AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs The digital wave of global trade is sweeping the world, and B2B foreign trade, as a vital part of global trade, is entering a crucial period of digital transformation...

LiLi the Digital Human Pioneers VR Foray into Reality TV

LiLi the Digital Human Pioneers VR Foray into Reality TV

LiLi, the digital human from Alibaba's Entertainment Media Group, made her reality TV debut on Youku's popular variety show "The Box Cat", sparking online discussions. Following her role as "Erzhuang" in the animated series "Under One Person", LiLi is the first hyper-realistic digital human to participate in a live-action reality show in China...

Baidu AI Cloud won the Smart City Award at the China Hi tech Fair, and the big model led the digital transformation of the industry

Baidu AI Cloud won the Smart City Award at the China Hi tech Fair, and the big model led the digital transformation of the industry

On November 16-17, as an important component of the 25th High tech Fair, the "2023 Smart City Development Summit Forum" jointly hosted by the National Information Center and Asian Data Group was held in Shenzhen. This forum focuses on the theme of "digital transformation stimulates new vitality in cities", attracting active participation from representatives from various sectors such as government, enterprises, and research institutions...

2023 World Internet Conference | Xinhua III: Innovative Digital Intelligence Embracing the Future of AI

2023 World Internet Conference | Xinhua III: Innovative Digital Intelligence Embracing the Future of AI

Global Network Technology Report&Nbsp;reporter&Nbsp;Lindy118102023&Nbsp;geoponics AIEmpowering a hundred industries2023 is the tenth year of the Wuzhen Summit of the World Internet Conference. This year, the conference focuses on the new digital situation and actively promotes the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace, focusing on popular topics such as global development initiatives, digital green collaborative transformation, artificial intelligence, and computing power networks...

Huawei (Nanjing) Developer Innovation Center officially launched: catalyzing a new ecosystem of digital economy

Huawei (Nanjing) Developer Innovation Center officially launched: catalyzing a new ecosystem of digital economy

In the new era led by digital transformation and intelligent upgrading, the scale and quality of a city or region's digital economy have become important indicators to measure its core competitiveness and development potential.In the past, the urbanization process was mainly marked by the prosperity of real estate; Nowadays, promoting the integration of production and quantity, reshaping the industrial pattern, is the driving force of urban modernization...

Yingde Gas Fang Shiwen: Accumulate Energy for Green Development and Build a Global Digital Operation Base

Yingde Gas Fang Shiwen: Accumulate Energy for Green Development and Build a Global Digital Operation Base

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiAs an important basic raw material for modern industry, industrial gases are known as the "blood of industry". They are not only widely used in traditional industries such as steel smelting, petrochemicals, and metal processing, but also play an important role in emerging industries such as semiconductors, healthcare, and new energy...

Looking Forward to the CIIE: Focusing on Frontiers and Jointly Creating a Digital Future

Looking Forward to the CIIE: Focusing on Frontiers and Jointly Creating a Digital Future

The 6th China International Import Expo will be held in Shanghai from November 5th to 10th, according to Wang Nan, a reporter from Global Network Technology. With the arrival of new and old friends as scheduled, guests from 154 countries, regions, and international organizations will gather at this CIIE...

Intime Department Store's Digital IP Entering AI Platform for Children's Tales ImageStore

Intime Department Store's Digital IP Entering AI Platform for Children's Tales ImageStore

On November 2nd, Intime Department Store and AI content service company Children's Story ImageStore reached an IP and content partnership. The two sides will innovate and explore content marketing forms that are more close to contemporary young people based on future life scenarios...

Alibaba International Station AI Business Assistant Online Digging for Digital Foreign Trade Dividends

Alibaba International Station AI Business Assistant Online Digging for Digital Foreign Trade Dividends

Digital trade is becoming a new trend in the development of international trade today and a new growth point for future international trade development.According to customs data, in 2022, the scale of service trade that can be digitally delivered in China reached 2...

Digital technology drives the accelerated development of manufacturing industry

Digital technology drives the accelerated development of manufacturing industry

In the first three quarters, the cumulative traffic of mobile internet reached 218.8 billion GB, a year-on-year increase of 14...

Embracing the AI Big Model, Great Wall Motors' Digital Intelligence Breakthrough Adding Sharp Edge

Embracing the AI Big Model, Great Wall Motors' Digital Intelligence Breakthrough Adding Sharp Edge

Global Network Reporter Wang Yuqi; With the hot trend of the "Hundred Model Wars" in the first half of the year, the general artificial intelligence big model is gradually being implemented in specific application scenarios, and this big model revolution is also sweeping towards the automotive manufacturing industry.Recently, Great Wall Motors Co...

Jinhua vigorously develops information technology application and innovation industries, expands competitive advantages in the digital era

Jinhua vigorously develops information technology application and innovation industries, expands competitive advantages in the digital era

On October 20th, at the 2023 Information Technology Application Innovation Symposium with the theme of "Core" enjoying opportunities and "Core" moving towards the future, Zhu Chonglie, Secretary of Jinhua Municipal Party Committee, stated that in recent years, Jinhua has taken vigorously developing the information technology application innovation industry as a key focus and continuously expanding its competitive advantages in the digital era. At present and in the future, Jinhua will firmly shoulder the mission of the era of "based on the actual situation, leveraging its advantages, leveraging strengths and weaknesses, and creating new brilliance", anchor the goal of "building a strong city with integrated digital and real industries", promote the development of the information and innovation industry at a high level, build a high-level information and innovation industry platform, optimize the information and innovation industry ecology at a high level, and lead the industrial transformation and upgrading with the digital economy...