
The "Overlord" of Central Air Conditioning in the United States: Entering China for over a century, the group's annual revenue is 174 billion yuan

Last year, the central air conditioning market in China fell by 2.6% year-on-year, but it still maintains a capacity of over 100 billion yuan...

The domestic animated film

The domestic animated film "Chang'an 30000 Li" grossed over 200 million yuan at the box office

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On July 10th, according to Cat's Eye Professional Edition data, the domestically produced animated film "Chang'an 30000 Miles" was released for two days, with a total box office exceeding 200 million yuan; The total box office on the first day of release exceeded 90 million.According to the data, "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" is produced by the pursuit of light animation, set in the prosperous Tang Dynasty...

Hema Shanghai Supply Chain Center is put into operation and can sort over 2.8 million orders per day

Hema Shanghai Supply Chain Center is put into operation and can sort over 2.8 million orders per day

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On July 10th, it was reported that after three years, Hema Shanghai Supply Chain Operations Center was officially put into operation. It is understood that the center is located in Hangtou Town, Pudong...

Strong demand in the global photovoltaic market, Chinese enterprises actively layout overseas industrial chains

Strong demand in the global photovoltaic market, Chinese enterprises actively layout overseas industrial chains

Guangzhou, July 8th (Reporter Cai Minjie) This year, the global photovoltaic market demand has remained strong. China is the largest market for photovoltaic applications and also the world's largest manufacturing base...

Can't even watch the news broadcast without paying? The People's Daily has released an article revealing the cover up of television manufacturers

Can't even watch the news broadcast without paying? The People's Daily has released an article revealing the cover up of television manufacturers

In the parents' generation, if anyone had a black and white TV set in the village, the entire village would compete to watch. At that time, televisions could definitely be considered high-end luxury goods, and even with money, it was not necessarily possible to buy them...

Shameless! China has discovered metal salt mines, but the United States demands sharing! Absolutely impossible

Shameless! China has discovered metal salt mines, but the United States demands sharing! Absolutely impossible

In today's interconnected global economy, the issue of resource allocation and sharing has become one of the focuses of international attention.As the world's second largest economy and resource rich country, China's influence and strength in resource development and utilization have attracted much attention!However, recently, China has excavated a large amount of metal salts in the Qinghai region, and the United States, after learning about this, wanted metal salts and subsequently accused China,Saying that China wants to become hegemonic...

The overall operation of the mechanical industry is improving

The overall operation of the mechanical industry is improving

Beijing, July 7th (Li Xinping, An Yihan) Since the beginning of this year, the overall operation of the mechanical industry has continued to show a positive trend, with improved efficiency and stable exports. From January to May, the mechanical industry achieved a cumulative operating revenue of 11 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10...

The railway overlord in the United States uses Internal combustion locomotive, but China's high-speed railway uses electricity. How is the difference?

The railway overlord in the United States uses Internal combustion locomotive, but China's high-speed railway uses electricity. How is the difference?

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate discussion and sharing with you, and also to watch the next exciting article in a timely manner. Thank you very much for your attentionElectric powered trains in China,Especially the amazing high-speed railway, known as one of China's "Four new inventions", tells the story of China's speed every time a train leaves the platform...

Chinese aerospace experts are instigated overseas to sell space intelligence and receive a monthly reward of $1000

Chinese aerospace experts are instigated overseas to sell space intelligence and receive a monthly reward of $1000

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on the "Follow" button to facilitate continuous promotion of such articles for you in the future, as well as to facilitate discussion and sharing. Your support is the driving force for us to persist in creating~The Sky of the NorthEdit | Floating LifeFor most people, they envy being able to work at the China Space Administration...

What is the difference between a refrigerator over 2000 and a refrigerator over 10000? I used two and finally figured it out!

What is the difference between a refrigerator over 2000 and a refrigerator over 10000? I used two and finally figured it out!

Refrigerators, as a common household appliance, are already essential household appliances in daily life.Throughout the refrigerator market, there are significant differences in price and quality...

Su Da Discovered the Role of Biomechanical Factors in Erectile Function, Providing a Perspective for the Treatment of Dysfunction

Su Da Discovered the Role of Biomechanical Factors in Erectile Function, Providing a Perspective for the Treatment of Dysfunction

Chang Lei, professor and doctoral supervisor of Suzhou University, is committed to the cross research of Radiobiology and biomechanics. Its research direction focuses on the role of radiation and mechanical microenvironment in tumorigenesis, tissue regeneration and repair, the impact of Micro-g environment and ionizing radiation on embryonic development, and the role of Hippo signaling pathway in tumorigenesis...

Breakthrough Progress in Geothermal Exploration in Sichuan Basin: The First Hot Spring with a Temperature of Over 80  Produced in the Surrounding Area of Sichuan Basin

Breakthrough Progress in Geothermal Exploration in Sichuan Basin: The First Hot Spring with a Temperature of Over 80 Produced in the Surrounding Area of Sichuan Basin

Source: Sichuan Daily - Chuanguan NewsChuanguan News Reporter Wang Ruoye Photography Huang XiaoHot spring waterHot spring water outlet platformHot spring water outlet platform83Zhang Ji, the project chief engineer and professor level senior engineer of the First Geological Brigade of Sichuan Province, introduced that the water source of the geothermal spring well comes from the infiltration and replenishment of atmospheric rainfall in the southwestern limestone outcrop area. It flows through karst crevices or pipelines along the catchment structure for long-distance runoff and deep circulation, continuously exchanging and convecting with the surrounding rock through physical and chemical interactions, thereby forming hot mineral water...