Adding Energy to Sports Through Technology (Sports Mission Hills)

Adding Energy to Sports Through Technology (Sports Mission Hills)

The venue reservation is completed with one click, the "face brushing" automatically opens the gate, and the water temperature and quality are clear at a glance....

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Source: Pengpai NewsRecently, a piece of news has been widely circulated on major video platforms, stating that the Tsinghua University EUV project has made ASML lithography machines huge and achieved the localization of lithography machines. It also stated that this project has been implemented in Xiong'an New Area...

Super electric motorcycle+super mobile energy, HORWIN creates a new mobile civilization

Super electric motorcycle+super mobile energy, HORWIN creates a new mobile civilization

Reporter Zhang YaluIn "Out of Control," Kevin Kelly describes a self driven, unpredictable, yet continuously evolving world. He proposed that "the future of humanity lies in pursuing uncertainty, accepting chaos, and creating new possibilities...

The first virtual power plant in western China has been put into operation, optimizing energy structure through

The first virtual power plant in western China has been put into operation, optimizing energy structure through "source network load storage"

Wang Yuya, Chen Ke, intern reporter for Science and Technology Daily, Li ZhaoyuOn September 15th, the reporter learned from Chengdu High tech Zone in Sichuan Province that the virtual power plant in Chengdu High tech West Zone has officially been put into operation, which is also the first virtual power plant in western China to be put into operation.Through the digital tool of virtual power plant platform, big data analysis and artificial intelligence models can be used to assist decision-making and innovate energy management models...

The operation of six national energy supply guarantee projects in Inner Mongolia

The operation of six national energy supply guarantee projects in Inner Mongolia

Source: CCTV News ClientYesterday (24th), the final project of the six national energy supply guarantee projects in the eastern Inner Mongolia power grid - the 1000kV transmission project of the Jingtai Sour Cigou Power Plant Phase II - was officially put into operation.After being put into operation, it can transmit 6...

Rainstorm! How could money be issued here? Netizen: Simple and rough, instantly losing energy

Rainstorm! How could money be issued here? Netizen: Simple and rough, instantly losing energy

Summer is at the peak of tourismIf you choose to travel by planeBut what if we encounter a flight delay?Recently, a flight in Nanjing was delayedThe topic of providing cash subsidies to passengersRushing onto Weibo hot search, sparking discussion among netizensAt 4:31 am on the 20th, a netizen posted a video on a certain website stating that on July 19th, Jiangsu Nanjing First Airlines flight was delayed for 6 and a half hours due to weather conditions. When passengers were ready to board, the staff directly issued cash subsidies...

Renewable energy is the future of humanity? Stop deceiving yourself, renewable energy may be a scam

Renewable energy is the future of humanity? Stop deceiving yourself, renewable energy may be a scam

summarizeThe oil Energy crisis has made mankind realize the risks and unsustainability of relying on traditional fossil energy. Therefore, people began to explore and utilizeThe possibility of renewable energy as an alternative...

How did the ancients refrigerate? This type of air conditioning is more energy-efficient!

How did the ancients refrigerate? This type of air conditioning is more energy-efficient!

Summer has come, and it is the season to eat barbecue and drink beer. We often see diners blowing air conditioners, drinking beer and feasting on Market stall...

Floating offshore wind power will set off a wave of energy innovation

Floating offshore wind power will set off a wave of energy innovation

The small floating offshore wind power demonstration equipment designed by engineers from the University of Maine is located in the waters near the coast of Maine, and has been collecting data to understand the impact of storms in coastal waters on turbines, etc. Photo source: University of MaineEngineers test floating offshore wind power models in the swimming pool of the Advanced Structures and Composites Center at the University of Maine...


Targeting "Efficient and Clean" to Promote Energy Transformation

There are two important directions for the future transformation of the energy system. One is efficiency, supporting better development with less energy consumption...

Tesla United and State Power Investment Corporation establish a joint venture to seize new opportunities in energy digitization

Tesla United and State Power Investment Corporation establish a joint venture to seize new opportunities in energy digitization

Recently, Tesla announced the signing of a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with State Power Investment Group Jiangxi Electric Power Co., Ltd...

World number one! China's nuclear energy has once again upgraded and broken through, with thorium based reactors available for global use for 20000 years

World number one! China's nuclear energy has once again upgraded and broken through, with thorium based reactors available for global use for 20000 years

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