High precision and cutting-edge achievements appear together, with strong momentum for high-quality development

High precision and cutting-edge achievements appear together, with strong momentum for high-quality development

Reporter Liu Hao from our newspaperGuangxi is accelerating the gathering of innovative resources towards enterprises, and the main position of enterprises in innovation continues to strengthen. In 2022, the implementation measures for incentivizing enterprises to increase investment in research and development funds through financial incentives will be revised, with a subsidy of 162 million yuan arranged...

Vitamin D deficiency is not enough, and supplementing too much is not enough

Vitamin D deficiency is not enough, and supplementing too much is not enough

Intern journalist Pei ChenweiWith the increasing awareness of people's health, many people have begun to pay attention to supplementing various nutrients. On the internet, many people say that they "don't spend enough time in the sun" and "their bone density is not high enough", so they need to supplement extra vitamin D; But some people also believe that supplementing too much vitamin D can cause harm to the liver...

Accelerating Run on the New Track of the Digital Economy (Online China)

Accelerating Run on the New Track of the Digital Economy (Online China)

Self parking "leave first and pay later"; The smart devices in the park automatically record fitness data; Real time perception of traffic flow and optimization of timing at traffic lights to improve vehicle traffic efficiency; The government platform integrates various convenient service functions, and "data running" replaces "mass running"....

Artificial virus vector can be used for genome editing

Artificial virus vector can be used for genome editing

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, May 31 (Reporter Zhang Mengran) On the 30th, Nature Newsletter reported a method of making artificial virus like vectors that can enter human cells to perform specific tasks, such as genome editing. This large capacity, customizable nanomaterial brings new hope for future gene therapy and customized medicine...

3D printing technology creates a new type of titanium alloy

3D printing technology creates a new type of titanium alloy

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, May 31 (Reporter Zhang Jiaxin) - International research teams including the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia and the University of Sydney have combined alloys and 3D printing processes to create a new titanium alloy that is strong but not brittle under tension. This breakthrough, published in the latest issue of Nature, brings hope for the development of a new class of more sustainable high-performance titanium alloys used in aerospace, biomedical, chemical engineering, space and energy technologies...

Defeat Huawei and Honor to reach the top spot on the 618 sales chart, resulting in a direct reduction of 1500 yuan across the entire series

Defeat Huawei and Honor to reach the top spot on the 618 sales chart, resulting in a direct reduction of 1500 yuan across the entire series

Huawei and Honor are two strong domestic mobile phone brands, with a market share of over 50% in China. For every two phones sold, one is Huawei, and Honor once defeated Xiaomi in the online market...

HTC Huang Zhaoying: The Metaverse is the Next Generation of Internet B-end Applications Starting to Grow

HTC Huang Zhaoying: The Metaverse is the Next Generation of Internet B-end Applications Starting to Grow

On May 30th, at the recently held Zhongguancun Forum, HTC Global Vice President Huang Zhaoying, Global Sales and Marketing Director, stated: The metaverse is the next generation of the internet, which will bring more applications and generate greater economic value than the current internet. We must use technologies such as AR, VR, 5G, artificial intelligence, and blockchain as the underlying foundation to construct a metaverse ecosystem that includes software, hardware, content, and platforms, further enhancing users' immersive experience, and promoting industrial upgrading in various industries in the metaverseAt this exhibition, HTC showcased the latest XR all-in-one machine - the VIVEXR Elite Set, which features a lightweight and compact body, flexible and variable forms, rich MR functions, diverse content ecology, and the latest standards such as Wi Fi 6E, allowing consumers to embrace the XR experience in multiple settings such as learning, work, and entertainment...

The 2023 Annual Meeting of the Baicheng Mayor's Public Welfare Forum Announces Official Launch

The 2023 Annual Meeting of the Baicheng Mayor's Public Welfare Forum Announces Official Launch

On May 29th, at the Zhongguancun Forum, the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Baicheng Mayor's Public Welfare Forum was officially launched, aiming to inject new impetus and green new momentum into the high-quality development of urban industries.According to Qiao Qi, Executive Chairman of the Baicheng Mayor Public Welfare Forum, the 2023 annual meeting of the Baicheng Mayor Public Welfare Forum has fully entered the preparatory stage and is expected to be held in Beijing at the end of October...

Nenglian Smart Electric Appears at TheEVIS2023, Exporting Charging Service Solutions to the World

Nenglian Smart Electric Appears at TheEVIS2023, Exporting Charging Service Solutions to the World

On May 29th, Nenglian Smart Electric participated in the 2023 Abu Dhabi New Energy Electric Vehicle Exhibition (EVIS 2023), which is also one of the most influential new energy electric vehicle professional exhibitions in the Middle East region and even globally. As a representative of China's new energy charging service enterprise, Nenglian Intelligent Power showcases its charging service solutions to the world...

Integrating Science and Education to Safeguard Future Urban Safety

Integrating Science and Education to Safeguard Future Urban Safety

Science and Technology Daily News (Guo Guozhong, Liu Xinshengyi, Reporter Xia Fan) From May 27th to 28th, the Second International Conference on Urban Public Safety and Emergency Rescue was held in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province.At the meeting, a number of scientific and technological innovation and high-level talent cultivation cooperation platforms were unveiled, including the Key Emergency Management College of Jiangsu Province, the Emergency Management College of Changzhou City, the School of Safety Science and Engineering of Changzhou University, the School of Emergency Management Science and Engineering, and the "Power Battery Safety and Accident Prevention and Control Technology Engineering Laboratory" of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, And a batch of latest technical equipment and application achievements in major safety risk prevention and control and emergency response have been released in a centralized manner...

Focusing on major application directions and accelerating the development of third-generation semiconductors

Focusing on major application directions and accelerating the development of third-generation semiconductors

Recently, at the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum "Beijing (International) Third Generation Semiconductor Innovation and Development Forum", Xiang Libin, a member of the Party Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, stated that third-generation semiconductors represented by silicon carbide and gallium nitride have excellent performance and have a huge market in fields such as new energy vehicles, information communication, and smart grids.Building an Industrial EcologyXiang Libin stated that the "13th Five Year Plan" period has basically solved the "availability" problem of China's third-generation semiconductor products and related equipment, and the "14th Five Year Plan" period will focus on solving the problems of "usability, usability" and sustainable innovation ability...

Musk is reported to be visiting China this week

Musk is reported to be visiting China this week

According to Reuters on May 29th, people familiar with the matter said that Tesla CEO Musk will visit China this week and visit the Shanghai factory....