The 2023CCF China Open Source Conference opens in Changsha, marking the official release of XPlaza, the first open source platform in China based on the Quanxinchuang platform

The 2023CCF China Open Source Conference opens in Changsha, marking the official release of XPlaza, the first open source platform in China based on the Quanxinchuang platform

Wang Huaimin (middle), an academician of the CAS Member and director of the CCF Open Source Development Committee, and others attended the sub forum.The theme of this sub forum is "Independent Innovation Supports Global R&D Centers, Open Source Ecology Helps Advanced Computing Development"...

The Nanjing University team successfully created asphalt like materials to overcome the problem of unsustainable asphalt sources

The Nanjing University team successfully created asphalt like materials to overcome the problem of unsustainable asphalt sources

Asphalt is widely used in fields such as road repair, waterproof coatings, and waterproof rolls. According to statistics, the global demand for asphalt exceeds 100 million tons per year...

The construction of Dongting Laboratory, a provincial key laboratory, in Yueyang will focus on food resource protection and processing utilization, basic theory and cutting-edge technology research, and key core technology research

The construction of Dongting Laboratory, a provincial key laboratory, in Yueyang will focus on food resource protection and processing utilization, basic theory and cutting-edge technology research, and key core technology research

Hunan Daily, October 15th (Reporter Yan Shidun, Correspondent Shen Si) Today, as an important component of the Yuelushan Industrial Innovation Center, the opening ceremony of the Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory Dongting Laboratory was held at Yueyang University. It is currently the only laboratory jointly built by a province or city and settled in a city or state...

Only open source for 24 hours! The download volume of GitHub has exceeded one million! Alibaba Internal Full Color Concurrent Programming Manual

Only open source for 24 hours! The download volume of GitHub has exceeded one million! Alibaba Internal Full Color Concurrent Programming Manual

Following the principles of simplifying complex problems, concretizing abstract problems...

Scholar Puyu 20B Model Launched in Alibaba Cloud's MoDa Open Source, Scholar and MoDa Establish Ecological Cooperation

Scholar Puyu 20B Model Launched in Alibaba Cloud's MoDa Open Source, Scholar and MoDa Establish Ecological Cooperation

On September 20th, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and other institutions released the 20 billion parameter version of the InternLM 20B, which is open source and commercially available on the ModelScope of Alibaba Cloud. The Shusheng Puyu Big Model System and the Magic Building Community have established a significant ecological cooperation to jointly promote the ecological construction of China's Big Model...

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Source: Pengpai NewsRecently, a piece of news has been widely circulated on major video platforms, stating that the Tsinghua University EUV project has made ASML lithography machines huge and achieved the localization of lithography machines. It also stated that this project has been implemented in Xiong'an New Area...

The first virtual power plant in western China has been put into operation, optimizing energy structure through

The first virtual power plant in western China has been put into operation, optimizing energy structure through "source network load storage"

Wang Yuya, Chen Ke, intern reporter for Science and Technology Daily, Li ZhaoyuOn September 15th, the reporter learned from Chengdu High tech Zone in Sichuan Province that the virtual power plant in Chengdu High tech West Zone has officially been put into operation, which is also the first virtual power plant in western China to be put into operation.Through the digital tool of virtual power plant platform, big data analysis and artificial intelligence models can be used to assist decision-making and innovate energy management models...

StoneDB Source Code Interpretation Series | Tianmu Engine Tool Class Module Source Code Explanation (1)

StoneDB Source Code Interpretation Series | Tianmu Engine Tool Class Module Source Code Explanation (1)

The StoneDB source code interpretation series of articles has officially started, and we are expected to meet you in the form of Zhou Geng. Please provide more support~The source code interpretation content of this article has been shared live...

In the first half of the year, China's cumulative installed capacity of photovoltaic exceeded 470 million kilowatts, becoming the second largest power source

In the first half of the year, China's cumulative installed capacity of photovoltaic exceeded 470 million kilowatts, becoming the second largest power source

Xining, China News Agency, July 22 (Li Jun) - "China has newly increased the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation, and has added total installed capacity, ranking first in the world for ten consecutive years and eight consecutive years. The cumulative installed capacity in the first half of this year exceeded 470 million kilowatts, making it the second largest power source in China's installed capacity...

AI Open Source Project Collection

AI Open Source Project Collection

The development of AI cannot be separated from the contribution of the open source community. It is precisely because of the dedicated efforts of outstanding engineers worldwide that AI is now in full swing...

The 7th Geological Brigade of Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources was invited to participate in the 2023 Geological Philosophy Academic Annual Conference

The 7th Geological Brigade of Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources was invited to participate in the 2023 Geological Philosophy Academic Annual Conference

Lu Wang News on July 7thRecently, the 2023 Academic Annual Meeting of the Geological Philosophy Committee was successfully held in Beijing. The 7th Geological Brigade of Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources was invited to participate...

Complete List of Open Source Large Language Models

Complete List of Open Source Large Language Models

Large Language Model (LLM) "" AI (prompt)LLM LLM LLMChatGLM-6B ChatGLM-6B General Language Model (GLM) 62 INT4 6GB ChatGLM-6B ChatGLM 1T 62 ChatGLM-6B VisualGLM-6B VisualGLM-6B ChatGLM-6B 62 BLIP2-Qformer 78MOSS MOSS moss-moon 160 FP16 A100/A800 3090 INT4/8 3090 MOSS DB-GPT DB-GPT GPT GPT 100% 100% DB-GPT CPM-Bee CPM-Bee Transformer auto-regressiveCPM-Bee OpenBMB CPM-Bee CPM-Bee CPM-Bee OpenBMB OpenBMB CPM-Bee OpenBMB CPM-Bee CPM-Bee LaWGPT LaWGPT Chinese-LLaMAChatGLM (Linly) 32*A100 GPU baseline33B Linly-Chinese-LLAMA LLaMA CUDA CPU Huggingface Linly-Chinese-LLaMA LLaMA 7B13B 33B 65B Linly-ChatFlow 400 7B13B Linly-ChatFlow-int4 ChatFlow 4-bit CPU Linly-Chinese-BLOOM BLOOM 7B 175B Chinese-Vicuna LLaMA Chinese-Vicuna LLaMA+Lora finetune CPU ( C++) / / Facebook llama.ckpt Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca LLaMA & Alpaca Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca LLaMA Alpaca LLaMA Alpaca ChatYuan ChatYuan ChatYuan-large-v2 v1 ChatYuan-large-v2 ChatYuan PC INT4 400M GPT HuatuoGPT GPT ChatGPT HuatuoGPT ChatGPT LLaMA (BenTsao) (HuaTuo) LLaMA / (Instruct-tuning) LLaMA-7B GPT3...