Overnight, the affected model - Huawei Mate60Pro ranked first in sales

Title: Huawei Mate60Pro: The Return to the Peak of Domestic Dominance Introduction: In September 2023, Huawei returned to the Chinese market and the Mate60Pro ascended to the top spot in domestic mobile phone sales. This magnificent return is shocking, especially considering that just a month ago, it fell to fifth place in the ranking

Title: Huawei Mate60Pro: The Return to the Peak of Domestic Dominance Introduction: In September 2023, Huawei returned to the Chinese market and the Mate60Pro ascended to the top spot in domestic mobile phone sales. This magnificent return is shocking, especially considering that just a month ago, it fell to fifth place in the ranking. This article will delve into the recovery of Huawei Mate60Pro, revealing the reasons behind its success and the potential impact on the entire mobile phone market.

This is not just a competition for overall sales of competitors, in fact, it is a comparison of Huawei's Mate60 series. Huawei has once again topped the sales chart, and this achievement cannot be underestimated. However, it is worth noting that although competitors seem to be fully competing with Huawei, in reality they are only competing with Huawei's Mate60 series. However, this does not diminish Huawei's magnificent achievements.

Under the technology blockade in the United States, many companies feel helpless. The success of Huawei Mate60 has become a typical case, as it successfully broke through the blockade and stood at the peak of the market. Huawei is not only satisfied with the research and development of Kirin chips, but also actively developing its own CMOS image sensors, further enhancing its independent research and development capabilities.

In addition, Xiaomi, OPPO, and vivo have also recognized the importance of core technologies. Under immense pressure, OPPO may even restart its "chip design" business, and Honor is also actively developing its own chips. The competition in this field is gradually intensifying, and in the future, more domestic chips may emerge.

In contrast, since its launch, the Huawei Mate60 series has been sold out almost every day on the official online store. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Huawei spared no pains to work overtime. This explosive sales performance is eye-catching, while Huawei's rise is far from reaching its peak. Huawei still needs time to expand its product line, especially the production capacity of the Mate60 series, which will take about 2 months to stabilize. According to production capacity progress, it is expected that the true sales growth period of Huawei Mate60 series will continue, and there may be more explosive growth next year. Huawei plans to increase its Mate60Pro shipments by 20% in the second half of the year, reaching 5.5-6 million units. In 2024, they also plan to ship 60-70 million smartphones.

Once Huawei's manufacturing capacity stabilizes, Apple will face greater market pressure, and lowering prices may become a response. Apple's profits far exceed those of smartphone manufacturers such as Xiaomi OV, so they have enough capital to cope with the decrease in profits.

Earlier this year, Apple had already attempted to lower prices. During the Spring Festival, the iPhone 14 series saw its first price reduction, with some platforms even reducing prices by over a thousand yuan. In the future, the situation may become more severe, so it is not ruled out that Apple will respond to competition by lowering prices. However, the impact of price cuts may first harm brands such as Xiaomi OV, as if these two giants engage in a price war, the fourth, fifth, and sixth ranked mobile phone manufacturers will bear the brunt.

Conclusion: The return of Huawei Mate60Pro to its peak marks the rise of domestic mobile phones, especially a breakthrough in self-developed chips. Its success not only poses a threat to competitors, but also puts pressure on international brands such as Apple. In the future, the mobile phone market will become more intense, and consumers will benefit from more innovation and competition.

In the end, Huawei's success tells us that China's mobile phone manufacturing industry has strong potential, and as long as there is an opportunity, they can emerge. For consumers, this will mean more choices and better product quality. In this fiercely competitive market, only by continuously innovating and improving technological level can we stand out in the fierce competition.

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