New progress in antiferromagnetic spin transport theory

New progress in antiferromagnetic spin transport theory

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Wu Changfeng) On June 12, the reporter learned from the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that Shao Dingfu, a researcher and collaborator of the Institute of Solid State of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, predicted that the spin neutral current in the antiferromagnetic material would carry a special "Nair spin current", and based on this effect, a theoretical scheme of high-performance fully electrically controlled antiferromagnetic tunnel junction was proposed. The relevant research results were recently published in the Physical Review Letters...

Strive to be the leader of

Strive to be the leader of "double carbon", Shanghai Electric appeared at the Carbon Expo with four innovative products of "scenery hydrogen storage"

Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is of great significance for China to achieve high-quality development and comprehensively build a socialist modernized power. Since China proposed carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals in 2020, reducing carbon emissions has become a consensus among all sectors...

The impact of hydrogen leakage on climate exceeds CO_ More than 2 times

The impact of hydrogen leakage on climate exceeds CO_ More than 2 times

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Liu Xia) An international scientific research team led by scientists from the International Climate and Environment Research Center (CICERO) in Oslo, Norway, published a paper on the magazine Communication Earth and Environment published on June 7, saying that the impact of leaked hydrogen on global warming is almost 12 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2). This is the most comprehensive assessment of the climate impact of hydrogen gas to date, filling the relevant knowledge gap...

Rapid progress of

Rapid progress of "Three Summer" machine harvesting

At present, the wheat harvester is rapidly advancing from south to north. As of 17:00 on June 9th, 204 million acres of winter wheat have been harvested nationwide, with a harvest progress of 67%...

China Telecom responded that there is no signal in the Guangdong region: business abnormality, urgent processing in progress

China Telecom responded that there is no signal in the Guangdong region: business abnormality, urgent processing in progress

On the afternoon of June 8th, many Guangdong Telecom users reported that their mobile phones had no signal and could not make calls to each other. In response to this, @ China Telecom Guangdong Customer Service stated in the Weibo comment section that due to business abnormalities, you are unable to receive voice and text messages...

Why is nurse Wu Chunyuan so arrogant when she earns billions of profits from Apple by selling small parts?

Why is nurse Wu Chunyuan so arrogant when she earns billions of profits from Apple by selling small parts?

Dear friends, could you please use your hands to make a fortune and click on the attention in the upper right corner? Your support is my greatest motivation!The Bamboo Slips of YuanxiEditor | Bamboo Slips in YuanxiShe came from a nursing background but became the richest person in Shenzhen,,Earn over 10 billion yuan annually from Apple.Some even claim that:,...

Progress in exploring the neural mechanism of working memory

Progress in exploring the neural mechanism of working memory

Technology Frontiers Beijing, May 26th by reporter Qi FangIt is learned from the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that Jiang Tianzai's team in the research center of the brain network group of the institute has made progress in exploring the neural mechanism of working memory by cooperating with the University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland. By using intracranial EEG signals, various EEG analysis methods, and machine learning models, the functional division and synergy model of the amygdala hippocampus loop in the human brain during the encoding and maintenance phase of working memory were systematically analyzed, This provides a new perspective on the role of this loop in working memory...