Hao Mingzhu Series: Chinese Lunar Landing Plan for Urgent Americans

Hao Mingzhu Series: Chinese Lunar Landing Plan for Urgent Americans

On May 29, 2023, the Chinese government website released a message from Xinhua News Agency, officially announcing the launch of China's manned lunar landing program.For China's lunar landing program,Americans are really panicked in their hearts...

Human trial of artificial uterus may be launched soon, experts say ethical standards for artificial uterus urgently need to be improved

Human trial of artificial uterus may be launched soon, experts say ethical standards for artificial uterus urgently need to be improved

The concept of an artificial uterus facility designed by science communicator Hashem Al Ghaili sparked heated discussions last December. Image/Visual ChinaThe journal Nature published a special report on September 14th, stating that human trials of artificial uterus may soon begin...

After a loss of 47.5 billion yuan in one year and the collapse of orders for 4000 aircraft, Boeing urgently requested the Chinese side to pay the bill

After a loss of 47.5 billion yuan in one year and the collapse of orders for 4000 aircraft, Boeing urgently requested the Chinese side to pay the bill

In a year without 47.5 billion, in recent years, orders for 4000 planes have fallen through, and Boeing's life has become increasingly difficult...

WeChat urgent reminder! Don't answer!

WeChat urgent reminder! Don't answer!

On July 19th,WeChat Security CenterContinuously issuing safety reminders,A fraud gang used the official official accountEngage in fraud.The WeChat team said that recently, the platform found that a fraud gang had sent fraud short messages to users, which could erase the online loan limit and repair credit reporting...

Urgent! Closed classes, shutdowns, shutdowns, air shutdowns, park shutdowns, business shutdowns here

Urgent! Closed classes, shutdowns, shutdowns, air shutdowns, park shutdowns, business shutdowns here

Haikou Flood, Wind and Drought Control Headquarters released the Notice on Launching the "Six Stops" Measures for Typhoon Prevention in the Whole City on the 16th: Affected by Typhoon "Taili", rainstorm, heavy rainstorm, local extremely heavy rainstorm, superimposed with Storm surge and sea water jacking, will occur in the city, and the risk of urban waterlogging will be high, accompanied by gales of level 12 and above. After research, it has been decided that starting from 12:00 on July 17th, the "six shutdowns" measures of "suspension of classes, suspension of work, suspension of operations, suspension of navigation, suspension of parks, and suspension of business" will be implemented throughout the city...

Urgent acceleration of new power system construction

Urgent acceleration of new power system construction

The latest data shows that the installed capacity of non fossil energy power generation in China accounts for 50.9%, historically exceeding the installed capacity of fossil energy power generation...

China Telecom responded that there is no signal in the Guangdong region: business abnormality, urgent processing in progress

China Telecom responded that there is no signal in the Guangdong region: business abnormality, urgent processing in progress

On the afternoon of June 8th, many Guangdong Telecom users reported that their mobile phones had no signal and could not make calls to each other. In response to this, @ China Telecom Guangdong Customer Service stated in the Weibo comment section that due to business abnormalities, you are unable to receive voice and text messages...

Urgent reminder! Beware of those who love to browse short videos!

Urgent reminder! Beware of those who love to browse short videos!

nowadaysSwipe short videosHas become everyoneOne of the common ways of entertainmentBut if one doesn't pay attentionCould fall into the trap of a scammerIn carefully designed trapsrecentlyLocal public security organs have receivedMs. Li's alarmClaiming to have been deceived by the "customer service" of a certain short video platformoriginalWhen Ms...