2023 CIIE: Tiansi Group claims to have invested over 3 billion yuan in the Chinese market

2023 CIIE: Tiansi Group claims to have invested over 3 billion yuan in the Chinese market

Xu Xinxiong, CEO of Tiansi Group, stated: New products and technologies, through taking the 'Jinbo Express', accelerate the commercialization and transformation of exhibits into commodities. Global enterprise trade is interconnected, and China's market becomes the world's market, and world exhibitors become Chinese investors...

Li Jiaqi's team, the investment attraction specialist of Meiwei Company, has received over a million yuan in profit fees, and the company has responded

Li Jiaqi's team, the investment attraction specialist of Meiwei Company, has received over a million yuan in profit fees, and the company has responded

On the evening of November 4th, Li Jiaqi's company @ MeiONE issued a statement in response to the statement that "the investment promotion specialist has received over a million yuan in profit fees". The statement reads as follows:Recently, Meijing (Shanghai) Network Technology Co...

The release of license plates on vehicles used by astronauts has sparked controversy. Is it intentional obstruction of license plates or a helpless move?

The release of license plates on vehicles used by astronauts has sparked controversy. Is it intentional obstruction of license plates or a helpless move?

The issuance of license plates for astronauts' vehicles has always been a controversial issue. Some people believe that this blurring is intentional obstruction of the license plate, while others believe that it is for the protection of astronaut safety and privacy...

Can the leader of the

Can the leader of the "Fruit Chain" seek new growth points and leverage Huawei to overcome the downturn?

Source of this article: Time Weekly Author: Yang LinglingA year has passed, and although the leader of the "Fruit Chain", Geer Stock (002241. SZ), has not completely overcome the shadow of Apple's order cutting, there have been signs of performance recovery under positive factors such as the "Huawei Industrial Chain Concept"...

Microsoft CEO Nadella Says AI Needs Global Governance

Microsoft CEO Nadella Says AI Needs Global Governance

According to foreign media on October 26th, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently stated in an interview: I believe the emergence of artificial intelligence is a revolutionary transformation, just like cloud computing has changed all software categories.To some extent, I believe that artificial intelligence also requires a certain level of global governance, which will inevitably bring some competition in the process...

Desert Governance in China: From Dead Land to Oasis! What miracles did the photovoltaic revolution create?

Desert Governance in China: From Dead Land to Oasis! What miracles did the photovoltaic revolution create?

Background Music.mp33:43From Happy Melon zjjChina has always faced enormous challenges in desert governance, with one fifth of the world's land being deserts, and China itself has over 700000 square kilometers of desert land...

Foxconn was found to have an annual revenue of over 500 billion yuan and paid 3.3 billion yuan in taxes. Some land will be reclaimed?

Foxconn was found to have an annual revenue of over 500 billion yuan and paid 3.3 billion yuan in taxes. Some land will be reclaimed?

Recently, a news about Foxconn being investigated has attracted widespread attention. What's wrong with this globally renowned electronics manufacturer? This article will uncover the truth behind this incident for you...

50000 tons of world-class uranium deposits discovered in Inner Mongolia, China: the power of technology or an unknown threat

50000 tons of world-class uranium deposits discovered in Inner Mongolia, China: the power of technology or an unknown threat

In Inner Mongolia, China, a world-class uranium mine with reserves exceeding 50000 tons has been discovered. This number is enough to manufacture 3 million nuclear bombs...

Equivalent to 20 Three Gorges dams, foreign media have discovered that China has quietly done something big in the desert

Equivalent to 20 Three Gorges dams, foreign media have discovered that China has quietly done something big in the desert

The problem of desertification in our country has always been a serious challenge.Every year, the agricultural and pastoral losses caused by this problem,There are tens of billions of yuanThe northern region is also plagued by sandstorms all year round...

Today's Headline Announcement on Self Media Using AIGC to Spread Illegal Content Governance

Today's Headline Announcement on Self Media Using AIGC to Spread Illegal Content Governance

Today's Headlines is always committed to creating a clear and healthy community ecosystem, maximizing the objective, truthful, and accurate information for users. Recently, the platform discovered during inspections that some accounts used AIGC (Generative Artificial Intelligence) to create false or vulgar negative content, which was then posted on the platform for dissemination...

Bubble Mart's third quarter revenue increased by over 35% year-on-year

Bubble Mart's third quarter revenue increased by over 35% year-on-year

On October 24th, Bubble Mart disclosed the latest business situation for the third quarter. The announcement showed that the overall revenue of Bubble Mart in the third quarter of 2023 increased by 35% -40% year-on-year, revenue in mainland China increased by 25% -30% year-on-year, and revenue from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas increased by 120% -125% year-on-year...

I can still hear big words! Alibaba has completed the

I can still hear big words! Alibaba has completed the "aging friendly" transformation of over 9000 drugs

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: Big words can still be heard! On October 23rd, the Double Ninth Festival, Alibaba Health teamed up with Alibaba Public Welfare to leverage digital technology advantages and add new features to the drug boxes of over 9000 Chinese medicine approved drugs. As long as you open the traceability code or "Rest assured on the code" on the scan kit of Taobao or Alipay and click "Drug description", you can not only find the "large" drug description, such as usage and dosage, indications, adverse reactions, contraindications and other information at a glance; You can also experience the voice broadcasting function, allowing drug instructions to be both visible and audible, effectively solving the medication safety issues caused by elderly people's inability to read and understand instructions...