Just now! Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and saw behind the scenes, he flew into a rage!

Just now! Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and saw behind the scenes, he flew into a rage!

Just now! Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and saw this behind the scenes, he flew into a rage Mp32:47From the corners of this cityRecently, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk shared his latest visit on social media, but this visit was unusual. Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and witnessed firsthand the tragic situation faced by the people there...

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, has published a paper.On November 4th local time, the DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, released a paper titled "Levels of AGI: Operationalizing Progress on the Pathto AGI", proposing a clearer definition of General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) and developing an AGI classification framework similar to the L1-L5 level of autonomous driving...

Sudden! Does the Chinese space station not comply with international regulations? Just now, there was new news from the international community

Sudden! Does the Chinese space station not comply with international regulations? Just now, there was new news from the international community

The relationship between the Chinese space station CSS project and international regulations has always been of great concern. This project has a significant impact on international cooperation and future space activities...

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's de sinicization has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China is no longer bowing its head!

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's de sinicization has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China is no longer bowing its head!

Challenges and Opportunities: Apple's Exploration and Transformation in the Chinese Market In this increasingly changing world, even technology leaders cannot avoid market challenges. Taking Apple as an example, its recent performance in the Chinese market has become a hot topic...

Microsoft Approved Modular VR Head Display Patent with Dynamically Adjustable Head Display Configuration

Microsoft Approved Modular VR Head Display Patent with Dynamically Adjustable Head Display Configuration

On November 3rd, according to the latest list released by the US Patent and Trademark Office, Microsoft has successfully obtained a patent for modular VR head display technology. This patent can dynamically adjust the head display configuration to adapt to different user environments...

Why is' Gree more expensive than Midea 'when it's the same 1.5 horsepower air conditioner? Just compare and you'll understand

Why is' Gree more expensive than Midea 'when it's the same 1.5 horsepower air conditioner? Just compare and you'll understand

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How to choose a smart door lock? Just remember eight pithy phrases

How to choose a smart door lock? Just remember eight pithy phrases


Just focus on these two things, Musk really has a plan!

Just focus on these two things, Musk really has a plan!

Source: Niu TanqinData mapMusk is really not simple, he has a set of tricks.What ordinary people dare not do, he did it and was praised by the world...

Microsoft Xbox gaming and marketing team undergoes significant adjustments

Microsoft Xbox gaming and marketing team undergoes significant adjustments

According to a report by foreign media on October 27th, Microsoft has recently made some significant adjustments to its Xbox and marketing team. Microsoft promoted MattBooty to the position of President of Game Content and Studio, including ZeniMax's new responsibilities, and promoted Sarah Bond to the position of President of Xbox, responsible for overseeing all Xbox platform and hardware work; Chief Marketing Officer Chris Capossela will resign after 32 years at Microsoft...

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's visit to China has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China will no longer bow its head!

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's visit to China has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China will no longer bow its head!

Literary/erudite snow pearEditor/erudite snow pearApple has suffered setbacks in the Chinese market. Apple has achieved great success in the Chinese market, but in recent years, the company has faced a series of challenges, leading to a sharp decline in its market share in China...

Former SpaceX executive: Immigration to Mars is just a

Former SpaceX executive: Immigration to Mars is just a "small goal" for Musk | Symbiosis Era Science Fiction Future

Cover News Reporter Bian Xue Intern Reporter Ma XiaoyuThis is a day that aviation enthusiasts will never forget.On April 20th Central Time, SpaceX's starship was launched into space but did not separate from the first stage rocket booster three minutes after liftoff as originally planned, and exploded and disintegrated in the air about four minutes later...

Huawei MateX5 has become a favorite folding screen among celebrities, not just one or two, but half of the entertainment industry!

Huawei MateX5 has become a favorite folding screen among celebrities, not just one or two, but half of the entertainment industry!

When it comes to Huawei phones, one has to think of "celebrities". This is because every time Huawei releases a heavyweight new product, it attracts many celebrities to become its users...