The visible progress of China's aerospace industry! This time, the Shenzhou 17 astronauts didn't carry that square box!

The visible progress of China's aerospace industry! This time, the Shenzhou 17 astronauts didn't carry that square box!

Have you seen the international events that happened today,Follow MeLet's dig deeper into big events you don't know!!!The international situation is increasingly changing, not only involving changes in politics, economy, military and other aspects, but also changes in various fields such as society, culture, technology, and so on.The strength of our country cannot be separated from the participation of everyone...

Domestic aircraft engines have made another breakthrough, with the maximum thrust of the Yangtze River 2000 exceeding 35 tons; The progress of new technology is gratifying

Domestic aircraft engines have made another breakthrough, with the maximum thrust of the Yangtze River 2000 exceeding 35 tons; The progress of new technology is gratifying

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Progress in Simulating the Distribution of Potential Wetlands in China by Northeast Geography

Progress in Simulating the Distribution of Potential Wetlands in China by Northeast Geography

Wetlands are ecosystems with unique functions that provide a variety of important ecosystem services. However, climate change and human activities have caused serious losses and degradation of wetlands, and there is an urgent need for scientific planning, effective management, and appropriate restoration of wetlands...

The latest progress chart for Shenzhen Oujia Building - the international headquarters of smartphone giant OPPO

The latest progress chart for Shenzhen Oujia Building - the international headquarters of smartphone giant OPPO

prefaceOPPOOPPO Guangdong Mobile Communication Co., Ltd...

How is the preparation for manned lunar landing progressing? What are the selection criteria? Yang Liwei revealed these

How is the preparation for manned lunar landing progressing? What are the selection criteria? Yang Liwei revealed these

During the 21 hours and 23 minutes of the Shenzhou-5 flight, Yang Liwei said he only slept for half an hour because time was too precious, and all his experiences and feelings became the first-hand experience that Chinese astronauts had gained in space for the first time. After the successful completion of the Shenzhou-5 mission, especially in the past decade, China's manned space development has also entered a fast lane...

Significant progress has been made in the research of dinosaur egg fossils in Shiyan, and experts have made new judgments

Significant progress has been made in the research of dinosaur egg fossils in Shiyan, and experts have made new judgments

Shiyan Guangzhou TelecomOn October 16th, the reporter learned from the world's largest dinosaur egg fossil site - Hubei Qinglongshan Dinosaur Egg Fossil Group National Nature Reserve - that with the continuous advancement of scientific research work,The long-standing problem of dinosaur egg classification in Qinglongshan, which has troubled the academic community, is expected to be solved, and it is clear that the branch egg family "Tumiaoling flat round egg" is the absolute dominant group of dinosaur eggs in Qinglongshan,And it may have originated from extremely rare dinosaurs of the same class.The joint research team of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Hubei Institute of Geological Sciences conducted a systematic survey of nearly 3000 dinosaur egg fossils under in-situ protection in the Qinglongshan area, and selected representative dinosaur egg samples from all 223 "egg nests", collected egg shell samples for histological sectioning and scanning electron microscope observation, Recently, a comprehensive and systematic revision has been made to the dinosaur egg fossil types in Qinglongshan...

Achievement News | Breakthrough Progress! Exploration Technology Institute's Bottom Hole Power Hard Rock Coring Tool Achieves Successful Sea Trials

Achievement News | Breakthrough Progress! Exploration Technology Institute's Bottom Hole Power Hard Rock Coring Tool Achieves Successful Sea Trials

Source: [Mining Industry]The bottomhole powered hard rock coring tool independently developed by the Exploration and Technology Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences has recently successfully completed a sea trial in the Shanwei sea area. For the first time, the hollow bottomhole powered drilling tool has achieved a drilling depth of 10...

China's manned space industry is making significant progress as the space station enters a new stage of normalized operation

China's manned space industry is making significant progress as the space station enters a new stage of normalized operation

CCTV News:From welcoming the first Chinese visitor in the vast space to today, in 20 years, China's manned space program has gone from the end of the "first step" to the comprehensive completion of the "three step" strategy, and the space station has also entered a new stage of normalized operation.At 5:20 am on October 15, 2003, the launch ceremony of the Shenzhou-5 astronaut was held at the Wentian Pavilion of the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center...

The preparations for the opening of the 134th Canton Fair are progressing smoothly

The preparations for the opening of the 134th Canton Fair are progressing smoothly

The 134th Canton Fair will be held in three phases in Guangzhou from October 15th to November 4th, with regular operation of online platforms. At present, the preparatory work for this year's Canton Fair is progressing smoothly...

The construction progress of the express delivery project is

The construction progress of the express delivery project is "fast" and cannot rise. Several departments in Dazhou, Sichuan have been questioned about corruption

Cover News Reporter Zeng YeChuandongbei E-commerce Express Distribution Center is one of the 44 secondary distribution points for express delivery in China. The project is located in Fuxing Town, Tongchuan District, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province...

Intel Launches Glass Substrate Program: Redefining Chip Packaging and Promoting Moore's Law Progress

Intel Launches Glass Substrate Program: Redefining Chip Packaging and Promoting Moore's Law Progress

On September 18th local time, chip manufacturer Intel announced a significant breakthrough in the development of glass substrates for next-generation advanced packaging.Prior to the Intel 2023 Innovation Conference held in San Jose, California, this week, Intel announced this "milestone like achievement" and stated that it will redefine the boundaries of chip packaging, providing game-changing solutions for data centers, artificial intelligence, and graphics construction, and promoting Moore's Law progress...

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

followRussia's precision machining machines have been subject to remote lockdown sanctions from Western countries. According to reports, these machine tools were locked by remote control, causing the factory workshop to come to a standstill...