Guiyang-Gui'an: Building an AI Large Model Training Base to Lead the New Pattern of Digital Economy Development

Guiyang-Gui'an: Building an AI Large Model Training Base to Lead the New Pattern of Digital Economy Development

Guiyang-Gui'an: Building an AI Large Model Training Base to Lead the New Pattern of Digital Economy DevelopmentOn July 30, 2024, the press conference for the 2024 China International Big Data Industry Expo was held in Beijing. At the conference, Guiyang-Gui'an, as an important participant in the "East Data West Calculation" strategy, announced that it will leverage its powerful data center cluster, computing power scale, data openness, and application scenario advantages to vigorously build an AI large model training base, injecting new vitality into the AI industry development nationwide and globally...

 Assessment of Data Element Market Development Level in Western Chinese Cities: Guiyang Takes the Lead, Diversified Development Pattern Emerges

Assessment of Data Element Market Development Level in Western Chinese Cities: Guiyang Takes the Lead, Diversified Development Pattern Emerges

Assessment of Data Element Market Development Level in Western Chinese Cities: Guiyang Takes the Lead, Diversified Development Pattern EmergesRecently, the Sichuan Branch of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) released the "Assessment Report on the Development Level of Data Element Market in Western Cities of China (2024)", evaluating the development level of the data element market in 131 cities in western China and producing a top 50 list.Guiyang, with its comprehensive market support system, solid data industry foundation, active data circulation market and sound data element governance system, ranked first among western cities with a total score of 84...

Buy Global and Sell Global! New Pattern of Changsha

Buy Global and Sell Global! New Pattern of Changsha

Reported by Peng Chao, a news reporter from Red Net Moments in ChangshaOn October 20th, the 2023 Hunan (Changsha) Cross border E-commerce Fair opened, bringing together numerous well-known cross-border e-commerce enterprises, advantageous industries, and unique new products from around the world to exchange new challenges and opportunities in the cross-border e-commerce industry. Holding this exhibition for the second consecutive year reflects Changsha's long-standing commitment to "buying and selling globally"...

Build a development pattern of

Build a development pattern of "dual core and one base"! Shenyang Accelerates the Construction of a Billion Scale Aviation Industry Cluster

The aviation industry is one of the eight key industrial chains for the development of our citySince the beginning of this year, the construction of major projects in the aviation industry in our city has been accelerated, and the local supporting rate of leading enterprises has steadily increased. The trend of specialization, clustering, and large-scale development of the industrial chain has been further highlighted, and we are accelerating towards building a billion level aviation industry cluster...

Domestic nuclear magnetic resonance instruments begin mass production, and the monopoly pattern of imports will be broken

Domestic nuclear magnetic resonance instruments begin mass production, and the monopoly pattern of imports will be broken

Source: [People's Daily Health Client]According to CCTV News on July 22, the nuclear magnetic resonance instrument led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology has been successfully developed and has begun mass production. This instrument can obtain the whole body image of the human body, which not only improves the resolution, but also accelerates the imaging speed...

Subcellular proteome in bacteria of the phylum Pleuromycetes: differences between inner and outer membranes and prediction of expression patterns

Subcellular proteome in bacteria of the phylum Pleuromycetes: differences between inner and outer membranes and prediction of expression patterns

introductionPlanctomycetes bacteria have unique cell structure and seriously invaginated membrane, among whichT. ImmobilisThe subcellular proteome was examined by differential dissolution and subsequent LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry) analysis,A total of 1569 proteins were identified...