Zhiwen Group issues Q1 financial report: Exploring the realization of first-time operational profitability

Zhiwen Group issues Q1 financial report: Exploring the realization of first-time operational profitability

On June 6th, Zhiwen Group announced its unaudited financial performance for the first quarter of 2023. According to the financial report, in the first quarter of 2023, Zhiwen Group's net revenue reached 2...

On the 12th anniversary of Kwai, we joined hands with the creators to talk about the power of

On the 12th anniversary of Kwai, we joined hands with the creators to talk about the power of "moving forward in life"

According to the financial report of Kwai in the first quarter of 2023, the average monthly active users of Kwai have reached 654 million. As a leading content community and digital platform in the industry, Kwai always sticks to "life" as the background and driving force, records and shares the real life picture of hundreds of millions of people in China, and transmits the positive attitude of moving forward and upward...

Intel announces its PowerVia technology for chip back power supply

Intel announces its PowerVia technology for chip back power supply

On June 6th, according to Intel, it has implemented backside power delivery technology on product level test chips to meet the performance requirements for the next computing era.It is reported that as Intel's back power supply solution, PowerVia will be launched on the Intel20A process node in the first half of 2024...

Musk sent his first dynamic message

Musk sent his first dynamic message "x" when he returned to China, and then sent it again in the early morning of the 6th. What does it mean

Last week, Elon Musk went on a fruitful trip to China as Tesla's CEO. Not only did I personally inspect the super factory in Shanghai after three years, but I also met many heavyweights...

International team develops 3D quantum storage technology

International team develops 3D quantum storage technology

Science and Technology Daily, Seoul, June 4 (Reporter Xue Yan) An international joint team, including the Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology of South Korea, recently developed an original technology of "3D quantum memory", and found the phenomenon of "nano crystal bidirectional optical switch" that can control the infinite repeated flickering in photoactive nanoparticles (ANP).ANP is a material developed by the team in 2021...

Jinan Building the

Jinan Building the "World Hyaluronic Acid Valley" Project

It is reported that the World Hyaluronic Acid Valley is jointly built by Jinan High tech Zone and the global leader of the hyaluronic acid industry, Huaxi Biology. The project covers an area of 2900 acres and plans to invest 24 billion yuan...

OPPO releases the 2022 Sustainable Development Report

OPPO releases the 2022 Sustainable Development Report

On June 5th, OPPO officially released the "2022 Sustainable Development Report" on the occasion of World Environment Day. It is reported that this is the third consecutive year since 2020 that OPPO has released a sustainable development report, showcasing its future plans in the field of sustainable development, as well as its practical achievements in the five major areas of harmonious operation, environmental protection, employee welfare, technology inclusion, and ecological integration, reaffirming OPPO's commitment to sustainable development as a global corporate citizen...

High precision and cutting-edge achievements appear together, with strong momentum for high-quality development

High precision and cutting-edge achievements appear together, with strong momentum for high-quality development

Reporter Liu Hao from our newspaperGuangxi is accelerating the gathering of innovative resources towards enterprises, and the main position of enterprises in innovation continues to strengthen. In 2022, the implementation measures for incentivizing enterprises to increase investment in research and development funds through financial incentives will be revised, with a subsidy of 162 million yuan arranged...

Rapid development of unmanned helicopter industry, strong demand for talent in the industry

Rapid development of unmanned helicopter industry, strong demand for talent in the industry

Our reporter Wang LixinIntern journalist Chen XiaoFrom June 2nd to June 4th, at the 7th World Drone Congress and 8th Shenzhen International Drone Exhibition in 2023, over 400 domestic and foreign drone companies participated with over 3000 drones and unmanned equipment, showcasing the latest technological achievements in the industry.Several leaders of drone enterprises told Securities Daily that the domestic drone technology and applications are relatively mature and stable...

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that it will comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that it will comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology

Beijing, June 4 (Reporter Wang Zheng, Liu Wenwen) On the 4th, the 31 China International Information and Communication Exhibition opened in Beijing. The reporter learned from the opening ceremony that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will continue to enhance the advantages of the entire industry chain in fields such as mobile communication and optical communication, forward-looking layout in cutting-edge fields such as the next generation internet, and comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology...

The situation that concerns the United States is emerging, as new technologies for high-end chips are being dismantled and lithography machines may become scrap metal

The situation that concerns the United States is emerging, as new technologies for high-end chips are being dismantled and lithography machines may become scrap metal

Text | Jiang Zuo MeilangTypesetting Editor | Black CodeOur chip industry is facing a situation where 'a skillful woman cannot make rice without cooking'. To make high-end chips, in addition to requiring strong design capabilities, their production and processing also require extremely advanced equipment...

Are these anchors completely cool? The platform has released new regulations: prohibit such behavior!

Are these anchors completely cool? The platform has released new regulations: prohibit such behavior!

Going to remote mountainous areas,Find the 'poorest' villagersShoot the 'most dilapidated' houseTell the 'worst' storyThese make your heart ache and cryBehind the videoIt's likely the internet celebrity teamA carefully directed tragic dramaSelling miserably is just the plotCarrying goods is the purposeIn order to stop the bottomless fake public welfare from continuing to fool consumers, Tiktok recently issued a new regulation, which requires that "public welfare accounts should not be used for profit-making activities such as live broadcast rewards and e-commerce sales". False public welfare or nowhere to hide!Platform takes action to punishPseudo public welfare and pseudo charitable behaviorIn order to promote the better development of the public welfare industry, Tiktok's official account has recently released the latest regulations on the governance of Tiktok's public welfare content in response to accounts that try to fabricate false scenes and implement false public welfare on the grounds of "helping farmers", "helping the poor", "helping the disabled" and "helping the elderly"...