. The company's products cover semiconductor (integrated circuit) production and manufacturing equipment such as X-ray crystal orientation instruments, substrate polishing machines, crystal silicon multi wire cutting machines, large silicon wafers and epitaxial wafer cleaning machines; Ultra thin cutting pieces, silicon carbide layers, high-purity coated hard felt for semiconductor epitaxial furnaces, polishing fluids, grinding discs, and other auxiliary materials for semiconductor material production. The characteristics of this exhibition are two focuses. One is to focus on industrial manufacturing. 70% of the participating enterprises are equipment manufacturing enterprises, which is also an area in Texas that urgently needs to "supplement and strengthen the chain" in cultivating the semiconductor (integrated circuit) industry. We hope to further deepen communication with industry manufacturing enterprises and strengthen the attraction of industrial projects through this event. The second is to focus on "extending and supplementing the chain". The products of participating enterprises, such as polishing fluids and cutting chips, are mostly segmented into auxiliary materials for the production of semiconductor substrate materials. Deepening communication and communication with such enterprises, striving for the landing of projects, plays a crucial role in improving and enhancing the Texas semiconductor (integrated circuit) industry chain.

Reporter from Dezhou Radio and Television Station: During this summit, a large-scale production ceremony for the 12 inch integrated circuit silicon wafer industrialization project will be held. As a company in Shandong Youyan Aisi, how do you view the hosting of this summit and the development plan of the company in Dezhou?

Yan Zhirui: Youyan Aisi started construction in March 2022 and completed it in September 2023. The mass production ceremony will be held on October 16th. During this period, we received strong support from the Texas Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government, and various relevant departments, and deeply felt the excellent business environment in Texas.

It is a great honor to be the organizer of the 2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit. The organizer of this summit, the Semiconductor Materials Branch of the China Electronic Materials Industry Association, is the most authoritative industry association in the field of semiconductor materials in China. The annual industry summit held is one of the most grand and authoritative summits in the field of semiconductor materials in China. The successful hosting of the event is bound to help Texas build an important national integrated circuit key material base, Further enhancing the visibility and influence of Dezhou and even Shandong Province in the field of integrated circuit industry plays a very important role.

The Shandong Youyan Aisi Semiconductor Materials Project has a total investment of 6.2 billion yuan, mainly engaged in the industrial production of large silicon wafers for 12 inch integrated circuits. After reaching full production capacity, it will form a production scale of 3.6 million wafers per year, completely changing China's complete dependence on imports. Next, we will focus on the long-term development of Texas, fully leveraging the role of enterprises and their sense of social responsibility, and contributing the greatest strength to the development of Texas.

Texas Evening News reporter: What is the significance of this summit for semiconductor (integrated circuit) companies that have already settled in Texas?

Hu Xin: Yingwang Technology Company invested in a 40 million piece smartphone motherboard project in Texas in May 2020. With the help of local government leaders, it was completed and put into operation in just three months, with a cumulative output value of 1.18 billion yuan. This has strengthened our confidence in further development in Germany. In March 2021, the company relocated its headquarters from Shenzhen to Tianqu New Area in Dezhou. At present, the company is mainly engaged in the research and development, production, and brand operation of mobile phones and digital accessories. We have automated production lines and intelligent manufacturing systems such as SMT production lines, assembly production lines, camera COM and CSP packaging production lines, and screen module production lines.

In the past few years of development in Texas, we have deeply felt the development process of Texas in the semiconductor (integrated circuit) industry, from having to being excellent, from being single to being cluster. Especially in recent years, Dezhou has made significant achievements in building an important national key material base for integrated circuits, with Shandong Youyan, Youyan Aisi, Youyan Yijin and other units in the industry coming one after another. As a member unit of the industry, we deeply feel the increasingly perfect ecosystem of Texas semiconductor (integrated circuit) industry.

We are very pleased to host the 2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit and the mass production ceremony of the 12 inch integrated circuit large silicon wafer industrialization project in Texas. This can be said to be the most authoritative semiconductor material industry summit held at home, with unquestionable authority and influence. We also hope to establish connections and seek cooperation with industry enterprises participating in the event through this summit. At the same time, I also wish the event a complete success.

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