The site selection of Guangzhou South Station is too biased and controversial: why didn't it move 5 kilometers north or introduce Haizhu District back then?

The site selection of Guangzhou South Station is too biased and controversial: why didn't it move 5 kilometers north or introduce Haizhu District back then?

One view is that many people criticize the site selection of Guangzhou South Station as too biased, but in fact, there were not many large areas in the old urban area and Tianhe for high-speed rail construction at that time. If you insist, it's the area around Guangzhou University City, but in reality, it's also quite biased...

Officially entering the toothpaste race! Guangyao Baiyun Toothpaste officially released, endorsed by the Olympic champion

Officially entering the toothpaste race! Guangyao Baiyun Toothpaste officially released, endorsed by the Olympic champion

In less than two months, Baiyun Toothpaste of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group was officially launched.Recently, the three major series of new products of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Baiyun Toothpaste were officially released...

Why are high-end smart door locks

Why are high-end smart door locks "not selling"? After reading the negative reviews from netizens, I suddenly understood

What is the difference between smart door locks with a value of over a thousand, over three thousand, and over five thousand?Although it's a 'one price, one good' approach, there is also a cost performance factor to consider. The sales of over 5000 smart door locks are the lowest on various platforms, but they are the most popular mid range products of over 3000...

StoneDB Source Code Interpretation Series | Tianmu Engine Tool Class Module Source Code Explanation (1)

StoneDB Source Code Interpretation Series | Tianmu Engine Tool Class Module Source Code Explanation (1)

The StoneDB source code interpretation series of articles has officially started, and we are expected to meet you in the form of Zhou Geng. Please provide more support~The source code interpretation content of this article has been shared live...

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

followRussia's precision machining machines have been subject to remote lockdown sanctions from Western countries. According to reports, these machine tools were locked by remote control, causing the factory workshop to come to a standstill...

WeChat's latest response: This joke is too big!

WeChat's latest response: This joke is too big!

Source: Qilu Evening NewsRecently, there are rumors that the time for WeChat to withdraw messages will be extended to 2 hours, which has attracted public attention.According to rumors,WeChat will launch the "Civil Servant Exclusive Edition", breaking the previous withdrawal deadline of WeChat from the original 2 minutes to 2 hours, and some leaders can extend the withdrawal time to 2 days...

WeChat group suddenly revealed

WeChat group suddenly revealed "flirtatious" information, official: Chinese virus, netizen: Don't say it too early

On the morning of July 15th, a screenshot of a WeChat chat was widely circulated online and attracted attention.CoquettishHas your husband left yetWait, I'll go to your houseWear stockings and wait for me...

After I replaced the smart door lock with a mechanical lock, I couldn't help but say a lot. It's too real

After I replaced the smart door lock with a mechanical lock, I couldn't help but say a lot. It's too real

Preface:In this era of rapid development of intelligent technology, our lives are surrounded by various "intelligences". From smartwatches and smartphones to smart homes, people's lives are undoubtedly becoming more and more convenient...

What should I do if ES data is too sensitive to view?

What should I do if ES data is too sensitive to view?

During the use of ES, if sensitive data is stored in the ES cluster, it cannot be easily viewed by people. What? Troubleshooting? That's not enough, compliance is above all else...

New generation Java garbage collection tool: ZGC

New generation Java garbage collection tool: ZGC

JavaZGCZGC ZGCThe Z Garbage CollectorTBZGC JDK 11 JDK 15 Production ReadyZGC"Z"ZZGC ZFSZFSZFS Zettabyte File SystemJeff Bonwick Oracle ZGCZGC2018Oracle ZGC TB GC 10ms G1 15%202211Oracle ZGClive-set root-set TB 8MB-16TB ZGCZGC 10ms 2018 ZGCConcurrentTracing: CompactingSingle generation: Region-basedRegionNUMA-awareNUMANon-Uniform Memory AccessLoad barriersColored pointers2022 ZGCConcurrentRegion-basedRegionCompactingNUMA-awareNUMANon-Uniform Memory AccessUsing colored pointersUsing load barriers 2018 2022 ZGC Single generation G1G1 Region-based RegionRegionZGC G1ZGC Region-basedRegion-basedZGC G1ZGC Region :Small Region Region 2M 256KMedium Region Region 32M 256K 4MLarge Region Region: 2M 4MBCompactingCompacting ZGC CMSG1"-"NUMANUMANon-Uniform Memory Access CPU CPU CPUUniform Memory Access UMA CPU CPUNUMAUMANUMA ZGC NUMAColored pointersColored pointersJVMGC CMSG1 GC ZGC GC 64 JDK zGlobals_x86.cpp ZGC 31[0 ~ 41] 42-bits 4TB Java[42-45] 4-bits Metadata Bits Marked0Marked1RemappedFinalizable [46-63] 18-bits02[0 ~ 42] 43-bits 8TB Java[43-46] 4-bits Metadata Bits Marked0Marked1RemappedFinalizable [47-63] 17-bits03[0 ~ 43] 44-bits 16TB Java[44-47] 4-bits Metadata Bits Marked0Marked1RemappedFinalizable [48-63] 16-bits0 3 4-bits Marked0Marked1RemappedFinalizable 4Marked01-bitMarked11-bitRemapped1-bitFinalizable1-bitfinalizer Marked0Marked1RemappedZGC Marked0Marked1 RemappedZGC""GCGCLoad barriersLoad barriers JIT just-in-time compilation JVMjavaString n = person...

Unable to hide, Midjournal+SD=Ultra High Resolution! Professional super scoring tools have been instantly killed

Unable to hide, Midjournal+SD=Ultra High Resolution! Professional super scoring tools have been instantly killed

Fengse Originates from Aofei TempleQuantum bit | official account QbitAIThe gameplay of Twitter user @ JaviLopez is amazing.Topaz Gigapixel, a resolution enhancement tool specifically designed for photographers, makes me feel guilty after watching itIt is reported that this method is applicable to any type of image and any type of AI generation...

Pay attention to those who have tied their bank cards on WeChat. Even if you are busy, you should take a look. It's not too late to make it clear now and remind your family

Pay attention to those who have tied their bank cards on WeChat. Even if you are busy, you should take a look. It's not too late to make it clear now and remind your family

WeChat has become not only a social platform, but also an important payment tool in our daily lives. Every day, countless people make transfers, payments, and other transactions through WeChat, especially those who are bound to bank cards...