In 1985, a misjudgment cost China trillions, and a generation of superstars passed away with hatred!

In 1985, a misjudgment cost China trillions, and a generation of superstars passed away with hatred!

Could you please click on the top right corner of the old manFollowFor your convenience in discussing and sharing, thank you for your support!This headline number has been signed with the Rights Defender Knight, and removal will be investigated!Text | Autumn MapleEditor | Qiu FengprefaceA groundbreaking decision in 1985Completely changed the fate of aviation expert Ma Fengshan.He devoted his entire life to research and developmentChina's first autonomous passenger plane, the -10, was declared discontinued overnight...

Technology Continuously Iterating Industry: Folding Screen Mobile Phone Track Gradually Increasing Public Awareness

Technology Continuously Iterating Industry: Folding Screen Mobile Phone Track Gradually Increasing Public Awareness

Against the backdrop of overall pressure on the smartphone market, high-end has become a common development direction for major manufacturers. As a sharp tool for conquering the high-end market, folding screen technology is gradually emerging in the market...

High quality development research tour - small resistance leverages big industries

High quality development research tour - small resistance leverages big industries

Science and Technology Daily reporter Liu Yin DupengFrom raw material warehousing to resistance printing, sintering, laser cutting, from screening to surface treatment, magnetic separation to package testing, finished product warehousing....

High quality development research tour | Chengfei cooperates with

High quality development research tour | Chengfei cooperates with "Yandu" to jointly build an industrial base, with a layout of three phases of construction

Starting from the urban area of Zigong and driving westward for 20 kilometers, it is the Chengfei Zigong drone industrial base jointly built by Zigong and the aviation industry Chengfei. The project adopts the model of "chain owner enterprise+government platform+supporting enterprise" for construction, with a total planned investment of about 10 billion yuan and a layout of three phases of construction...

Message: Apple may introduce generative AI functionality in iOS18

Message: Apple may introduce generative AI functionality in iOS18

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On October 20th, Jeff Pu, an analyst at Haitong International Securities, recently stated that Apple may introduce generative AI functionality to the iPhone and iPad when it releases iOS18 at the end of 2024.The analyst said that Apple will introduce hundreds of artificial intelligence servers within 2023 and further increase the number next year...

The opening of our first store in Shanghai accelerates the layout of offline stores

The opening of our first store in Shanghai accelerates the layout of offline stores

On October 20th, it was reported that recently, Nanxiang Impression City Store, the first store of the baby in Shanghai, was opening, while the Sky Vanke Plaza Store, the second store in Shanghai, was also opening at the same time. Since then, there have been 2 physical stores for babies in Shanghai, 6 in Hangzhou, 1 in Ningbo, 1 in Nanjing, and 1 in Suzhou...

Jinhua vigorously develops information technology application and innovation industries, expands competitive advantages in the digital era

Jinhua vigorously develops information technology application and innovation industries, expands competitive advantages in the digital era

On October 20th, at the 2023 Information Technology Application Innovation Symposium with the theme of "Core" enjoying opportunities and "Core" moving towards the future, Zhu Chonglie, Secretary of Jinhua Municipal Party Committee, stated that in recent years, Jinhua has taken vigorously developing the information technology application innovation industry as a key focus and continuously expanding its competitive advantages in the digital era. At present and in the future, Jinhua will firmly shoulder the mission of the era of "based on the actual situation, leveraging its advantages, leveraging strengths and weaknesses, and creating new brilliance", anchor the goal of "building a strong city with integrated digital and real industries", promote the development of the information and innovation industry at a high level, build a high-level information and innovation industry platform, optimize the information and innovation industry ecology at a high level, and lead the industrial transformation and upgrading with the digital economy...

Aerospace hero Yang Liwei once experienced a near death experience of 26 seconds, when the rocket accelerated and his internal organs were about to break in the blink of an eye

Aerospace hero Yang Liwei once experienced a near death experience of 26 seconds, when the rocket accelerated and his internal organs were about to break in the blink of an eye

#The Challenge of Creating Flowers with Wonderful Writing#Before you read this article, could you please click on "Follow" to facilitate your discussion and sharing, while also bringing you a different sense of participation? Thank you for your support.At the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu Province, a heroic astronaut named Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, and Ye Guangfu were surrounded and seen off by everyone...

Does the monthly live streaming sales of internet celebrities exceed one million? Revealing the True Income of Broadcasters: Overall Polarization

Does the monthly live streaming sales of internet celebrities exceed one million? Revealing the True Income of Broadcasters: Overall Polarization

Replay suspend 00:07 / 04:52 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos Poster News Chief Reporter Li Zijiao Reporter Lv Le Linyi ReportSeven months, five million a monthdirect seeding735001100277600direct seeding15Anchor Wang Yucheng is introducing the products in the store to netizensdirect seedingdirect seeding6direct seedingdirect seedingBase salary plus commission, with a monthly income of 10000 yuanFamily members, we are shipping the original oil chestnut kernels from Yimeng Mountain to everyone, all of which are picked, made, and shipped immediatelyAnchor Wang Yucheng is introducing the products in the store to netizens10direct seedingAnchor Wang Yucheng is introducing the products in the store to netizens3direct seedingdirect seeding7000direct seeding100005000Low industry threshold and considerable incomedirect seedingdirect seedingdirect seedingdirect seedingdirect seeding2022-2023direct seeding202220232022direct seeding1.54...

Super Computing Encounters National Treasures! This strategic cooperation agreement was signed today

Super Computing Encounters National Treasures! This strategic cooperation agreement was signed today

On October 19th, the National Supercomputing Chengdu Center and Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony and the unveiling ceremony of the Endangered Animal Genetics and Computing Innovation Center.What problems will "supercomputing" solve when encountering national treasures?In recent years, with the rapid and high-quality increase in the number of artificially bred giant pandas, China's giant panda protection has achieved preliminary results...

The largest in our country! Fully completed and put into operation

The largest in our country! Fully completed and put into operation

On the one5th, China Petroleum released a message,The largest ultra deep condensate gas field in China, Bozi Dabei Gas Field in Tarim Basin, has been fully completed and put into operation, marking a new stage of large-scale development in the new trillion cubic meter atmospheric area of the Tarim Basin, adding new guarantees for the safe and stable gas supply of the West East Gas Pipeline.Bozi Dabei Gas Field is located at the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, and is a national key project...

The first development well operation of the

The first development well operation of the "Deep Sea No.1" Phase II project has been successfully completed

On October 16th, the reporter learned from CNOOC that the first development well operation of the "Deep Sea No.1" Phase II project was successfully completed, with a daily production of over 1 million cubic meters of natural gas and over 230 cubic meters of condensate tested, far exceeding design expectations...