New technology can image plant genes in 3D

New technology can image plant genes in 3D

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, June 14 (Reporter Liu Xia) Every tissue of plants has hundreds of different types of cells, which convey information about Functional requirement and environmental changes. Scientists at the Salk Institute of Biology in the United States have developed a new imaging technology that can capture the entire "inner" world of plants at an unprecedented resolution in 3D, opening the door to understanding how plants respond to climate change and cultivating more adaptable creatures...

Delivery of the world's largest tonnage offshore floating production, storage, and unloading vessel

Delivery of the world's largest tonnage offshore floating production, storage, and unloading vessel

Tianjin Power (Reporter Jin Bo) The offshore floating production, storage and unloading tanker, one of the largest tonnage in the world, has completed the construction, connection and commissioning of all modules, completed the delivery in the Port of Tianjin Free Trade Zone, and will leave for Brazil on the 15th.The ship has a total length of 333 meters, a total height of 64 meters, and a total width of 60 meters...

US media: New York City will set the minimum wage for delivery workers as the first in the United States

US media: New York City will set the minimum wage for delivery workers as the first in the United States

Reported by Reference News Network on June 13thAccording to the Associated Press on June 13th, officials said this week that New York City will implement a minimum wage for delivery personnel for delivery applications such as Youshi and Doldash, which is the first time in the United States.The report states that this new regulation may nearly double the average income of couriers for such applications in the coming years...

Generative AI may lead to the savage growth of false information

Generative AI may lead to the savage growth of false information

Today's PerspectiveReporter Liu Xia from our newspaperGenerative artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged and may have a huge impact on humanity. Earlier this year, Goldman Sachs Group warned that over 300 million full-time jobs could be affected...

Strive to be the leader of

Strive to be the leader of "double carbon", Shanghai Electric appeared at the Carbon Expo with four innovative products of "scenery hydrogen storage"

Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is of great significance for China to achieve high-quality development and comprehensively build a socialist modernized power. Since China proposed carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals in 2020, reducing carbon emissions has become a consensus among all sectors...

The impact of hydrogen leakage on climate exceeds CO_ More than 2 times

The impact of hydrogen leakage on climate exceeds CO_ More than 2 times

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Liu Xia) An international scientific research team led by scientists from the International Climate and Environment Research Center (CICERO) in Oslo, Norway, published a paper on the magazine Communication Earth and Environment published on June 7, saying that the impact of leaked hydrogen on global warming is almost 12 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2). This is the most comprehensive assessment of the climate impact of hydrogen gas to date, filling the relevant knowledge gap...

Using model evolution models, Zhiyuan releases open source packages; Big Models Can't Bring AGI, LeCun Proposes Three Major Challenges | Frontline

Using model evolution models, Zhiyuan releases open source packages; Big Models Can't Bring AGI, LeCun Proposes Three Major Challenges | Frontline

Wen | Zhou XinyuEditor | Deng YongyiIs the next stop for the big model General Artificial Intelligence (AGI)?At the Zhiyuan Conference that opened on June 9th, top talents in the AI field from China and the United States discussed the future of big models and AGI.Due to its non-profit and research oriented nature, Zhiyuan is regarded by the industry as the "early OpenAI of China" and also the Huangpu Military Academy for domestic AI talents...

Network Audiovisual Construction of a New City Image

Network Audiovisual Construction of a New City Image

[Online Gathering World Chinese Style] Visualization of city image is an important way of city publicity, and also an important way for people to identify city characteristics. As a representation of urban narrative, Visualization of urban image is promoting the new construction of urban image with new technologies, new media and new methods...

Is Honor 80 worth buying? After experiencing for 3 months, it was found that the advantages and disadvantages were obvious

Is Honor 80 worth buying? After experiencing for 3 months, it was found that the advantages and disadvantages were obvious

Friends who enjoy taking photos know that in recent years, Huawei and Honor have always been excellent in the field of mobile photography, such as Honor 80. Although its performance is relatively ordinary, its highly destructive main camera with 160 million pixels has suddenly stimulated many consumers' desire to buy...

Technology Empowers Cultural Heritage Protection (New Language)

Technology Empowers Cultural Heritage Protection (New Language)

Create digital archives for cultural relics through technologies such as 3D laser scanning; The use of digital restoration and 3D printing technology to achieve the rebirth of cultural relics....

Musk sent his first dynamic message

Musk sent his first dynamic message "x" when he returned to China, and then sent it again in the early morning of the 6th. What does it mean

Last week, Elon Musk went on a fruitful trip to China as Tesla's CEO. Not only did I personally inspect the super factory in Shanghai after three years, but I also met many heavyweights...

International team develops 3D quantum storage technology

International team develops 3D quantum storage technology

Science and Technology Daily, Seoul, June 4 (Reporter Xue Yan) An international joint team, including the Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology of South Korea, recently developed an original technology of "3D quantum memory", and found the phenomenon of "nano crystal bidirectional optical switch" that can control the infinite repeated flickering in photoactive nanoparticles (ANP).ANP is a material developed by the team in 2021...