China's Booming CAD Market: Rise of Domestic Players, 3DCAD Leading the Future

China's Booming CAD Market: Rise of Domestic Players, 3DCAD Leading the Future

China's Booming CAD Market: Rise of Domestic Players, 3DCAD Leading the Future...

 The China-US Space Gap: More Than a Decade, but We Can Still Catch Up

The China-US Space Gap: More Than a Decade, but We Can Still Catch Up

The China-US Space Gap: More Than a Decade, but We Can Still Catch UpIn recent years, China's space program has achieved remarkable successes, leading many to believe that we have caught up with, even surpassed, the United States. However, a veteran expert dashed this optimism with a sobering statement: the gap between China and the US in space might be larger than we think...

 South-to-North Water Diversion Project: A Decade of Change and a Symbol of Engineering Prowess

South-to-North Water Diversion Project: A Decade of Change and a Symbol of Engineering Prowess

South-to-North Water Diversion Project: A Decade of Change and a Symbol of Engineering ProwessOver the past 30 years, China has undertaken countless large-scale infrastructure projects, some of which have garnered international attention, such as the Three Gorges Dam and the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. The latter, in particular, has sparked heated debates since its inception, with some expressing concerns about its potential negative impact on the domestic environment...

  A Decade of Exploration: Rosetta Unveils the Secrets of Comet 67P

A Decade of Exploration: Rosetta Unveils the Secrets of Comet 67P

A Decade of Exploration: Rosetta Unveils the Secrets of Comet 67PIn 2014, after a decade-long journey through deep space, the Rosetta spacecraft successfully reached its destination Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This marked the first time in history that a spacecraft had ever orbited and landed on a comet...

 The Unseemly Truth Behind

The Unseemly Truth Behind "Decency": Reflections on the Exposure of Inappropriate Chat Records Involving a Supply and Marketing Cooperative Cadre

The Unseemly Truth Behind "Decency": Reflections on the Exposure of Inappropriate Chat Records Involving a Supply and Marketing Cooperative CadreIn the internet age, information spreads with the speed of lightning. Stories once hidden in the shadows can now be exposed under the spotlight, facing judgment from all sides...

 A Giant Falls, Academician Shen Xubang's Dedication to Scientific Advancement for the Nation Will Forever Be Remembered

A Giant Falls, Academician Shen Xubang's Dedication to Scientific Advancement for the Nation Will Forever Be Remembered

A Giant Falls, Academician Shen Xubang's Dedication to Scientific Advancement for the Nation Will Forever Be RememberedA Climber on the Path of Scientific Research...

"Jiaolong" Completes 300th Deep Dive, Academician Zhou Guangzhao Passes Away, Highlights in Technological Innovation and Social Development

"Jiaolong" Completes 300th Deep Dive, Academician Zhou Guangzhao Passes Away, Highlights in Technological Innovation and Social DevelopmentThe "Jiaolong" manned submersible has successfully completed its 300th deep dive mission, marking a significant advancement in China's deep-sea technological innovation capabilities. Each dive represents a journey into the mysteries of the deep ocean, and each success deepens our understanding of marine science...

 From the Golden Decade to the Cliff-like Decline: A History of the Rise and Fall of Internet Cafes in China

From the Golden Decade to the Cliff-like Decline: A History of the Rise and Fall of Internet Cafes in China

From the Golden Decade to the Cliff-like Decline: A History of the Rise and Fall of Internet Cafes in ChinaOnce upon a time, nothing was more lucrative than opening an internet cafe. A cafe costing 100,000 yuan could easily generate over a million yuan in annual revenue...

 The Mighty Dragon of the Yangtze: Two Decades of Achievements and Challenges of the Three Gorges Project

The Mighty Dragon of the Yangtze: Two Decades of Achievements and Challenges of the Three Gorges Project

The Mighty Dragon of the Yangtze: Two Decades of Achievements and Challenges of the Three Gorges ProjectThe Yangtze River, the mother river of the Chinese nation, has nurtured a brilliant civilization and witnessed countless hardships. Floods were once a haunting nightmare for people living along its banks...

 The New Era of Interconnected Computing Power: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology Releases Public Service Platform to Promote the Development of Computing Power Internet

The New Era of Interconnected Computing Power: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology Releases Public Service Platform to Promote the Development of Computing Power Internet

The New Era of Interconnected Computing Power: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology Releases Public Service Platform to Promote the Development of Computing Power InternetIn recent years, the demand for computing power has exploded with the development of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing. To meet this ever-growing demand, it is crucial to build an efficient, secure, and trustworthy computing power network system...

Jack Ma once predicted that the three major cancers will afflict every family in the next decade, has it become a reality now?

Jack Ma once predicted that the three major cancers will afflict every family in the next decade, has it become a reality now?

As is well known, Jack Ma is a highly ambitious and idealistic entrepreneur who has made outstanding contributions to the development of China's technology industry over the years. For example, he once offended banks in order to change China's mobile payment industry, and even had to "wrestle" with giants in monopolistic industries such as China Mobile, telecommunications, and China Unicom...

Academicians and experts jointly discuss the innovative development of computer engineering and intelligent control

Academicians and experts jointly discuss the innovative development of computer engineering and intelligent control

Science and Technology Daily reporter Ye QingOn October 21st, the 21st Huacheng Academician Technology Summit and the Fourth Academic Conference on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Control (ICCEIC 2023) were held in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Experts and scholars from around the world participated in the conference in a "online+offline" manner...