Shenzhou Car Rental and Air Travel Achieve Strategic Cooperation and Cross industry Integration Accelerate the Reconstruction of a New Paradigm for Travel

Shenzhou Car Rental and Air Travel Achieve Strategic Cooperation and Cross industry Integration Accelerate the Reconstruction of a New Paradigm for Travel

On November 9th, Shenzhou Car Rental and Hanglv Zongheng signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two sides will work together to create a one-stop service of "Hanglv+Car Rental", providing users with more comprehensive, convenient, and high-quality travel solutions, and creating a new sample of win-win development in the travel industry...

2023 CIIE: Upgrading the Artificial Intelligence Experience and Accelerating the Application of Industry Scenarios

2023 CIIE: Upgrading the Artificial Intelligence Experience and Accelerating the Application of Industry Scenarios

From November 5th to 10th, the 6th China International Import Expo was held in Shanghai. Numerous enterprises actively participated in the technical equipment exhibition area, with various highlights showcasing new products, technologies, and services...

Artificial gasoline technology has been improved, with a cost of less than three yuan per liter! But the result is simply unable to promote?

Artificial gasoline technology has been improved, with a cost of less than three yuan per liter! But the result is simply unable to promote?

With the increasing global attention to environmental protection and energy security, various innovative energy technologies are constantly emerging. In March 2022, the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences publicly announced that they had created "artificial gasoline" by kneading carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas together...

Focusing on iQOO in esports and practicing game scenarios with products:

Focusing on iQOO in esports and practicing game scenarios with products: "There is specialization in the industry"

Global Network Technology Report&Nbsp;reporter&Nbsp;LindyIn recent years, virtual and simulated sports have become an increasingly important part of the sports field. On September 6th this year, the International Olympic Committee officially announced the establishment of the International Olympic Committee's e-Sports Commission, highlighting the recognition of the enormous potential of e-sports by the International Olympic Committee...

Apple executives claim to have not passed on environmental costs to consumers

Apple executives claim to have not passed on environmental costs to consumers

On November 9th, according to foreign media, Apple Vice President Lisa Jackson stated that Apple will not charge additional fees for the widely used "environmentally friendly" technology in its consumer products.Jackson stated that Apple's market value is approximately $2...

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, has published a paper.On November 4th local time, the DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, released a paper titled "Levels of AGI: Operationalizing Progress on the Pathto AGI", proposing a clearer definition of General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) and developing an AGI classification framework similar to the L1-L5 level of autonomous driving...

The official has only now come up with a solution to the problem of difficulty and high cost of watching TV for everyone! Is it too late?

The official has only now come up with a solution to the problem of difficulty and high cost of watching TV for everyone! Is it too late?

Television used to be the most loyal companion of the common people at night, and it was also the main source of information and entertainment. However, with the passage of time, television is gradually being replaced by emerging online video platforms...

Foxconn made a huge mistake! Guo Taiming's shocking scandal exposed!

Foxconn made a huge mistake! Guo Taiming's shocking scandal exposed!

What is the story behind the success of Foxconn and Terry Gou? What impact does personal effort and opportunity giving have on success? Recently, Foxconn, as a global electronics manufacturing giant, has frequently become the focus of news and has been investigated by two major authoritative departments. However, behind all of this, we should also understand Guo Taiming's arduous journey from a poor background to becoming a successful entrepreneur today, as well as the spirit of innovation and hard work he advocates...

Douyu boss suddenly disappeared, and after gambling and becoming wealthy, he ran away?

Douyu boss suddenly disappeared, and after gambling and becoming wealthy, he ran away?

No matter how small the risk is in doing business, there is a possibility of losing money. Only those who engage in pornography, gambling, and drug trafficking can make a steady profit without losing money...

Activision Blizzard CEO: Joining Microsoft makes the company more like an independent studio

Activision Blizzard CEO: Joining Microsoft makes the company more like an independent studio

On November 7th, according to foreign media reports, Mike Ybarra, CEO of Activision Blizzard, said recently about his feelings after joining Microsoft, "I believe building a team, focusing on culture, and creating freely will make Blizzard feel more independent than ever beforeOn October 13th, Microsoft officially completed a $69 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard.Previously, Microsoft had stated that after completing the acquisition, it would start adding Activision Blizzard games to GamePass next year...

Huawei (Nanjing) Developer Innovation Center officially launched: catalyzing a new ecosystem of digital economy

Huawei (Nanjing) Developer Innovation Center officially launched: catalyzing a new ecosystem of digital economy

In the new era led by digital transformation and intelligent upgrading, the scale and quality of a city or region's digital economy have become important indicators to measure its core competitiveness and development potential.In the past, the urbanization process was mainly marked by the prosperity of real estate; Nowadays, promoting the integration of production and quantity, reshaping the industrial pattern, is the driving force of urban modernization...

Why don't trucks disappear from China's most profitable bridge, which used to cost 6 million yuan?

Why don't trucks disappear from China's most profitable bridge, which used to cost 6 million yuan?

Once, the first railway in China was built by the British,Nowadays, our country has become the "infrastructure demon" praised by everyone in Western countries.Over the past century of ups and downs, Chinese people have not only stood up, but also obtained business cards that they can handle...