AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs The digital wave of global trade is sweeping the world, and B2B foreign trade, as a vital part of global trade, is entering a crucial period of digital transformation...

If there are such

If there are such "symptoms" on the phone, it is necessary to immediately turn it off. Multiple people have already been transferred through "gaps"

If your phone experiences such "symptoms", be sure to immediately shut down it to prevent the mobile account from being transferred through "gaps".With the rapid development of technology, mobile phones have penetrated into our daily lives, providing great convenience for our lives, and also endowing us with rich ways of entertainment and information acquisition...

Baidu AI Cloud won the Smart City Award at the China Hi tech Fair, and the big model led the digital transformation of the industry

Baidu AI Cloud won the Smart City Award at the China Hi tech Fair, and the big model led the digital transformation of the industry

On November 16-17, as an important component of the 25th High tech Fair, the "2023 Smart City Development Summit Forum" jointly hosted by the National Information Center and Asian Data Group was held in Shenzhen. This forum focuses on the theme of "digital transformation stimulates new vitality in cities", attracting active participation from representatives from various sectors such as government, enterprises, and research institutions...

2023 Latest TV Satisfaction Ranking: Huawei is not in the top ten, TCL is ninth, and Hisense is third

2023 Latest TV Satisfaction Ranking: Huawei is not in the top ten, TCL is ninth, and Hisense is third

The year 2023 is coming to an end. Looking at the development of the television industry throughout the year, Japanese and Korean brands have basically disappeared in the domestic market, and there is also a lack of momentum in the global market...

The 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference was successfully held in Qingyang, Gansu

The 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference was successfully held in Qingyang, Gansu

On November 3rd, the 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference with the theme of "Cloud Gathering Ecology, Digital Projection of the Future" was successfully held in Qingyang City, Gansu Province. As a stop in the Huawei Cloud's "Hundred Cities, Ten Thousand Enterprises Travel to China" special action, this conference revolves around digital transformation, discusses new opportunities for the "East Digital and West Computing" project, and explores innovative paths for the development of Qingyang's digital economy and rendering industry...

The return module of Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully landed

The return module of Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully landed

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, at 8:11 am on October 31, the return module of the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Three astronauts, Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu, and Gui Haichao, were in good health, and the Shenzhou 16 manned flight mission was a complete success...

Damaigrowsfasthe Live Nation,musicbusinesses

Damaigrowsfasthe Live Nation,musicbusinesses

Since thebeginningof2023,Damai,aleadingonlineticketing platformforliveventsinChina,haswitnessedremarkablegrowthgrossmerchandisevolume(GMV)anddailyactiveusers(DAU).StatisticsshowthatfromJanuarytoSeptemberthisyear,Damai'sboxofficevolumeandticketbuyersgrewdrastically,increasingby158%and116%respectively comparedthesameperiodof2019...

Chinese and Foreign Experts Discuss Green Transformation, Beijing Association for Science and Technology: Using Green Design to Assist Green Development Practice

Chinese and Foreign Experts Discuss Green Transformation, Beijing Association for Science and Technology: Using Green Design to Assist Green Development Practice

Global Times Global Network Comprehensive ReportOn the 26th local time, the 2023 International Forum on Green Design and Green Manufacturing (Berlin) and the Dialogue on Green Transformation and Climate Change were held in Berlin, Germany. More than 30000 political and business professionals, scholars, and industry representatives from more than ten countries, including China, Germany, the United States, Italy, Georgia, France, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, participated in the conference through offline and online means, jointly exploring, exchanging, and conspiring for green development around the theme of "green design, green world"...

I can still hear big words! Alibaba has completed the

I can still hear big words! Alibaba has completed the "aging friendly" transformation of over 9000 drugs

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: Big words can still be heard! On October 23rd, the Double Ninth Festival, Alibaba Health teamed up with Alibaba Public Welfare to leverage digital technology advantages and add new features to the drug boxes of over 9000 Chinese medicine approved drugs. As long as you open the traceability code or "Rest assured on the code" on the scan kit of Taobao or Alipay and click "Drug description", you can not only find the "large" drug description, such as usage and dosage, indications, adverse reactions, contraindications and other information at a glance; You can also experience the voice broadcasting function, allowing drug instructions to be both visible and audible, effectively solving the medication safety issues caused by elderly people's inability to read and understand instructions...

The Nanjing University team successfully created asphalt like materials to overcome the problem of unsustainable asphalt sources

The Nanjing University team successfully created asphalt like materials to overcome the problem of unsustainable asphalt sources

Asphalt is widely used in fields such as road repair, waterproof coatings, and waterproof rolls. According to statistics, the global demand for asphalt exceeds 100 million tons per year...

Expert: Adapting to aging transformation, not just adding handrails

Expert: Adapting to aging transformation, not just adding handrails

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, as of the end of 2022, there were 280 million elderly people aged 60 and above in China, accounting for 19.8%, while the population aged 65 and above exceeded 200 million, accounting for 14%...

The first development well operation of the

The first development well operation of the "Deep Sea No.1" Phase II project has been successfully completed

On October 16th, the reporter learned from CNOOC that the first development well operation of the "Deep Sea No.1" Phase II project was successfully completed, with a daily production of over 1 million cubic meters of natural gas and over 230 cubic meters of condensate tested, far exceeding design expectations...