Foreign media: Musk talked about AI, stating that China is interested in participating in the formulation of international rules and also stating that it is

Foreign media: Musk talked about AI, stating that China is interested in participating in the formulation of international rules and also stating that it is "a bit pro China"

Source: Global NetworkAccording to the Washington Times, Bloomberg and other foreign media reports, American entrepreneur Elon Musk talked about AI, China and other topics when he participated in the "Twitter Spaces" activity on the 12th local time. He stated that China is willing and ready to cooperate with the international community to formulate AI rules...

WeChat hidden rules

WeChat hidden rules ": several annoying chat methods, I hope you don't have any of them

In the adult world, interpersonal relationships are actually very subtle.Some people chat enthusiastically online, but when they meet offline, they stutter and feel awkward, as if the air is still...

Tiktok released new rules, and public welfare accounts are not allowed to conduct live rewards and e-commerce sales

Tiktok released new rules, and public welfare accounts are not allowed to conduct live rewards and e-commerce sales

[Global Network Science and Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 12, it was reported that recently, in response to some Tiktok accounts' attempts to create false scenes and implement false public welfare on the grounds of "helping farmers", Tiktok officially released the latest norms on the governance of Tiktok public welfare content. The new regulations require that account entities initiating charitable fundraising on the platform must hold relevant qualifications and be authenticated in accordance with regulations...