iQIYI's "Planting the Land" Season 2 Wheat Field Concert: Free Offline, Paid Online, Sparks Controversy


 Don't Overspend on These 4 Home Appliances: A Guide to Smart Consumption

Don't Overspend on These 4 Home Appliances: A Guide to Smart Consumption

In today's modern households, home appliances have become indispensable tools for convenience and comfort. However, the market is flooded with a wide range of options, from basic models to high-end luxury items...

JD Group's overall number of merchants reached a new high in the third quarter of 2023

JD Group's overall number of merchants reached a new high in the third quarter of 2023

On November 15th, Beijing time, JD Group released its performance for the third quarter of 2023. Despite continuing to maintain true low prices for products, genuine subsidies from merchants, and genuine investment in services, its revenue in the third quarter still achieved a year-on-year positive growth...

Jia Nailiang's Double 11 sales exceeded 1.36 billion yuan! Netizens have discovered that over 200 yuan down jackets are sold for 449 yuan, questioning their ability to

Jia Nailiang's Double 11 sales exceeded 1.36 billion yuan! Netizens have discovered that over 200 yuan down jackets are sold for 449 yuan, questioning their ability to "cut leeks" and responding by offering more discounted products to everyone

Yuanwang Technology stated on the interactive platform that the company's contracted star Jia Nailiang achieved a GMV of over 1.36 billion yuan during the Double Eleven period this year...

Pinduoduo released 11.11 data: Over 40 categories have doubled, with a 10 billion yuan increase in subsidy orders, a year-on-year increase of 107%

Pinduoduo released 11.11 data: Over 40 categories have doubled, with a 10 billion yuan increase in subsidy orders, a year-on-year increase of 107%

On November 13th, Pinduoduo November 11th ushered in a truly fragrant ending, with a record high number of brands, merchants, and products participating in the platform's promotion. More than 40 sub categories such as agricultural products, domestic products, and global good goods achieved double growth, with a year-on-year increase of 107% in the number of 10 billion subsidy orders...

Uncover this year's Double 11: Why has it become the coldest year in history?

Uncover this year's Double 11: Why has it become the coldest year in history?

This year's Double 11 seems to have lost its previous popularity, and can even be said to be the coldest year in recent years! Here, we can explore and analyze together what exactly made this supposed hot day so desolate.1...

Tmall Double 11: Over 2.2 million small and medium-sized merchants have doubled their transactions

Tmall Double 11: Over 2.2 million small and medium-sized merchants have doubled their transactions

As of 0:00 on November 11th, over 2.2 million small and medium-sized businesses on Tmall Double 11 have doubled their transactions...

Foxconn Terry Gou counterattacks! What is your intention to announce the cancellation of all overtime after clarifying the rumors?

Foxconn Terry Gou counterattacks! What is your intention to announce the cancellation of all overtime after clarifying the rumors?

Foxconn was previously exposed to investigation by two major departments. Firstly, the tax department conducted tax inspections on its enterprises in Guangdong and Jiangsu; Secondly, the Ministry of Natural Resources conducted on-site investigations on Foxconn's land use in Henan, Hubei, and other areas...

The preliminary selection of China's manned lunar rover scheme was announced Inspired by the bronze chariots and horses of the Terra Cotta Warriors

The preliminary selection of China's manned lunar rover scheme was announced Inspired by the bronze chariots and horses of the Terra Cotta Warriors

A few days ago, the China Manned Space Engineering Office released the preliminary selection results for the development plan of manned lunar rovers, and the development plan "Wangshu Chariot" led by Tsinghua University was selected.The Tsinghua University News Network publicly introduced the design concept and released the concept map...

Baishi Group plans to privatize, but insiders deny that Alibaba or Cainiao will take over the deal

Baishi Group plans to privatize, but insiders deny that Alibaba or Cainiao will take over the deal

According to Cailian News Agency on November 8th, Baishi Group's board of directors has received a preliminary non binding offer from a buyer consortium composed of Alibaba, Cainiao Network, and company founder Zhou Shaoning to acquire all issued common shares. A person familiar with the situation told 21st Century Economic Report that this is a conventional privatization process for Baise and does not affect the normal operation of its business, nor is it a takeover by Alibaba or Cainiao...

China Discovered the World's Largest Oil Field! Has the daily production reached 8200 tons? Where exactly is the place located

China Discovered the World's Largest Oil Field! Has the daily production reached 8200 tons? Where exactly is the place located

As early as 2017, a huge conglomerate oil and gas field called Mahu Oilfield was discovered in the Xinjiang region of China, with reserves reaching tens of billions of tons. This news has not only attracted widespread attention domestically, but also sparked heated discussions internationally...

Why would the discovery of life on Mars be

Why would the discovery of life on Mars be "bad news"?

writing|Laugh at the history of Yunyanedit|Laugh at the history of YunyanaboutMarsHuman beings have been speculating for a long time whether there is life. As early asnineteenth centuryaboutMarsMarsMarsMarsMarsNot suitable for long-term human habitation...