Introduction to purchasing electric rice cookers. Which brand of rice cooker has the best quality? Insiders help you conduct in-depth analysis

Introduction to purchasing electric rice cookers. Which brand of rice cooker has the best quality? Insiders help you conduct in-depth analysis

Electric rice cookers are essential household appliances, mainly used for cooking, with additional functions such as making soup, stewing, frying, baking, etc. They are highly practical...

Within 24 hours of the introduction of a ban on the sale of gallium and germanium, the United States, Japan, and Europe have exploded in China's phone calls, causing product prices to soar to 10000 yuan

Within 24 hours of the introduction of a ban on the sale of gallium and germanium, the United States, Japan, and Europe have exploded in China's phone calls, causing product prices to soar to 10000 yuan

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Introduction to zkSync Airdrop (How to obtain zkSync airdrop? What is zkSync?)

Introduction to zkSync Airdrop (How to obtain zkSync airdrop? What is zkSync?)

The method of transferring cryptocurrency to zkSyncLayer2 account for air drop is to directly transfer cryptocurrency to zkSync, and the air drop will be distributed based on the deposit, delivery records, or the amount of Ether saved in the wallet.Step 1...