In 2004, a 14-year-old boy from Hunan grabbed the landing gear and flew from Kunming to Chongqing. What happened afterwards

For many people, they cannot calm down when flying, even if they fasten their seat belts and sit securely in the cabin, they have to constantly worry about their own safety,After all, it is at an altitude of ten thousand meters, and no one can predict whether danger will occur.This feeling, I believe, will be extremely profound for 14 year old Hunan boy Liang Panlong

For many people, they cannot calm down when flying, even if they fasten their seat belts and sit securely in the cabin, they have to constantly worry about their own safety,After all, it is at an altitude of ten thousand meters, and no one can predict whether danger will occur.

This feeling, I believe, will be extremely profound for 14 year old Hunan boy Liang Panlong.Because he once grabbed the landing gear of an airplane and flew from Kunming to Chongqing,I have truly experienced the altitude of an airplane and the temperature at a high altitude of thousands of miles, while also experiencingThe body and soul both left the ground, trembling with fear as they floated outside the clouds.

Liang Panlong once said that everything he experiences on a plane will become his lifelong nightmare.

I don't want to experience that thrilling feeling again in my life.

So,Why on earth was it that a 14-year-old boy grabbed the landing gear of a plane and flew from Kunming to Chongqing? What's wrong with him now?

A thrilling scene staged at a height of 10000 meters

On November 11, 2004,A plane flying from Kunming to Chongqing arrived at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport on time within the agreed time.

After the plane lands steadily, ground personnel on the ground conduct routine inspections of the plane. However, unlike previous successes,The staff found a thin piece of clothing on the landing gear of the planeFrom the perspective of size, it should not be adult clothing.

The staff immediately sounded the alarm in their hearts, there won't be anyone inside the landing gear, will there?

He himself knew that this idea was too absurd.If there is really someone inside the landing gear, then during the flight, as the takeoff speed increases and the angle inside the cabin tilts, there is a high probability that the person will be thrown down from high altitude.In this way, the probability of survival is very low.

If a person is not thrown down, but instead tightens the landing gear to maintain body balance, and after the plane flies smoothly, the landing gear will be retracted, leaving the person trapped in an anaerobic space inside the landing cabin.

During the high-altitude flight of an aircraft, the temperature inside the takeoff and landing cabin will sharply drop, reaching -30 to 50 degrees Celsius, far exceeding the limit that the human body can withstand, leading to a series of reactions such as temperature loss and hypoxia.

Although the staff believed that this situation was absolutely impossible, they climbed into the landing gear for inspection.

To his great surprise, there was indeed a little boy lying in the landing gear without a shirt on. At this point,The little boy's whole body was trembling uncontrollably, his hands wrapped around his body, and his lips showed a startling dark blue colorThe whole person's state is very frightening.

Unable to understand what was going on, the staff immediately called their colleagues to help them lift the little boy off the plane and take him to the nearest hospital at the airport for treatment.

After the incident occurred, the staff on that day reported the situation in detail to the leaders, causing a huge sensation and high attention, and even some media rushed to interview when they heard about it.

If this little boy really got into the landing gear before the plane took off, and then grabbed the landing gear and hung it in the air thousands of miles after takeoff, gritting his teeth and persevering for over an hour of flight time, then his experience would be truly unprecedented and unprecedented.

As for what the situation is like, everyone is hanging their hearts, hoping to give us an answer when the boy's body recovers slightly.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor did not find any identification documents on the boy, so with the help of the police, they contacted the boy's parents.

The mother who rushed over from Hunan, holding the little boy, was crying loudly.This child's name is Liang Panlong, and it has been more than half a month since he lost contact with his family. My parents are on tenterhooks every day, afraid of something happening.

The doctor described the current situation to Liang Panlong's mother, andAnd it can be inferred that based on the current physical injury of the child, it conforms to the characteristics of being in a low-temperature and hypoxic environment, and it is not ruled out that there may be sequelae left.

The airport manager took the opportunity to describe to her the situation when Liang Panlong was discovered.

Mother is confused, which means,Did your child pick up a plane and travel from Kunming to Chongqing?How mischievous a child must be to do this!

She also urgently wants to know now, what has Liang Panlong gone through? Why is he on the plane?

What kind of secret is the boy who dares to pick up the plane

14-year-old Liang Panlong has always been a worry free child for his parents since childhood. He is lively and active, often going up and down the mountain and doesn't like to stay in the same place.

After entering junior high school, I became even more tired of the conventional environment in school, often contradicting teachers and classmates, and my academic performance plummeted.

His parents are both ordinary employees and deeply understand the importance of learning,But for Liang Panlong, who entered the rebellious period, there were no good educational methods.

The relationship between parents and Liang Panlong is more like a cat and a mouse. Liang Panlong is that little mouse, often hiding in major internet cafes, galloping in the game world until his parents find him, and a stick shatters his gaming dream.

Over time, Liang Panlong's rebellious mentality became even more severe,He wants to escape from his parents and go outside to take a look. I often mix with the crowd to enter the train station, get on a car and hide, wait until I get off at the location, and then come to a strange city.

At the age of fourteen or fifteen, young people have the most vigorous minds. Strange people and things are much more interesting than knowledge from books.

Once, Liang Panlong was caught by his mother in an internet cafe. As soon as his mother entered through the front door, someone tipped him off and he quickly slipped through the back door with oil on his feet. He knew that if he went back this time, it would definitely be the same as before, without a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

So he wobbled and arrivedHuaihua Railway Station, with rich experience, evaded security personnel and cleverly mixed into the crowd to board the train.

However, he didn't know that this car was bound for Kunming.And in Kunming, he will have another life and death experience that will shock the whole country.

The fate of life is indeed unpredictable.

After leaving the station, Liang Panlong was extremely hungry. But I really don't have a penny on me. He stared at the window selling steamed buns at the station gate, swallowed his saliva, and walked away.

But the place of life is unfamiliar, and he doesn't know where to go for a moment. I had to constantly hover around the train station.

At night, living in front of the railway station square, I felt cold and curled up.

A minor child, without the companionship of an adult, wandered around the train station, looking suspicious at all costs.

Liang Panlong quickly caught the attention of the armed police on the square. They stopped Liang Panlong, carefully asked his name and address, as well as the situation of his parents, and also asked if he had lost his parents.Regarding this, Liang Panlong gritted his teeth and remained silent to the end, fearing that once he told the truth, he would be sent back.

Upon seeing this, the armed police no longer asked, but took Liang Panlong for a meal. After he was full,The contact person sent Liang Panlong to the Kunming rescue station.

Although one can eat enough at the rescue station,But Liang Panlong still yearns for freedom outsideSo he pondered how to escape the supervision of the rescue station staff and escape.And soon he met a like-minded friend named Shu Qing.

They are of similar age and have similar experiences. They all run out and wander on their own after conflicts with their parents. They all think it's cool and very free outside.

With the concerted planning of the two, they finally managed to escape.

After going out, Liang Panlong and Shu Qing felt that the sky outside was bluer than the one inside the rescue station, and there were free landscapes everywhere.

So they kept walking forward, passing by the grassland outside Kunming International Airport, and both were attracted by the huge roar of the plane. Neither of them has ever entered the airport, and for them, the airport is undoubtedly a land full of temptations.

So they quietly walked around to the grass behind the airport and sneaked in through an unmanned small door,At that time, it was already dark, and the two of them were exhausted after running all day. They found a corner to lie down and fell asleep, taking the sky as their bedding and the ground as their mat.

The morning dew soaked the clothes of the two little boys,After being awakened, they suddenly found a huge plane parked not far away.

Liang Panlong and Shu Qing were both shocked by the size of the plane. They had only seen the plane on TV before, and could never have imagined that the real plane was so big.

The two children had a great deal of fun and wanted to go inside the plane to see what kind of structure it was.After observing for a while without anyone, I was ready to take action.

They secretly touched the side of the plane, but the cabin door was too high to climb upIt was a rush of wits that made Shu Qing climb from the landing gear into the landing cabin and climb into the plane to play. Upon seeing this, Liang Panlong quickly followed in.

For them, everything in the plane is novel and fun. They feel this and move that inside, completely immersed in excitement.Little did they know that by this time, the plane was ready to take off.

As their bodies shook, the two children felt something was wrong and climbed down the landing gear, only to find that the plane was already some height off the runway. They dared not jump down! Quickly retract into the landing gear.

The plane swayed and flew higher and faster, almost throwing Liang Panlong and Shu Qing out,Liang Panlongyan quickly grabbed the landing gear and stabilized his body.When he regains his senses and wants to see Shu Qing,But I felt something coming down from him,The speed was fast, the wind was loud, and he realized that,My little friend fell off the plane!

Before he could react, he was swayed left and right by the huge airflow,He didn't know where his strength came from, so he grabbed the landing gear tightly,I dare not open my eyes for a moment. I don't know how long it took, but the plane stopped shaking and began to fly smoothly.

Liang Panlong opened his eyes slightly, and the scene before him was something he would never forget in his lifetime. The clouds were right under his feet, and the entire person floated in the air with the plane. His feet felt a strong sense of weightlessness.

Suddenly,The landing gear slowly retracted and he was trapped inside the cabin. At an altitude of 10000 meters, the temperature inside the cabin sharply decreased, reaching minus 30 to 50 degrees Celsius. You should know that the coldest place in winter in China is -30 to 50 degrees below zero.

Such an environment has long exceeded the limits that the human body can withstand.

What's worse, Liang Panlong felt that he could not breathe because he didn't know whether it was because of panic or nervousness. He could only breathe with all his strength. Later on, he realized that at an altitude of ten thousand meters, oxygen was very thin.

Without warmth and oxygen deficiency, anyone could have killed him.

So, in the end, he was able to survive,To everyone, it is an incredible miracle.

At the moment when the plane arrived at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport and landed steadily, Liang Panlong's mind was completely blank.

But according to him, he didn't feel cold at the time, but instead felt hot. Later, the doctor explained that,This is precisely the result of hypothermia, and Liang Panlong's nervous system has developed symptoms of "low-temperature paralysis", which is on the very dangerous edge.

Before Liang Panlong lost consciousness, he used his last bit of strength to take off his jacket and climb into the landing gear.

Until it was discovered by ground personnel at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport.

Liang Panlong, who survived the disaster, did not realize that the danger was not over. Although he left the plane that cast a shadow on him, his life had undergone tremendous changes as a result.

So what happened to the pickpocket boy who caused a nationwide sensation back then? What happened to him again?

What happened to the pickpocket boy who caused a sensation

Liang Panlong, who was sent to the hospital, was not in an optimistic physical condition and was on a thrilling journey at a height of ten thousand miles,It caused varying degrees of damage to his ears, eyes, and left serious sequelae.

So much so that after returning to school, although Liang Panlong's temperament changed greatly and he vowed to study hard, his physical discomfort often invaded.

Liang Panlong's mother couldn't bear to see her son suffer, so she took him to see a doctor and spent a lot of time, energy, and money. The family's savings couldn't support him anymore.

The extensive coverage by journalists has added a lot of exposure to Liang Panlong,After caring individuals understand the situation, help them contact the foundation for supportBut the parents of the Liang family, who were financially strapped, couldn't even afford to pay a few thousand yuan for the examination.

Helplessly, the parents of the Liang family decided to sue Kunming International Airport for compensation. They insist that the airport personnel had some negligence in allowing the two children to sneak onto the plane. If they could detect and stop it in a timely manner, perhaps the situation would not have developed like this.

Two years later, the dust settled in this lawsuit,Liang Panlong received a compensation of 50000 yuan. After treatment, his physical condition was relieved and gradually returned to normal.

When we saw Liang Panlong again, he still wore glasses and his thin body often hid in the crowd, exuding a sense of alienation from the surrounding environment.

Liang Panlong's mother talked endlessly about the changes in her son.

Since that incident, most of Liang Panlong's energy has returned to school. After a hellish experience in the third year of high school,He successfully admitted to his ideal school.

Regarding Liang Panlong's childhood, in addition to mischievous behavior, his mother also provided another piece of information.

When Liang Panlong was a child, he loved to draw very much. In his room, his paintings were pasted everywhere, with various colors.

Liang Panlong's mother often shared her cherished paintings with others. After her son entered the art academy to study, she believed that even if he did not become a painter, Liang Panlong could still become a person who freely expressed his inner feelings.

At the age of 14, that shocking experience across the country seemed to have become a milestone in Liang Panlong's growth path, transforming his temperament.But he is also unwilling to take the initiative to mention this matter.

Because of this incident, besides being a thrilling escape,He also took away a friend who had once appeared in his life.

When he had no concept of death, he witnessed the extinction of a life with his own eyes. The world of freedom that he once longed for was actually full of danger.But the cost of the safety education provided to him by society is really too high!

The author believes that Liang Panlong is a person with an adventurous spirit,But as a teenager, he doesn't understand the dangers lurking in the dark,The world is like a huge Kaleidoscope to the 14-year-old.

In fact, during our childhood, we were all so innocent and lively, eager to meet new people and go to new places.In the absence of discipline, it is highly possible to place oneself in great danger without realizing it.

So for parents, when facing rebellious children, don't just beat and scold them, as it can exacerbate their rebellious mentality and potentially lead to tragedy. The experience of Liang Panlong's near death is the best example.

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