According to the news, thousands of people are queuing up for the implantation of

According to the news, thousands of people are queuing up for the implantation of "brain computer chips" in Musk Neuralink, and the number of surgeries will exceed 22000 by 2030

On Tuesday local time in the United States, biographer Ashlee Vance revealed in an article that thousands of people were queuing up to receive brain implants from Neurolink, a brain computer interface company owned by Elon Musk.It is reported that Neuralink underwent 155 surgeries on sheep, pigs, and monkeys in 2021, and 294 surgeries last year...

After I replaced the

After I replaced the "soybean milk machine" with the "broken wall machine", I said something that was too real

Andy, a writer/home appliance evaluatorLeaving aside microwaves and rice cookers, the most frequently used small appliances in the kitchen are the following"Soybean milk machine"Yes. As an early user of soybean milk machines, I have not replaced three soybean milk machines, and the last soybean milk machine I used has also been "in service" for five years...

China Discovered the World's Largest Oil Field! Has the daily production reached 8200 tons? Where exactly is the place located

China Discovered the World's Largest Oil Field! Has the daily production reached 8200 tons? Where exactly is the place located

As early as 2017, a huge conglomerate oil and gas field called Mahu Oilfield was discovered in the Xinjiang region of China, with reserves reaching tens of billions of tons. This news has not only attracted widespread attention domestically, but also sparked heated discussions internationally...

Huawei engineer Lv Xiaofeng took a plane to Tunisia, and the engine started working one minute after the plane took off

Huawei engineer Lv Xiaofeng took a plane to Tunisia, and the engine started working one minute after the plane took off

Huawei engineer Lv Xiaofeng went on a business trip to Tunisia by plane, but encountered an accident with an engine malfunction just one minute after the plane took off. This incident has recently attracted widespread attention and discussion on social media...

Decrypt! Why do planes avoid Xizang? Explore the reasons behind it!

Decrypt! Why do planes avoid Xizang? Explore the reasons behind it!

Mysterious flying world: why do large planes avoid the sky over Xizang? In the early summer morning, the sun shines through the clouds on the northern Tibetan plateau, creating brilliant colors and magnificent scenery. However, the towering of the the Himalayas has brought great challenges to pilots...

The third phase of the vivo

The third phase of the vivo "Voice and Interest" public welfare plan officially launched

On November 3rd, it was reported that the 2023vivo Developer Conference recently concluded in Guangdong. The conference features a main venue and multiple sub venues, with the theme of "Together and Together"...

The third phase of the vivo

The third phase of the vivo "Voice and Interest" public welfare plan officially launched

On November 3rd, it was reported that the 2023vivo Developer Conference recently concluded in Guangdong. The conference features a main venue and multiple sub venues, with the theme of "Together and Together"...

Microsoft Approved Modular VR Head Display Patent with Dynamically Adjustable Head Display Configuration

Microsoft Approved Modular VR Head Display Patent with Dynamically Adjustable Head Display Configuration

On November 3rd, according to the latest list released by the US Patent and Trademark Office, Microsoft has successfully obtained a patent for modular VR head display technology. This patent can dynamically adjust the head display configuration to adapt to different user environments...

The release of license plates on vehicles used by astronauts has sparked controversy. Is it intentional obstruction of license plates or a helpless move?

The release of license plates on vehicles used by astronauts has sparked controversy. Is it intentional obstruction of license plates or a helpless move?

The issuance of license plates for astronauts' vehicles has always been a controversial issue. Some people believe that this blurring is intentional obstruction of the license plate, while others believe that it is for the protection of astronaut safety and privacy...


The "obscene and pornographic" network information department investigates and punishes "quark" NetEase CC, ordering two platforms to immediately rectify

Recently, the quark platform and NetEase CC live streaming platform have been investigated and dealt with by relevant departments, causing widespread social attention. The National Cyberspace Administration guided the Guangdong Provincial Cyberspace Administration to conduct interviews with the leaders of the two platforms and imposed severe penalties on the network ecological issues involved...

Intime Department Store's Digital IP Entering AI Platform for Children's Tales ImageStore

Intime Department Store's Digital IP Entering AI Platform for Children's Tales ImageStore

On November 2nd, Intime Department Store and AI content service company Children's Story ImageStore reached an IP and content partnership. The two sides will innovate and explore content marketing forms that are more close to contemporary young people based on future life scenarios...

Sacrifice too much! Astronauts returning to Earth are prohibited from having children? Liu Yang and Wang Yaping have already explained through actions

Sacrifice too much! Astronauts returning to Earth are prohibited from having children? Liu Yang and Wang Yaping have already explained through actions

Shenzhou 16Return,The online coverage of this matter can be said to be overwhelming.But some reports also need to be viewed rationally...