Huawei is taking it seriously! A decision caught Japanese and European companies off guard, foreign media: It's starting to become popular!

Huawei is taking it seriously! A decision caught Japanese and European companies off guard, foreign media: It's starting to become popular!

Text | MZJEditor | Canned Green OrangeFaced with sanctions from Western countries led by the United States, Huawei has always adhered to its original intention and has not been defeated by the West.In 2022, Huawei achieved normalized operations under the blockade and suppression of the United States...


Ali's "Royal Guards" Jiang Fang, who has been in office for 23 years and sent 7 senior executives to prison, even Jack Ma can investigate!

followWithin the Alibaba Group, there was a woman who once made an astonishing move.After 23 years of employment, he shook the entire personnel department of Alibaba on his own, personally sending 7 senior management personnel to prison, with authority so high that even Jack Ma can investigate at will...

Integrating Science and Education to Safeguard Future Urban Safety

Integrating Science and Education to Safeguard Future Urban Safety

Science and Technology Daily News (Guo Guozhong, Liu Xinshengyi, Reporter Xia Fan) From May 27th to 28th, the Second International Conference on Urban Public Safety and Emergency Rescue was held in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province.At the meeting, a number of scientific and technological innovation and high-level talent cultivation cooperation platforms were unveiled, including the Key Emergency Management College of Jiangsu Province, the Emergency Management College of Changzhou City, the School of Safety Science and Engineering of Changzhou University, the School of Emergency Management Science and Engineering, and the "Power Battery Safety and Accident Prevention and Control Technology Engineering Laboratory" of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, And a batch of latest technical equipment and application achievements in major safety risk prevention and control and emergency response have been released in a centralized manner...