Hawking: Predicting that China's population will disappear first in 2023? Hawking's prophecy sparked heated discussions

Hawking: Predicting that China's population will disappear first in 2023? Hawking's prophecy sparked heated discussions

Introduction:The recent news about Hawking's prophecy has once again attracted widespread attention and discussion. According to reports, Hawking predicts that China's population will disappear first by 2023, which has caused chaos and panic on social media...

Experts at Zhongguancun Forum discuss: Chinese path to modernization needs more new entity enterprises

Experts at Zhongguancun Forum discuss: Chinese path to modernization needs more new entity enterprises

Recently, at the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum - New Entity Enterprise Forum, many experts and enterprise representatives conducted in-depth discussions on the path of new entity enterprises to help build a modern industrial system in the context of Chinese path to modernization."From the perspective of effect, new physical enterprises have played a positive role in promoting digital integration...