The secret behind online live streaming rewards: Why do some people waste their money to reward internet celebrities

The secret behind online live streaming rewards: Why do some people waste their money to reward internet celebrities

In recent years, with the rise of short videos, live streaming platforms have enormous advantages and have impacted various traditional entertainment industries. The main way for most internet celebrities to profit has shifted from combining with e-commerce in the past to directly obtaining profits from fans, commonly known as rewards...

Favorite female anchor earns over 60000 yuan a year as a reward

Favorite female anchor earns over 60000 yuan a year as a reward

The "fancy" way for broadcasters to request and reward is the most common one, which is to directly request gifts from elderly fans in the live broadcast room, or to induce elderly fans to reward through live PKSome live broadcasts targeting the elderly have met their emotional needs, thus gaining their attention, interaction, and even rewards, reflecting the urgent reality of the elderly's need for spiritual support Live streaming platforms should shoulder social responsibilities comparable to their profits, and it is recommended to establish corresponding refund mechanisms for elderly people with weak judgment and cognitive declineReporter Zhao Li from our newspaperIntern Wan Peng from this newspaperSinging is about lip syncing, and dancing is just a slight twist. The entire live broadcast lacks any aesthetic appeal, but my father just likes it, "said Gao Feng (pseudonym), a resident of Chengdu, Sichuan, describing the scene of a female anchor her father" loves "in the live broadcast room...

Wu Xiaobo offered a reward of 1 million yuan to

Wu Xiaobo offered a reward of 1 million yuan to "Twitter counterfeiters", claiming that the top 100 media people with professional ability pretended to be themselves, and the other party changed its name to "Cai Xukun" and responded

Recently, Wu Xiaobo tore up a "high imitation Twitter account" in his social media circle, claiming that a financial media person with "top 100 professional abilities" had opened a Twitter account to impersonate him, and also said many "anti thief" words. He has reported the situation to relevant departments and offered a reward of one million to arrest this "Li Gui"...

Chinese aerospace experts are instigated overseas to sell space intelligence and receive a monthly reward of $1000

Chinese aerospace experts are instigated overseas to sell space intelligence and receive a monthly reward of $1000

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Tiktok released new rules, and public welfare accounts are not allowed to conduct live rewards and e-commerce sales

Tiktok released new rules, and public welfare accounts are not allowed to conduct live rewards and e-commerce sales

[Global Network Science and Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 12, it was reported that recently, in response to some Tiktok accounts' attempts to create false scenes and implement false public welfare on the grounds of "helping farmers", Tiktok officially released the latest norms on the governance of Tiktok public welfare content. The new regulations require that account entities initiating charitable fundraising on the platform must hold relevant qualifications and be authenticated in accordance with regulations...