China's richest woman replacement: She made her debut on the list, while Yang Huiyan's wealth significantly decreased and she ranked fifth

China's richest woman replacement: She made her debut on the list, while Yang Huiyan's wealth significantly decreased and she ranked fifth

According to the Hurun Rich website, the Hurun Research Institute released the "2023 Beauty Club Hurun Women Entrepreneurs List" on November 14th, listing the top 50 women entrepreneurs on this year's Hurun Rich List. Among them, Kuang Xiaoqing, the wife of Sun Hung Kai founder Guo Desheng, saw her wealth rise by 2...

Huawei fell out of the top five, Apple only ranked third, and China's mobile phone market share was the biggest dark horse

Huawei fell out of the top five, Apple only ranked third, and China's mobile phone market share was the biggest dark horse

The sales data of China's mobile phone market in the third quarter came out unexpectedly, so why did Huawei's sales still not catch up with Apple? The first place is neither Apple nor Huawei, who is the dark horse?September is actually the most important month in China's mobile phone market in 2023, as not only did Huawei release the far leading Mate60, but Apple also announced its own new iPhone 15 series phone this month.Huawei has achieved its perfect crush on Apple with its satellite communication, air separation sliding screen, self-developed chips, and numerous domestic supplies...

The Notebook Market Trends Are Clear, Huawei's Smart PC Ranked First in the Light and Thin Book Market in the Third Quarter

The Notebook Market Trends Are Clear, Huawei's Smart PC Ranked First in the Light and Thin Book Market in the Third Quarter

With the continuous development of technology, intelligence has become a new trend in the development of electronic products. In the upcoming Double Eleven Shopping Carnival, many consumers also want to take the opportunity to update their "electronic equipment"...

Overnight, the affected model - Huawei Mate60Pro ranked first in sales

Overnight, the affected model - Huawei Mate60Pro ranked first in sales

Title: Huawei Mate60Pro: The Return to the Peak of Domestic Dominance Introduction: In September 2023, Huawei returned to the Chinese market and the Mate60Pro ascended to the top spot in domestic mobile phone sales. This magnificent return is shocking, especially considering that just a month ago, it fell to fifth place in the ranking...

Report on the World's Most Attractive Employers: Tesla Becoming Popular, Huawei Lenovo Ranked on the List

Report on the World's Most Attractive Employers: Tesla Becoming Popular, Huawei Lenovo Ranked on the List

On October 12th, employer brand research firm Universum recently released the 2023 World's Most Attractive Employers Report. The report was conducted by Universum, which surveyed 172890 business, engineering, and IT students from nine major economies worldwide (Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States), and was completed from autumn 2022 to spring 2023...

Q2 2023 Indian smartphone market: vivo ranked first, while Xiaomi fell to third!

Q2 2023 Indian smartphone market: vivo ranked first, while Xiaomi fell to third!

On July 23rd, according to the latest research report released by market research firm Canalys, the shipment volume of smartphones in the Indian smartphone market reached 36.1 million units in the second quarter of 2023, a year-on-year decrease of only 1% and a month on month increase of 18%...

Latest App User Count Exceeds 100 Million Time consuming Ranking: WeChat Has Not Even Ranked in the Top Three

Latest App User Count Exceeds 100 Million Time consuming Ranking: WeChat Has Not Even Ranked in the Top Three

Recently, Mobile China noticed that relevant institutions have created a ranking list based on the time when the number of users of major apps has exceeded 100 million. It is worth noting that before 2022, the first APP on this list should be TikTok, the overseas version of Tiktok...