To ensure the sustainable northward movement of

To ensure the sustainable northward movement of "Yihong Clear Water", the geological survey team of the Provincial Coal Field Geological Bureau will fully serve the ecological protection construction of the Nansihu Lake Basin

In order to ensure that "a clear water flows northward continuously", the physical survey team of the Coal Field Geology Bureau of Shandong Province, a geological environment party branch, took the initiative to take the initiative to undertake the "1:50000 multiple ecological Geological survey and evaluation project in the Nansihu Lake area of Shandong Province", and went all out to help build the ecological protection pattern of "one core, one screen, two belts, three zones and multiple corridors" in the Nansihu Lake basin, becoming the geological pioneer of ecological protection in the Nansihu Lake area.Leading the Party Building and Aggregating Forces to Take on Heavy TasksThe geological environment party branch of the team is a young Economic entity, which has been established for less than four years, and the average age of the staff is less than 35 years old...

Why is it relatively cheap to buy things in Pinduoduo? Industry insiders tell the truth, will you still buy again?

Why is it relatively cheap to buy things in Pinduoduo? Industry insiders tell the truth, will you still buy again?

Article | Guo YuzheEditor | DaewoofollowNowadays, when people purchase the necessary items, as long as they are not in a hurry, they mostly choose to shop online. After waiting for a few days, the goods can be delivered to their doorstep and signed for...

Jingdong 001 Express resigned. Liu Qiangdong: After five years of work, I will give you a suite. What's the result?

Jingdong 001 Express resigned. Liu Qiangdong: After five years of work, I will give you a suite. What's the result?

In China's e-commerce giant, it not only provides a comprehensive shopping platform for consumers, but also wins people's appreciation for its powerful logistics system...

WeChat stated that it will not display 'read', while Tencent's PR Director stated that 'read' will increase the psychological burden and social pressure on information recipients

WeChat stated that it will not display 'read', while Tencent's PR Director stated that 'read' will increase the psychological burden and social pressure on information recipients

Recently, 'If WeChat shows read' has made it to the hot search and sparked discussions among netizens,Most netizens hold a negative attitude towards this.Netizen "Tuyi Le Ha" bluntly stated that if WeChat shows that they have read, they will be "sentenced" by their friends because they do not reply to messages but forget to reply...

What will you watch at the 11th Western China Electric Power Expo? Robot arm, 5G+AI, new display screen unveiled

What will you watch at the 11th Western China Electric Power Expo? Robot arm, 5G+AI, new display screen unveiled

Articulated robotic arms, like human hands, have elbow joints and are adept at replacing manual handling of items in narrow spaces; A transparent new type of display screen that can automatically adjust the light transmittance according to the intensity of ambient light. In the future, it can "turn" into a car's windshield...

When making phone calls, try not to press the video call button as there will be additional charges

When making phone calls, try not to press the video call button as there will be additional charges

When making phone calls, we usually pay attention to avoiding additional costs. However, many people may not be aware that the video call buttons on their phones may result in additional charges...

Will A800 cores also be cut off? After the Netherlands announced the restrictions on the shipment of Stepper, European media: the dust has settled

Will A800 cores also be cut off? After the Netherlands announced the restrictions on the shipment of Stepper, European media: the dust has settled

In the war of the Semiconductor industry, a new storm is brewing. The news that the Netherlands announced a restriction on the shipment of Stepper quickly spread all over the world, and this restriction triggered a shock in the global semiconductor market...

Can laptops always be plugged in? Will it damage the battery?

Can laptops always be plugged in? Will it damage the battery?

Have you ever worried about the battery life when using a laptop? Can it be used with the power supply plugged in all the time? Do I need to use up the battery before charging? How can batteries be used to ensure their lifespan?Today, let's answer everyone's questions one by one!Can I turn off my computer when it runs out of power?Most laptops nowadays use lithium batteries, and some friends may worry that deep or even excessive discharge will irretrievably damage the battery. In fact, there is a certain reason for this concern, but you should not be too careful not to use the battery...

Meng Wanzhou's weighty official announcement: the global share will exceed US $2.34 trillion, attracting special attention from the US media

Meng Wanzhou's weighty official announcement: the global share will exceed US $2.34 trillion, attracting special attention from the US media

Before reading, please extend your valuable hand and click on 'Follow'. We hope it can bring you a different reading experience...

CTO Zhu Zhaofeng of Qianyi Art Talks about Vertical Big Models:

CTO Zhu Zhaofeng of Qianyi Art Talks about Vertical Big Models: "Aladdin" Will Lead the Architectural Decoration Industry into the Era of "AI Design"

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, various industries are actively exploring how to use AI technology to improve work efficiency, reduce costs, and create more value. This trend is particularly significant in China's construction and decoration industry...

70% of netizens believe that WeChat needs to reduce space usage, often tens of gigabytes, but they are not willing to empty it

70% of netizens believe that WeChat needs to reduce space usage, often tens of gigabytes, but they are not willing to empty it

A media poll was conducted on this issue, and about 70% of netizens voted for the option of "storage space".Recently, a small survey on "What features do you think WeChat needs to add the most?" has attracted attention: about 2000 netizens participated in this vote...

If 600 million yuan is spent on buying a Boeing 737, how many years will it be able to fly back? Just relying on air tickets is only a fraction!

If 600 million yuan is spent on buying a Boeing 737, how many years will it be able to fly back? Just relying on air tickets is only a fraction!

Wen | Meeting GodEditor | DaewoofollowNowadays, there are too many ways for people to travel. In ancient times, people relied on walking, taking boats, riding horses and donkeys, and now they travel by plane, train, high-speed rail, car, motorcycle, and talk about so many means of transportationFrom a security perspective, which one is the highest? Many people will say walking, but the reality is that the Factor of safety of flying is the highest...