Shanghai Releases Implementation Plan for Cultivating High Quality Incubators

Shanghai Releases Implementation Plan for Cultivating High Quality Incubators

Shanghai, July 23 (Reporter Meng Xindi)In order to deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy and accelerate the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, the Shanghai Municipal Government recently released the "Implementation Plan for Cultivating High Quality Incubators in Shanghai" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan").What is a high-quality incubator? How is it different from ordinary technology incubators? It is reported that high-quality incubators are high-level innovation and entrepreneurship service institutions that focus on the core of first-class incubation talents, focusing on high-tech innovation strategies, disruptive technology achievement transformation, hard technology enterprise incubation, and full factor resource integration...

Shang Tang: Alibaba subsidiary has completed share sale

Shang Tang: Alibaba subsidiary has completed share sale

On July 21st, Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report reported that in the afternoon of today, Shang Tang announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company had been notified by Taobao Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alibaba Group, that it had orderly sold all of its Class B shares in the company, and as of the announcement date, such sales arrangements had been completed. Taobao Holding Limited's existing business dealings with the group will not be affected...

Notice of Clinical Trial Approval for Recombinant Human Adenovirus 5 Injection of Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Group Co., Ltd. Restructuring

Notice of Clinical Trial Approval for Recombinant Human Adenovirus 5 Injection of Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Group Co., Ltd. Restructuring

Recombinant human adenovirus type 5 injection (trade name: Ankrui) is an oncolytic adenovirus anti-tumor drug that contains recombinant adenoviruses that can specifically replicate in tumor cells, cause tumor cell damage, lysis, and further activate immune responses to exert anti-tumor effects. Ankeri was approved for marketing in China in 2005, with an approved indication for advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma...

Jiangmen: Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar successfully captured the

Jiangmen: Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar successfully captured the "eye of typhoon" for the first time

Article/Yangcheng Evening News All media reporter Peng Jining Correspondent Tan Yaoguang Xu JinlinThe reporter learned from the Jiangmen Meteorological Bureau that according to the requirements of the China Meteorological Administration and the provincial meteorological bureau that "fully recognize the important role and significance of the Shangchuan Island national weather test radar, do a good job in meeting the typhoon test, complete the radar monitoring test and upload the data to the network", under the remote guidance of the provincial meteorological bureau data center and the Shanwei radar experts, The monitoring data of Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar was successfully uploaded to the provincial meteorological bureau's business network for use by the provincial forecasters. At 8:00 on the 17th, the radar successfully captured the clear "typhoon eye" of Typhoon "Taili"...

The highest altitude in the world! The Sichuan section of the Jinshang Hubei UHV project has entered the construction phase

The highest altitude in the world! The Sichuan section of the Jinshang Hubei UHV project has entered the construction phase

Prepare the rotary drilling rig, excavate! "The person in charge of the work ordered, and the rotary drilling bit began to dig downwards. At the construction site, various construction machinery roared, and the pilot construction of the first tower foundation for the Sichuan section of the Jinshang Hubei UHV project was in full swing...

Shanghai AI development highland, research on diversity of journalists' field trips

Shanghai AI development highland, research on diversity of journalists' field trips

Global Network reporter Zhang Yang: A new wave of AI craze, represented by AIGC and Big Model, is sweeping the world. During the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC2023), Global Network reporters visited Shanghai Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiaotong University Institute of Translational Medicine and other research institutions to feel the speed of AI development in China...

Shanghai to Beijing CA1524 Flight Encountered Serious Bumps Passengers Tell Me: There were two bumps in total, and the first safety reminder is very important

Shanghai to Beijing CA1524 Flight Encountered Serious Bumps Passengers Tell Me: There were two bumps in total, and the first safety reminder is very important

On July 10th, multiple netizens reported on social media that flight CA1524 from Shanghai to Beijing encountered severe turbulence in the air.Among them, science blogger Xing Lida stated that he also encountered turbulence while taking the flight, "the flight attendant and passengers were thrown to the top...

Hema Shanghai Supply Chain Center is put into operation and can sort over 2.8 million orders per day

Hema Shanghai Supply Chain Center is put into operation and can sort over 2.8 million orders per day

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On July 10th, it was reported that after three years, Hema Shanghai Supply Chain Operations Center was officially put into operation. It is understood that the center is located in Hangtou Town, Pudong...

Upgrade the

Upgrade the "Shang Tang Ri Ri Xin" big model system and implement the five major product upgrades

[World Wide Web Science and Technology Report] On July 8, it was reported that at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC), SenseTime launched a comprehensive and multi-directional upgrade of the "Shangtang SenseNova" large model system, as well as a series of large model product updates and landing achievements under the system. In addition, Shangtang also highlighted and showcased the application practices of its large model technology with various industries since its official release, including Shangtang Jueying's latest intelligent cockpit product and vehicle road cloud collaborative transportation system, as well as its implementation in production practices in industries such as finance, healthcare, e-commerce, mobile terminals, and industrial parks...

The first news and publishing professional museum in China debuted in Shanghai

The first news and publishing professional museum in China debuted in Shanghai

Shanghai, June 30th (Reporter Yan Weiqi)On the 30th, the China Modern Press and Publication Museum, located at 3678 Zhoujiazui Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, officially opened to the public. This is the first professional museum for news and publishing in China, showcasing the historical, cultural, and career achievements of news and publishing with its innovative design, heavy physical objects, and diverse means...

Legendary veteran of TSMC, Jiang Shangyi, appointed as the chairman of Xunfeng, promoting the A-share listing of its subsidiary

Legendary veteran of TSMC, Jiang Shangyi, appointed as the chairman of Xunfeng, promoting the A-share listing of its subsidiary

On June 28th, IT Home reported that the semiconductor packaging factory Xunfeng, invested by Hon Hai Group, held a shareholders' meeting today,Legendary veteran of TSMC, Jiang Shangyi, will serve as the chairman of the company. COO 3 ...

A large number of suspicious Americans were discovered at Shanghai Airport, and after security checks intercepted and opened the boxes, a loss of 34 million yuan was avoided

A large number of suspicious Americans were discovered at Shanghai Airport, and after security checks intercepted and opened the boxes, a loss of 34 million yuan was avoided

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