Shame on you! Ejected from the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli representative causing trouble Erdan angers the Chairman

Shame on you! Ejected from the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli representative causing trouble Erdan angers the Chairman

For your better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, click "Follow" and we will update you with exciting stories and share different story moments every day!In this magnificent drama, the forces of various countries interweave and compete with each other, forming a vivid world picture.Who will become the future protagonist?Shenzhou 16 will return! Netizens don't understand why China's space station needs to be openedThe news that the Shenzhou 16 astronaut is about to return to Earth has attracted widespread attention...

Dong Xin, General Manager of China Mobile: Jointly discussing new paths for product development and expanding the blue ocean of information services

Dong Xin, General Manager of China Mobile: Jointly discussing new paths for product development and expanding the blue ocean of information services

On October 12th, the 2023 China Mobile Global Partner Conference Product Innovation and Development Forum was held in Guangzhou. Dong Xin, General Manager of China Mobile, attended the forum and delivered a speech...

Strike caused a loss of $200 million for General Motors in the third quarter

Strike caused a loss of $200 million for General Motors in the third quarter

According to foreign media reports, a spokesperson for General Motors recently stated that the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike, which began on September 15th, caused approximately $200 million in losses to General Motors in the third quarter.The UAW is striking General Motors, Ford, and Stanlantis, marking the first time in its history that the union has simultaneously struck three major union automakers in the United States...

Colonel Shen Xingyun, the only captain of the PLA Astronauts Brigade who did not become a general

Colonel Shen Xingyun, the only captain of the PLA Astronauts Brigade who did not become a general

At present, the current leader of the PLA Astronauts Brigade is General Jing Haipeng, a native of Yuncheng, Shanxi Province. He joined the army in June 1985 and is 57 years old this year...

US tap water is generally contaminated with toxic PFAS, and research warns of health risks

US tap water is generally contaminated with toxic PFAS, and research warns of health risks

The new research report issued by the United States Geological Survey shows that at least 45% of tap water in the United States contains toxic perfluorinated and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These substances are not easily degraded in the environment and human body, and are also known as "permanent chemicals"...